
Wildlife sightings - 26/10/16

Wildlife sightings - 26/10/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Black-tailed godwit 4 Eurasian teal 35 Lapwing 14 Grey heron 1 Saline Lagoon Eurasian teal Hawthorn Wood Chaffinch 4 Goldfinch 6 Blue tit 3 Dunnock 2 Great tit 1 Greenfinch 3 Other birds Cormorant - 1 - River Wear Black-hea

26 October 2016

Great Repeal Bill part 2: a new #naturealert?

Great Repeal Bill part 2: a new #naturealert?

New doubt has been cast on the Prime Minister’s assurance that a Great Repeal Bill will transfer the body of EU law into UK law, creating new uncertainty for environmental protection. The Government can still achieve its laudable ambition to be the fir

25 October 2016

Sightings Tuedsday 25th October

Sightings Tuedsday 25th October

Now the early morning mist has lifted the swans can be seen in front of the main observatory. Sightings so far today: Whooper swan (2000 +) Wigeon Teal Great white egret Little egret Grey heron Kingfisher Snipe Ruff Black-tailed godwit Peregrine Marsh har

25 October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 25th October 2016

23 Fieldfare - flew NW 1555hrs 1 Pintail - wader scrape 1 Kingfisher - wader scrape 5 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh 36 Redwing - flew over mostly heading W 1 Coal Tit - South route feeders 2 Peregrine - over the river and Perched on hospital ledge 3 Stonec

25 October 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swans-2,000+ Bewick's swans Tree sparrow-4 Sparrowhawk Kestrel Marsh harrier-3 Buzzard-5 Cranes-5 flying south and on back of Lady Fen Grey heron Barn owl Egyptian geese Great egret-Friends hide Gadwall Curlew Dunlin Kingfisher Snipe Meadow pipit

24 October 2016

30050 Pink-footed Geese

30050 Pink-footed Geese

Yesterday's roost count of 30050 Pink-footed Geese was the highest of the Autumn so far. The count was part of the coordinated occuring in Lancashire (and elsewhere). The complete figures for Lancashire haven't been complied just yet but the final count w

24 October 2016

Wildlife sightings - 24/10/16

Wildlife sightings - 24/10/16

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Avocet 1 Curlew 1 Common snipe 2 Eurasian teal 47 Redshank 32 Black-headed gull 41 Kestrel 1 Wigeon 2 Saline Lagoon Curlew 1 Eurasian teal 4 Stock dove 2 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker 1 Bullfinch 4 Chaffinch 10 Rob

24 October 2016

More White-fronts

More White-fronts

Most of the White-fronted Geese have taken to feeding with the Wigeon on the Bottom New Piece, giving good views from the Kingfisher Hide.  Duck numbers are slowly creeping up on the Rushy now our feeding as started.   Kingfisher Hide We've got a la

24 October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 24th October 2016

27 Redwing - flew SW+N; some feeding around sheltered lagoon 3 Siskin - flew SW 1 Peregrine 14 Meadow Pipit - flew W+SW; some on the marsh 1 Redpoll - sheltered lagoon 5 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon 1 Tufted Duck x Pochard hybrid - sheltere

24 October 2016

Shelduck number increasing at Ramsar hide

Shelduck number increasing at Ramsar hide

Shelduck feeding - WWT stock photo           Sunday 23 Oct Sighted at Ramsar Hide by Guide-in-the-hide Peter. 2 Cormorant, 5 shelducks, 4 teal, 5 shoveler, 1 grey heron, 4 gadwall. Saturday 2

23 October 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swans-2,000+ Bewick's swans-9 Cranes-5 at Friends hide Golden plover Starlings Ruff-100 Black-tailed godwit Pintail-male Bearded tits-4 at Lyle hide Peregrine-2 Marsh harriers Curlew Kestrel Tree sparrows-4 on feeders Wigeon Teal Snipe Pochard Wat

23 October 2016

Wildlife sightings - 23/10/2016

Wildlife sightings - 23/10/2016

a.m. Tide level: high Wader Lake Curlew 1 Grey heron 2 Redshank 67 Lapwing 23 Black headed gull 24 Herring gull 1 Black tailed godwit 9 Eurasian teal 46 Kestrel (female) 1 Saline Lagoon Curlew 1 Eurasian Teal 7 Jay 1 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker

23 October 2016

A sunny Sunday

A sunny Sunday

Its a lovely sunny morning here today and the big news so far is of a Hoopoe, seen flying south past the Kingfisher Hide just after 11am.  The bird didn't appear to land and continued heading south over the tree line and then lost to view. Duck and geese

23 October 2016

Wildlife sightings - 22/10/2016

Wildlife sightings - 22/10/2016

a.m. Tide level: high Wader Lake Curlew 8 Eurasian teal 40 Black tailed godwit 14 Gadwall 1 Lapwing 6 Grey heron 2 Redshank 45 Saline Lagoon Eurasian teal 4 Hawthorn Wood Greenfinch 1 Chaffinch 2 Blue tit 4 Robin 1 Great tit 3 Dunnock 1 Other birds Siskin

23 October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2016

Wildlife sightings for 23rd October 2016

1 Short-eared Owl - flew very high W 1 Common Tern juv - main lake p.m. 28 Siskin - 22 flew W+SW; 6 in wildside 3 Peregrine 5 Skylark - flew SW+NW 40 Meadow Pipit - mostly flew W; some on the marsh 3 Stonechat - marsh (north bund) 8 Song Thrush - fle

23 October 2016