
Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Pink-footed Geese from October 2014 Starting off with a picture from 2014 just in case you are thinking there has been a mass arrival overnight! There was a report of a few birds out on the Ribble a week ago but they

7 September 2016

Wildlife sightings - 07/09/2016

Wildlife sightings - 07/09/2016

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Eurasian teal 20 Common snipe 1 Redshank 2 Grey heron 3 Gadwall 2 Lapwing 10 Saline Lagoon Redshank 1 Hawthorn Wood Goldfinch 6 Greenfinch 3 Dunnock 2 Robin 1 Chaffinch 5 Great tit 4 Coal tit 2 Blackbird 1 Other birds Tuft

7 September 2016

Otter-ly lovely

Otter-ly lovely

Does the title say it all?  An Otter was seen this morning from the Kingfisher Hide.  At first the only suggestion as to the animal's presence was when a pair of Coot and a Little Grebe flushed from the main ditch.  Then a clatter of reeds before brief

7 September 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th September

Reserve Update Wednesday 7th September

The Black-tailed Godwits have now moved on from the Folly Pond.  However, there are good numbers of Lapwing in compensation, along with a Greenshank, Teal, Snipe and Shoveler. Down at Avenue Tower, the Willow Warbler are still around and are joined by Go

7 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 7th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 7th September 2016

5 Whinchat - Grazing Marsh 2 House Sparrow - world wetlands (now a very scarce visitor to the site) 2 Hobby 2 Common Sandpiper - Wader Scrape 1 Wigeon - Main Lake 1 Kingfisher - Wader Scrape 107 Shoveler - Main Lake, Reservoir Lagoon 76 Teal - Main Lake

7 September 2016

Spectacular Sights Expected at High Tide Watch

Spectacular Sights Expected at High Tide Watch

Summer’s not over yet! Before the nights draw in, make the most of spectacular sights and sounds at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre’s High Tide evening event on Friday 16 September. Breathtaking numbers of birds are expected to gather in front of the Bri

7 September 2016

Monday & Tuesday sightings

Monday & Tuesday sightings

Mon 5 Sept Sightings Lapwing hide: teal, Canada geese, pheasants, mallards Ramsar and Sand Martin hides: shoveller ducks, gadwall, mandarin duck, grey heron, mallard. Scrape Hide: grey heron, kingfisher, gadwall, teal, Cetti's warbler. Arun Riverlife lago

6 September 2016

World Shorebird day...

World Shorebird day...

The scrapes are busy with waders with high tide being the best time to see the greatest variety. Speaking of variety it is well worth looking carefully at the 17+ (possibly 24) Ruff that are on site. This species is well known for displaying various sizes

6 September 2016

Wildlife sightings - 06/09/16

Wildlife sightings - 06/09/16

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Eurasian teal 36 Lapwing 6 Grey heron 2 Gadwall 4 Mallard 8 Moorhen 4 Redshank 30 Curlew 1 Black-tailed godwit 9 Common snipe 4 Saline Lagoon Kingfisher (male) 1 Hawthorn Wood Goldfinch 7 Jay 1 Chaffinch 22 Robin 4 Greenfi

6 September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 6th September 2016

Wildlife sightings for 6th September 2016

32 Lapwing - main lake 3 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - wader scrape 1 Whitethroat - along canal close to Peacock tower 1 Hobby - over grazing marsh September bird highlights: Whinchat, Wheatear, Kingfisher, Peregrine, Snipe, Common S

6 September 2016

WWT Washington shortlisted for national award

WWT Washington shortlisted for national award

WWT Washington Wetland Centre has been shortlisted for a national award at the Biffa Award Ceremony 2016. Common tern have done exceptionally well this season. The ceremony recognises the achievements of community and

6 September 2016

Latest Sighting

Latest Sighting

Variable weather over the past few days, none of which produce any rarities as such although a few passage Wheatear were recorded from the United Utilities Hide over the weekend. Quite a few wagtails on the move today. The influx of Common Snipe continues

5 September 2016

Recent Sightings- British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings- British Steel Hide

Kingfisher, Cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Black-tailed Godwit 1048 (centre record) Bar-tailed Godwit 2 Curlew 409 Whimbrel 3 Greenshank 79 (centre record) Redshank 158 Knot 366 Ruff 1 Dunlin 14 Wigeon 23 P

5 September 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

A few new arrivals this morning with a cracking juvenile Wood Sandpiper and a Garganey both on the Rushy.  A second Garganey was also in front of the Kingfisher Hide. Garganey Rushy Pen A couple of really nice birds

5 September 2016

Wildlife sightings - 05/09/16

Wildlife sightings - 05/09/16

a.m. Tide Level: High (going out) Wader Lake Wigeon 1 Curlew 1 Common snipe 6 Eurasian teal 48 Black-tailed godwit 7 Lapwing 120 Greenshank 2 Gadwall 4 Saline Lagoon Little egret 1 Grey heron 1 Redshank 2 Hawthorn Wood Goldfinch 6 Greenfinch 3 Dunnock 1 R

5 September 2016