
Wildlife sightings for 14th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 14th July 2016

1 Yellow Wagtail - marsh (middle fields) 2 Black-tailed Godwit - flew NE 4 Common Tern - main lake 3 Kingfisher (2 adults, 1 juvenile) - sheltered lagoon   July bird highlights: Little Egret, Shelduck, Whimbrel, Hobby, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit

14 July 2016

Wildlife sightings - 14/07/16

Wildlife sightings - 14/07/16

a.m. Tide Level Mid Wader Lake Avocet 34 + 2 chicks Oystercatcher 4 Little ringed plover 3 Lapwing 31 Redshank 16 Grey heron 27 Common tern 309 Black headed gull 43 + 2 young Gadwall 6 + 10 ducklings Saline Lagoon Avocet 6 Lapwing 82 Redshank 20 Common sa

14 July 2016

Today's sightings-first juvenile Dunlin.

Today's sightings-first juvenile Dunlin.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece Dunlin 41-breeding plumaged birds + the 1st juvenile of the year. Avocet 8 (includes 3 juveniles that have flown in from the estuary crèche. Black-tailed Godwit 52 Redshank 10 Sedge and Reed Warblers viewable along edges of veget

14 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 14th July - Osprey chicks ringed and live online!

Latest Sightings - 14th July - Osprey chicks ringed and live online!

The two Osprey chicks have now been ringed by our colleagues at the Forestry Commission for Scotland. We have a male blue PW9 and female blue PW0 in the nest. They have also been fitted with satellite trackers, so we will be able to follow them throug

14 July 2016

Wildlife sightings 13/07/2016

Wildlife sightings 13/07/2016

a.m. Tide level: mid Wader Lake Avocet 25 Common  tern 200+ Lapwing 18 Redshank 14 Curlew 1 Little ringed plover 3 Teal (Eurasian in eclipse plumage) 1 Black headed gull 5 Barn Swallow 6 Saline Lagoon Avocet 6 Lapwing 30 Common sandpiper 2 Black headed g

13 July 2016

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Starting off with waders with 1+ Green Sandpiper being seen from the Kingfisher Hide mostly on the pool to the left. A Knot in non breeding plumage on the Mere late afternoon was note worthy. At least 3 Common Sandpiper on the reserve possibly more as bir

13 July 2016

Real life explorer swoops into Washington Wetland Centre

Real life explorer swoops into Washington Wetland Centre

The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust’s (WWT) Sacha Dench, leader of the first ever lone female paramotor expedition to follow Europe’s smallest swan on migration, swooped into Wearside nature reserve, WWT Washington Wetland Centre today in advance of her g

13 July 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Green sandpiper - 1 (main hide) Avocet Redshank Lapwing Wigeon Shelduck House martin Swallow Barn owl Moths collected in the light station last night: Large yellow underwing - 1 Magpie - 2 Ringed China-mark - 1 Small angle shades - 1 Spectacle - 2 Common

13 July 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Goldcrest 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 Grey Wagtail 1 Sand Martin 4 Lapwing 11 Mallard 25 Tufted Duck 9 Pochard 1 Little Grebe 5 Gadwall 14 Black-Headed Gull 55 Moorhen 11 Shelduck 1 Coal Tit 1 Treecreeper 1 Chiffchaff 5 Sedge Warbler 5 Blackcap 8 Whitet

13 July 2016

Today's sightings-Spoonbill drops in.

Today's sightings-Spoonbill drops in.

Black-tailed Godwit reflected in calm water taken by Ray Cottrell (Archive Picture) Rushy Pen Hide Spoonbill- 1 dropped in briefly at 0800am. No further sign. Green Sandpiper 2 Avocet 2 Redshank 2 South Lake Black-ta

13 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 13th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 13th July 2016

1 Hobby - sheltered lagoon 3 Common Tern - main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 2 Blackcap juvs   Additional sighting from yesterday: 1 adult female Slow Worm crossing the path by wader scrape hide after heavy r

13 July 2016

Wetlands and leaving the EU 2, the sequel

Wetlands and leaving the EU 2, the sequel

Post by Peter Morris, WWT's Head of Public Relations & Campaigns Our Wetlands and leaving the EU blog following the EU Referendum result received a lot of good feedback from people who appreciated a bit of informed light commentary rather than heavy p

12 July 2016

Success at Russian breeding grounds lightens grief over chick deaths

Success at Russian breeding grounds lightens grief over chick deaths

Thirty spoon-billed sandpiper chicks have been hatched by conservationists in Russia over the weekend. The good news follows the tragic death last week of the world’s first captive-bred spoon-billed sandpipers. The Russian chicks have been hatched from

12 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 12th July - Dragonflies emerging

Latest Sightings - 12th July - Dragonflies emerging

Common Darter Dragonflies are just starting to emerge from the ponds. This photo shows the newly emerged adult next to the larval exoskeleton from which it has broken out of! At this stage, dragonflies are very vulnerable as their bodies have not hardene

12 July 2016

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Rushy Pen Hide Two Redshank, a Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Green Sandpiper on the lower pond. Tack Piece/Robbie Garnett Hide Two Oystercatcher, 5 Green Sandpiper, 3 Lapwing and 7 Teal on the scrape. Holden Tower Three Greenshank and an adult Little-ringed P

12 July 2016