
Wildlife sightings for 10th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 10th July 2016

1 Gadwall brood - scrape 8 Teal - scrape 2 Common Tern - main lake 2 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 2 Whitethroat - one singing by sand martin bank, other by the feeders in wildside 55 Goldfinch - in conifers along Queen Elizabeth Walk   July bird hig

10 July 2016

Wet rearing at Slimbridge - what's fluffy right now?

Wet rearing at Slimbridge - what's fluffy right now?

Suddenly, it's July! We've had an exceptionally busy June, and thankfully we have a lot of beautiful birds to show for it. These lovely little ducklings are Bufflehead, a stunning North American sea duck. Part of the Bucephala (Goldeneye) family, these

9 July 2016

Today's highlights

Today's highlights

Quail - heard singing near Nelson-Lyle hide Hobby Kingfisher Green sandpiper Black-tailed godwit Little ringed plover Snipe Avocet Oystercatcher Redshank Lapwing Cuckoo Cetti's warbler Sedge warbler Reed warbler Whitethroat Wren Gadwall & ducklings Sh

9 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 9th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 9th July 2016

1 Common Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon 6 Tufted Duck broods - entrance lake, wildside, grazing marsh, world welands 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon Additional sightings from yesterday: 1 Whitethroat - near Peacock tower June bird highlights: Little Bittern

9 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 9th July

Latest Sightings - 9th July

A wet start to the day, but it doesn't seem to bother everything. Five Brown Hares are running around our newly reseeded field at the Avenue Tower. A Sparrowhawk was hunting down the Avenue first thing this morning. The Tawny Owl is again in it's usual tr

9 July 2016

Brood of Shovelers

Brood of Shovelers

A Red Shovelor taken by Richard Taylor-Jones (Archive Picture) Zeiss Hide Great to see a brood of 5 well grown young Shoveler this morning along the back edge of the scrape, also a Little Ringed Plover 2 Redshank, 11

9 July 2016

Latest Highlights

Latest Highlights

Compilation of the last two day's sightings. Up to 3 Kingfisher showing each day from the Ron Barker Hide. Nice selection of waders around with up to 9 Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, 5 Little Ringed Plover, 150+ Lapwing, 30+ Avocet, 4 Oystercatcher, Ringed Plo

8 July 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Quail heard singing at Reedbed hide, Main Observatory and Friends hide Green sandpiper-Main Obs Greenshank Yellow wagtail Lapwing Oystercatcher Little ringed plover Sparrowhawk Redshank Black-tailed godwit-Lady Fen Little egret Avocet chicks-14 at Lyle hi

8 July 2016

Recent sightings - 8th July

Recent sightings - 8th July

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Mallard +50, Tufted duck 12, Black-headed gull +50, Coot 3, Greylag 8 + 1 gosling, Little egret 1, Le

8 July 2016

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Ospreys doing well & Common Lizard seen

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Ospreys doing well & Common Lizard seen

Apologies for the lack of news, the Reserve Team have been away at Martin Mere the past few days, but we are back now. Water levels are looking good after some more rain last night, perfect for waders which should be heading this way after breeding in the

8 July 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide

Mediterranean Gull 134 - another new record for the reserve, thanks to Wendell Thomas and Richard Davies for the count Black-Tailed Godwit 432 Redshank 139 Greenshank 11 Curlew 341 Whimbrel 56 Knot 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Oystercatcher 4 D

8 July 2016

Wildlife sightings - 08/07/16

Wildlife sightings - 08/07/16

a.m. Tide Level High Wader Lake Avocet 34 Lapwing 10 Shelduck 14 Little ringed plover 1 + 3 juvenile Common tern 130 + 30 juvenile/chicks Gadwall 1 + 8 chicks Oystercatcher 2 Grey heron 4 Saline Lagoon Black headed gull 30 Lapwing 6 Oystercatcher 2 Hawtho

8 July 2016

Little Ringed Plovers

Little Ringed Plovers

Ruff and Common Redshank with a Black-headed Gull at Slimbridge by James Leese (Archive Picture) Rushy Little Ringed Plovers 7 reported yesterday at least 5 still there today. Green Sandpiper 1 Avocet 3 Martin Smith G

8 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 8th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 8th July 2016

1 Little Egret - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 4 Tufted Duck broods - grazing marsh, world wetlands 1 Hobby - over grazing marsh briefly 3 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon June bird highlights: Little Bittern, Garganey, Shelduck, Li

8 July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 7th July 2016

Wildlife sightings for 7th July 2016

3 Kingfisher - very visible and vocal on the sheltered lagoon 10 Teal - scrape and main lake 5 Tufted Duck broods - world wetlands, wildside, reservoir lagoon 1 Gadwall brood - still with 7 ducklings, wader scrape 3 Common Tern - over reedbeds   Addi

7 July 2016