
Wildlife sightings - 21/06/16

Wildlife sightings - 21/06/16

a.m. Tide level: Low Wader Lake Avocet 18 + 22 chicks/juvenile Oystercatcher 3 Little ringed plover 1 Lapwing 3 + 4 chicks/juvenile Barn swallow 2 Pied wagtail 2 juvenile Gadwall 3 * eclipse Shoveler 4 *eclipse Lesser black-backed gull 1 Common tern 190 +

21 June 2016

Dragonfly Hotspot attracts an amazing giant LEGO® brick dragonfly called Emily!

Dragonfly Hotspot attracts an amazing giant LEGO® brick dragonfly called Emily!

WWT Caerlaverock is set to become a Dragonfly Hotspot in partnership with the British Dragonfly Society (BDS). In celebration, a giant LEGO brick sculpture of a dragonfly will visit us during the summer, alongside its living counterparts. The world’s m

21 June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 21st June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 21st June 2016

6 Teal - wader scrape 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Hobby - hunting over the grazing marsh 1 Kestrel - hunting along South route Bird highlights: Little Bittern, Garganey, Shelduck, Little Egret, Hobby, Red Kite, Spotted Redshank, Oystercatcher, Ringed Plov

21 June 2016

Tuesday June 21st

Tuesday June 21st

Little real change from yesterday with plenty of young bird activity, especially around the feed stations Today's high tide is at 13:48,  8.7m Around the reserve today: Wildflowers Cuckoo Flower Red Campion Foxglove Northern Marsh Orchid Twayblade Orch

21 June 2016

First Great-crested Grebe chicks.

First Great-crested Grebe chicks.

Yesterday's rain continued into the morning eventually giving way to sunshine and a brisk westerly. Today highlights are dominated by the news of the first of the Great-crested Grebes eggs to hatch. This is the first time these birds have bred on the rese

20 June 2016

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Quail singing by the Reedbed hide Yellow wagtail Corn bunting Marsh harrier Very pale Common buzzard Black-tailed godwit Avocet and chicks Lapwing and chicks Mute swan and cygnets Little-ringed plover and chicks Goldfinch Tree sparrow Moorhen Coot Sparrow

20 June 2016

Cinnamon teal; a new breeding experience.

Cinnamon teal; a new breeding experience.

Just look at this beautiful bird! This is a female cinnamon teal, a stunning little American duck that breeds in the Northern states and overwinters in south America and the Caribbean. They are believed to have 5 subspecies, and their range overlaps with

20 June 2016

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, Millennium Wetlands

Barn Owl - First one reported since winter, worth keeping an eye out for! Gadwall 45 Pochard 3 Mallard 3 Tufted Duck 8 Moorhen 3 Coot 2 Shelduck 2 Black-Headed Gull 80 Mediterranean Gull 3 Chiffchaff 6 Cetti's Warbler 3 Lesser Whitethroat 1 Linnet 1 Blac

20 June 2016

Update, Monday June 20th

Update, Monday June 20th

Cloudy and damp today. Lots of young birds of course, a couple of Little Egrets out on the merse, Buzzard overhead, Kingfisher at the Teal Pond, Lapwings starting to flock down on the Lochar Field reseed Today's high tide is at 13:12,  8.6m Around the

20 June 2016

Sightings from a quick, wet, hide round

Sightings from a quick, wet, hide round

Pied Avocet at Slimbridge by James Lees (Archive Picture) Do have a look at previous posts to get an idea of what is current around the reserve as more detailed reports are available, summer information may not change

20 June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 20th June 2016

1 Mediterranean Gull 2nd summer - main lake 4 Common Tern - main lake 3 Teal (male) - scrape 2 Shoveler (male) - scrape 3 Redshank - scrape, marsh 2 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon Bird highlights: Little Bittern, Garganey, Shelduck, Little Egret, Hobby,

20 June 2016

Wood Sandpipers

Wood Sandpipers

Starting off calm and overcast ending with rain and light southerlies. Two Wood Sandpiper that dropped onto Woodend Marsh mid morning were new for the year, and still present late afternoon being chased around by Avocet. Other waders included 2 male Ruff

19 June 2016

Sunday update

Sunday update

Male Reed bunting perching in reeds Slimbridge. Taken by James Lees (Archive Picture) Rushy Pen The Common Tern pair are settling down to nest on one of the islands on the Top pond. The usual gathering of Tufted Duck,

19 June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2016

Wildlife sightings for 19th June 2016

1 Red Kite - flew NW 1 Hobby 1 Kestrel - high to NW 2 Peregrine - hospital 1 Redshank - scrape 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Common Whitethroat - singing near Peacock Tower   Additional sighting for yesterday: 1 Gadwall with 6 ducklings - grazing

19 June 2016

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/Low Avocet - 16 + 20 chicks/juveniles Lapwing - 20 + 18 chicks/juveniles Redshank - 5 + 3 juveniles Oystercatcher - 4 + 3 juveniles Little Ringed Plover - 1 Ringed Plover - 1 Black-headed Gull - 12 + 3 chicks Common

19 June 2016