
c.7000 Pink-footed Geese
Pink-footed Geese on the Mere A lovely autumn day, light winds and bright sunshine early on. A roosting count of Pink-footed Geese produced just under 7000 birds. A single Barnacle Goose was picked up with Pinks from
25 September 2018

Recent sightings 22nd-25th September
Goshawk from the Kingfisher Kitchen. Photo: Nigel Williams British Steel Hide The highest number of Greenshank at the site has recently been recorded at 79, there have also been 579 Knot, 965 Black-tailed Godwit, 504
25 September 2018

Today's Highlights
Pallid harrier - see from Lyle Hide at 2:00 pm Mute swan Whooper swan (x58) Greylag Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Wigeon Garganey Teal Cormorant Moorhen Crane (x31) - Lady fen/reserve Curlew Black-tailed godwit Snipe Jack snipe - Main observatory Golden plo
25 September 2018

Wildlife sightings - 25/09/18
Wader Lake (AM, low tide): Avocet (juvenile) 1 Teal 17 Lapwing 230 Common snipe 1 Black-headed gull 165 Lesser black-backed gull (juveniles) 2 Herring gull 1 Hawthorn Wood feeding station: Great-spotted woodpecker 2 Coal tit 2 Blue tit 4 Robin 1 Ch
25 September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 25th September 2018
1 Common Sandpiper - wader scrape 5 Snipe - wader scrape, grazing marsh, main lake 2 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - middle reedbed channel 2 Willow Warbler - South route 5 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon, wildside 2 Swallow - reser
25 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Tuesday 25th September - no sign of the Bittern so far
There are plenty of geese around the reserve this morning. Pink-footed Geese flying everywhere, some still out on the mud. Barnacle Geese can be seen from the Saltcot Merse Observatory around the trig point. No sign of the Bittern as yet this morning, and
25 September 2018

Water supply update
**Important information - Monday 24 Spetember - Our water supply has come back on as of 4.45pm, so we intend to open as normal and resume normal service in the morning - we will post an update tomorrow as early as possible if this is not the case.
24 September 2018

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide Two Golden Plover (Go-Plo's) with the Lapwing flock, 4 Black-tailed Godwit, up to 19 Ruff, Greenshank, 9 Snipe, 18 Wigeon, 24 Pintail, 700+ Teal, 2 Grey Heron and a Reed Warbler. Yellow Wagtail heard. South Lake Two Avocet, c
24 September 2018

Sand martin swarm hunting insects
Kingfisher scolds another! Photo by Romney Turner Recent wildlife sightings (does not include common species like coots, mute swans, black-headed gulls and mallard ducks): Sun 23 Sept: Scrape hide: marsh harrier, 26 t
24 September 2018

Pallid harrier and water supply update
Today we are experiencing problems with out water supply, so facilities within the visitor cente are limited, but access to the reserve is open and will be open until 5pm today (last admissions at 4.30pm). Pallid harrier - 1 from Lyle hide at 11.40am Whoo
24 September 2018

Reserve update, Monday Sept 24th
Things happening today, with 4 Whooper Swans on the main feed pond along with a Scaup among the few Tufted Duck. (A further 15 or so Whoopers just off reserve on nearby Newmains). Barnacles slowly arriving - 36 yesterday, up to 214 today so far, mixed in
24 September 2018

Recent Sightings - 24th September 2018
The following sightings were recorded today at Low tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. Another large influx of Brent Geese have arrived on the Lough from Iceland, many thousands can now be heard calling across the Lough to Castle Espie. A lovely little
24 September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 24th September 2018
1 Whinchat - grazing marsh 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh 1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 3 Yellow Wagtail - grazing marsh 5 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake, wader scrape 12 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh and over S and W 2 Water Rail - calling from main re
24 September 2018

First Whooper Swans
Coming on the back of the influx of Pink-footed Geese, which continued today, a group of 11 Whooper Swan that flew in at the Ron Barker Hide this morning were first for the autumn. Fairly early for Whooper Swan, generally we wouldn't expect big number
23 September 2018

Sightings for Sunday September 23rd
Damp start to the day here at Welney, but now starting to brighten up and promises to be a dry afternoon. All hides and Summer walk are open. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Canada goose Greylag goose Mallard Wigeon Moorhen Crane Little egr
23 September 2018