
Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Teal Wigeon Mallard Coot Moorhen Black-headed gull Common tern Whooper swan Mute swan Tufted duck Pintail Little ringed plover Lapwing Swallow House martin Sparrowhawk Redshank Heron Cormorant Reed bunting Tree sparrow Goldfinch Song thrush Snipe Oysterca

28 May 2018

Recent Sightings €“ 28th May 2018

Recent Sightings €“ 28th May 2018

The following sightings were recorded today at low-tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. That time of the year has come! The Black-headed gull chicks are beginning to hatch! Keep an eye out on the Freshwater Lagoon peninsula to catch glimpses of the fluf

28 May 2018

Wildlife sightings - 28/05/18

Wildlife sightings - 28/05/18

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Pochard (flew east) 1 Avocet 23 Little ringed plover 2 Lapwing 5 Kestrel 1 Redshank 2 Black-tailed godwit 10 Shoveler 6 Common tern 139+ Gadwall 15 Shelduck 22 Saline Lagoon Shelduck 2 Lapwing 1 Other birds Whitethroat - 1

28 May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 28th May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 28th May 2018

3 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon 5 Lapwing chicks - grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on the hospital 2 Shoveler - wader scrape, grazing marsh   April/May bird highlights: Temminck’s Stint, Goldeneye, Jack Snipe, Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Comm

28 May 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Tree sparrow and chicks House sparrow Goldfinch Chaffinch Chiffchaff Great tit Blue tit Cetti's Warbler Sedge warbler Reed warbler Whitethroat Reed bunting House martin Swallow Cuckoo Magpie Carrion crow Jackdaw Stock dove Collard dove Moorhen and chicks

27 May 2018

Wildlife sightings - 27/05/18

Wildlife sightings - 27/05/18

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Avocet 32 + 2 chicks Gadwall 7 Common tern 146+ Shoveler 5 Grey heron 17 Little ringed plover 2 Swift 2 Lapwing 8 + 2 chicks Tufted duck 13 Oystercatcher 1 Saline Lagoon Oystercatcher 1 Lapwing 2 Stock dove 1 Canada goose

27 May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th May 2018

1 Little Egret - grazing marsh 3 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon 5 Lapwing chicks - grazing marsh, wader scrape 1 Water Rail - main reedbed 1 Peregrine - perched on the hospital 12 Swift - South route, main lake   April/May bird highlights: Temmi

27 May 2018

Little Gull

Little Gull

Rushy Crane still incubating. Avocet 12 at least 1 brood. Greenshank was here for most of the morning. Black Tailed Godwit 1 Oystercatcher 2 Red Kite over about 13.30 Holden and walkway Avocet 7 birds incubating + 3 broods on the Holden Flash and 1 from t

26 May 2018

Wildlife sightings - 26/05/2018

Wildlife sightings - 26/05/2018

a.m. Tide level: low Wader Lake Avocet: 32 + 5 chicks (2 broods) Oystercatcher 2 Little ringed plover 2 Redshank 2 Lapwing 8 Black-tailed godwit 2 Common tern 152 (46 nesting/on eggs) Black headed gull 32 Mute swan 2 Saline Lagoon Lapwing 1 Redshank 2 Haw

26 May 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes Moorhen Coot Lapwing Redshank Avocet Black-tailed godwit Cormorant Grey heron Black-headed gull Common tern Tree sparrow Pied wagtail Chaffinch House martin Swallow Swift Sedge warbler Reed bunting Whitethroat Starling Magpie Stock dove Wood pigeon

26 May 2018

Temminck's Stint and other birds

Temminck's Stint and other birds

Temminck's Stint still present til 4.30pm at least. Temminck's Stint (Tony Disley) A Black Tern flew in 11.20am and was still present on Woodend Marsh 4.30pm at least. Great to see at least one male Ruff in full bre

26 May 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 26th May - more Lapwing chicks

Latest Sightings - Saturday 26th May - more Lapwing chicks

There are more Lapwing chicks in Lochar Field this morning. Along with the large chick which hatched over a week ago, there is another brood of 4 chicks running around and still two nests to keep an eye on. A Marsh Harrier was seen on Thursday and could s

26 May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th May 2018

Wildlife sightings for 26th May 2018

2 Ringed Plover - main lake 2 Common Tern - reservoir lagoon 8 Lapwing chicks - grazing marsh, wader scrape, main lake 12 Black-headed Gull chicks - main lake 2 Shelduck - wader scrape 4 Shoveler - wader scrape, main lake 6 Swift - South route, main lake

26 May 2018

Temminck's Still

Temminck's Still

A good day on site with plenty of sightings of interest, the Temminck's Stint is still present and showing very well at times on the Mere, also still up to 4 Ruff including a full breeding male. Also on the Mere 2 Greenshank flew through just after 9am bu

25 May 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 25th May

Latest Sightings - Friday 25th May

A dry but breezy day today. Plenty of activity in the Peter Scott Trail, with our colony of Tree Sparrows using 5 of the nest boxes around the feeding station. The meadow is starting to grow quickly now with the first Northern Marsh Orchids coming out. T

25 May 2018