
Recent sightings 1st - 4th June

Recent sightings 1st - 4th June

Highlights include Sparrowhawk, Red Kite and Cuckoo

4 June 2019

Recent sightings 29th - 31st May

Recent sightings 29th - 31st May

Highlights include Whitethroat, Shoveler and Marsh Harrier

30 May 2019

Recent sightings 25th - 28th May

Recent sightings 25th - 28th May

Highlights include Southern Marsh Orchid, Marsh Harrier and Little Ringed Plover

28 May 2019

Recent sightings 22nd - 24th May

Recent sightings 22nd - 24th May

Highlights include, Little ringed plover, Cuckoo and Small copper butterfly

24 May 2019

Recent sightings 18th - 21st May

Recent sightings 18th - 21st May

Highlights include Song Thrush, Treecreeper and Garganey

21 May 2019

Recent sightings 15th - 17th May

Recent sightings 15th - 17th May

Highlights include, Cuckoo, Palmate newt, Hedgehog and Hairy dragonfly

17 May 2019

Recent sightings 11th - 14th May

Recent sightings 11th - 14th May

British Steel HideOver on the saline lagoons have been 3 Spoonbill, Redshank, Lapwing, Shelduck and Gadwall. On the Dafen scrapes has been a male Garganey, the pair of Little Ringed Plover are still present, Shoveler, Wigeon, Teal, Tufted Duck, Gadwall an

14 May 2019

Recent sightings 8th - 10th May

Recent sightings 8th - 10th May

Highlights include, Turtle dove, Black tern and Little ringed plover

10 May 2019

Recent sightings 4th - 7th May

Recent sightings 4th - 7th May

Highlights include, Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly, Little ringed plover and Garden warbler.

8 May 2019

Recent sightings 1st - 3rd May

Recent sightings 1st - 3rd May

Highlights include, Wheater, Whimbrel and Lesser Whitethroat

3 May 2019

Recent sightings 24th - 30th April

Recent sightings 24th - 30th April

Highlights include, Common Blue, Garganey, Common Sandpiper

30 April 2019

Recent sightings 17th - 19th April

Recent sightings 17th - 19th April

Highlights include, Sedge Warbler, Egyptian goose and Nuthatch

19 April 2019

Recent sightings 13th-16th April

Recent sightings 13th-16th April

Highlights include Avocet, Wheatear and Lesser Whitethroat

16 April 2019

Recent sightings 10th -12th April

Recent sightings 10th -12th April

Highlights include, Marsh harrier, Slow worm and Orange tip butterfly

12 April 2019

Recent sightings 6th-9th April

Recent sightings 6th-9th April

Highlights include Otter with 2 kits, Wheatear and Avocet

9 April 2019