
Wildlife sightings - 03/09/18

Wildlife sightings - 03/09/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Lapwing 26 Teal 45 Avocet 2 Snipe 8 Redshank 35 Black-tailed godwit 1 Dunlin 2 Stock dove 2 Common sandpiper 1 Black-headed gull 29 *Possible water rail heard briefly* Saline Lagoon Little egret 1 Grey heron 1 Greenshank

3 September 2018

Warblers everywhere

Warblers everywhere

Willow and Knott Hide/Holden Tower bushes, hedge and scrub Very busy with warblers again today, 20+ Blackcap forming the bulk but 5+ Chiffchaff, 3+ Willow Warbler (inc a singing bird), 2+ Garden Warbler, 2+ Lesser Whitethroat, 3+ Common Whitethroat (pict

3 September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 3rd September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 3rd September 2018

6 Snipe - scrape, main lake, marsh 1 Garganey - scrape 2 Kingfisher - wildside, reservoir lagoon 3 Willow Warbler - wildside 7 Chiffchaff - wildside, south route, sheltered lagoon 25 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 1 Swallow - reservoir lagoon   Plea

3 September 2018

Wild Safari raptor action

Wild Safari raptor action

Wild Safaris Two Wild Safaris went out today at the usual times of 1130am and 2pm, we logged 5 Hobby, 2 Marsh Harrier, a Kestrel, a Peregrine harrying a Curlew over the Severn, a Sparrowhawk and a Red Kite, Buzzards were heard in the tall trees. A Great W

2 September 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes x 5 Black-tailed godwit Ruff Greenshank Common sandpiper-Lyle hide Wood sandpiper- Friends hide Avocet Lapwing Moorhen Coot Dunlin Mallard Shelduck Whooper swan Yellow wagtail House martins Sand martin Swallow Common whitethroat Goldfinch Tree spar

2 September 2018

Eight Species of Raptor

Eight Species of Raptor

The juvenile Temminck's Stint is still present today, attracting a steady stream of admirers. The bird has been spending most of it's time on Vinson's Marsh. Juvenile Temminck's Stint are unusual on passage at WWT Martin M

2 September 2018

Wildlife sightings - 02/09/18

Wildlife sightings - 02/09/18

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Common snipe 7 Black-tailed godwit 6 Avocet 2 Teal 13 Redshank 27 Stock dove 5 Grey heron 1 Greenshank 2 Green sandpiper 1 Pied wagtail 4 Lapwing 39 Saline Lagoon Grey heron 1 Snipe 2 Curlew 1 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted w

2 September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 2nd September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 2nd September 2018

1 Garganey - wader scrape 1 Common Tern - main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - reservoir lagoon 4 Little Grebe + 3 chicks - main lake, reservoir lagoon 1 Kingfisher - wildside 2 Willow Warbler - sheltered lagoon 2 Blackcap -  wildside 5 Chiffchaff - entrance l

2 September 2018

Temminck's Stint still present

Temminck's Stint still present

Temminck's Stint still present on Sunley's Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide. Temminck's Stint. (Back of the camera shots) At least two Marsh Harrier hunting around the reserve. Also 3 Buzzard and 2 Kestrel. Lapwing numb

1 September 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Shelduck Mallard Garganey Coot Moorhen Crane Great white egret Avocet Ruff Black-tailed godwit x19 Common sandpiper Snipe Green woodpecker Starling House martin Swallow Yellow wagtail Reed warbler Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinc

1 September 2018

Wildlife Sightings - 01/09/18

Wildlife Sightings - 01/09/18

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/High Avocet - 2 (1 adult & 1 juvenile) Black-tailed Godwit - 10 Greenshank - 3 Green Sandpiper - 1 Common Snipe - 11 Redshank - 46 Lapwing - 30 Common Gull - 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull - 3 (1 adult & 2 juven

1 September 2018

Steady increase in duck numbers.

Steady increase in duck numbers.

Rushy Green Sandpiper 2 Lapwing 16 Snipe 3 Teal 17 Holden Walkway Barnacle Goose 106 Teal 32 Shoveler 4 Gadwall 2 Greylag 278 Crane 1 Black Cap 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 South Lake Greylag 196 Shoveler 41 Teal 18 Tufted Duck 65 Lapwing 69 Ruff 13 Redsh

1 September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 1st September 2018

Wildlife sightings for 1st September 2018

3 Great Egret - main lake before flying off Wes 1 Greenshank - main lake p.m. 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Common Sandpiper - grazing marsh 2 Yellow Wagtail - flew over heading NW 20 House Martin - reservoir lagoon 4 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lag

1 September 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 1st September

Latest Sightings - Saturday 1st September

So much for the sun, it's an overcast and drizzly morning on the reserve. The Summer Walk is now closed for the winter. Plenty of ducks around the site now, many of them still in eclipse plumage. There has been an increase in Canada and Greylag Goose numb

1 September 2018

Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint

A Temminck's Stint which was also present yesterday and thought to be a Baird's Sandpiper at one point, eventually showed well and is still present if a little distant at times from Ron Barker Hide on Vinson's. More regularly encountered in spring in UK i

31 August 2018