
Avocets return

Avocets return

As mentioned in the last sighting report we were expecting Avocet to return in the next couple of weeks. However, they decided to break all records when a pair turned up on the Mere on Monday morning, beating the previous record by 6 days. In fact, we are

5 February 2020

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

A substantial potato delivery onto Top Mere during the week has brought good numbers of Whooper Swan onto the Mere with smaller groups of Pink-footed Geese also dropping. The injured Tundra Bean Goose (below) is present mostly around the Mere loosely asso

2 February 2020

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Plenty of action on and around the reserve. The Tundra Bean Goose (below) is still present showing around the Mere. Locally there has been a small influx of birds which have probably arrived following Pink-footed Geese on their journey North. Good for rap

28 January 2020

Great Birding

Great Birding

The Tundra Bean Goose continues to show around the edge of the Mere and was around all day. Also around 450 Pink-footed Geese dropped in late afternoon. The Swan Goose is also still around.At least 2 adult Mediterranean Gull on the Mere today as well as a

25 January 2020

Bird News update

Bird News update

A quick update of today's highlights in list form - more expansive notes will follow over the weekend - time is against me!Bean Goose still present on the Mere, also 2 Mediterranean Gulls (both adults), Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, 60+ Ruff, 5+ Black-tailed

24 January 2020

Tundra Bean Goose still

Tundra Bean Goose still

A brief update. The Tundra Bean Goose has been spending all of the day around the Mere, sleeping and feeding, mostly associating with some injured Pink-footed Geese. Bird of the day had to be a cracking adult male Hen Harrier (picture by David Thompson) w

18 January 2020

Bird News

Bird News

Despite rather unpleasant weather, lots of birds around today. The Tundra Bean Goose was on the Mere again all day after going missing yesterday. Also on the Mere a male Goldeneye was joined briefly this afternoon by a single Goosander. 2 Peregrines, Mars

17 January 2020

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

A good swan count locally between Formby and the Ribble with 1692 Whooper swans (373 cygnets = 22%) also 4 Bewick’s swans (1 cygnet). Twite (3) seen again on the islands on Vinson's Marsh in front of the Ron Barker Hide in the afternoon. Peregrine have

12 January 2020



It's been a good start to 2020, in particular the arrival of a handful of Twite onto the reserve. Previous to this, there only appears to have been one single observer record from the mid 00's. The birds are being seen feeding with Linnet on the islands i

7 January 2020

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

Plenty of action around the reserve. It should be possible to see over 60 species fairly easily in a days birding around the reserve. Over 80 species have been recorded since the 1st Jan. Good for raptors with 8 Marsh Harrier seen together early on Saturd

5 January 2020

End of the Decade.

End of the Decade.

Just a brief update to thank all of the regulars who call in at the in focus shop to report sightings. This sighting page would be far less interesting without your help. It goes without saying that the same should be said for Louise and Jack and the rest

31 December 2019

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

Six species of raptor this weekend. A ring-tail Hen Harrier was seen on the reserve earlier afternoon. At least 3 Marsh Harrier but more roaming the area. Also present 1st calendar year Peregrine, 2 Sparrowhawk, 2 Kestrel and 4+ Buzzard (pic below), the l

29 December 2019

A Happy Christmas to you all.

A Happy Christmas to you all.

Happy Christmas to you all out there. Thought we would feature a couple of images from the intensely cold winter of 2010. Great to look at but very difficult condition for the wintering birds at the time! Plenty to see if you are visiting over the winter

24 December 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

An excellent day on the reserve. Cool, light winds, sunshine and great visibility. Six species of raptor; Merlin, Peregrine, 3+ Marsh Harrier, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. Barn Owl and roosting Tawny Owl also regular. Most of the wintering wildf

21 December 2019



At least 3 Merlin were again on view late afternoon with one of the birds on view almost all day, also 4 Marsh harrier, Adult Peregrine, Common Buzzard, Kestrel and 1-2 Sparrowhawk. A few sightings of Kingfisher over the Mere also the Willow Tit, and Nuth

17 December 2019