
Tuesday's Sightings

Tuesday's Sightings

Starting off with a rare sighting of the Bearded Reedling this morning when a female popped up in the Reed Bed briefly before moving off. Out on Woodend Marsh; 93 Black-tailed Godwit, two pair of Avocet now have chicks, 2 Little Ringed Plover. Three pa

28 May 2019



Sanderling moulting into breeding plumage on Woodend Marsh this morning, viewed from the banking. At least one tundra race Ringed Plover there too. Sixty eight Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Redshank, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 8+ Avocet, Oystercatcher and Lapwing

27 May 2019

Record Count!

Record Count!

Wind and rain to start the day followed by wind and sunshine! Classic condition to drop some waders in and low and behold in they came. A flock of 26 Ringed Plover were on Woodend Marsh with a record flock of 8 Sanderling breaking the previous record of 7

26 May 2019

First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks

First Avocet chicks of the year are out and about. Two on Woodend Marsh this morning and 2 along the back of the Mere. Around 70 Black-tailed Godwit out on Woodend. Also there Dunlin, 10+ Avocet, 2 Little Ringed Plover, Lapwings, and Redshank. Common Sand

24 May 2019

Breeding Birds

Breeding Birds

We surveyed the Avocets yesterday and counted 20 nests across the site. The nest boxes are doing well, we have 6 Blue Tit broods (totalling 47 chicks),1 Great Tit brood (6 chicks) and the Tree Sparrows are doing well with 15 chicks already fledged,

22 May 2019

Tuesday Update

Tuesday Update

Two pair of Common Tern on the Mere. Small numbers of Gadwall there this morning, also a pair of Wigeon. At least 20 Avocet and 2 Little Ringed Plover also on the Mere. Good views of Pied Wagtail coming into feed in front of the Discovery Hide. Out on Wo

21 May 2019

Today's sightings and some from the weekend.

Today's sightings and some from the weekend.

Drake Garganey on Woodend Marsh this morning. Also there Greenshank, Yellow Wagtail, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing with chicks, Shoveler and a couple of Teal. Two pair of Common Tern on the Mere. Also a pair of Little Ringed Plov

20 May 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A fairly quiet few days, but hopefully the somewhat less settled weather on it's way will drop in a few different birds over the next day or two. The first of the Black-headed Gull chicks have now started hatching on the Mere - the Discovery hide is ideal

17 May 2019

Temminck's Stint

Temminck's Stint

Spot the Greenshank in the featured image.. Another lovely day with sunshine and light winds. Temminck's Stint on the Mere late morning. Pretty much annual here at Martin Mere, probably the most reliable site in the North West for this tiny wader. Still p

14 May 2019

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Very pleasant again in light winds. Perfect conditions for breeding birds on the reserve. Four Greenshank on Woodend Marsh early afternoon. Around 30 Black-tailed Godwit also new in there. Dunlin numbers on Woodend Marsh have dropped back to 17 this mo

13 May 2019

Sunday's Sightings

Sunday's Sightings

A frosty start quickly warming up in the sun and light winds. Another good Dunlin count with 36 birds out on Woodend Marsh this morning. A few Lapwing chicks can be seen around the edge of the marsh there. Also 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover,

12 May 2019

Black Terns again

Black Terns again

Two Black Tern flew in early afternoon. Thirty Dunlin, an excellent count on Woodend Marsh this morning. The recent easterlies and rain have brought a good selection of waders down onto inland site across the North West. Also 12 Avocet, 2 Redshank, 2 Oyst

11 May 2019

Little Stint

Little Stint

A Little Stint was present on Woodend Marsh today, viewable from the United Utilities hide with a flock of about 20 Dunlin. Also from United Utilies, a Whinchat was reported this morning.Elsewhere on the reserve, a Cetti's Warbler showed well near the Kin

10 May 2019

Black Terns

Black Terns

A group of 3 Black Terns were feeding over the Mere from mid morning onwards, still present mid afternoon, but no sign from 4pm. This coincides with a small influx locally after a few days of easterly winds.A good count of 28 Dunlin on Woodend Marsh today

9 May 2019

Tuesday Sightings

Tuesday Sightings

Lighter winds, sun shining a pleasant day to be out and about. Late news from yesterday a dog Otter swam past the Ron Barker Hide late afternoon.Wood Sandpiper flew onto Woodend Marsh around 2pm then appeared to fly off south. Great count of 16 Dunlin a

7 May 2019