
Wildlife sightings - 29/10/18

Wildlife sightings - 29/10/18

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Teal 48 Snipe 5 Herring gull 3 Black-headed gull 128 Kestrel 1 Shelduck 1 Saline Lagoon Shelduck 2 Teal 23 Curlew 1 Black-headed gull 4 Snipe 1 Hawthorn Wood Great spotted woodpecker 1 Nuthatch 1 Robin 2 Bullfinch 3 Willow

29 October 2018

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Great White Egret Snipe Pintail Pochard Teal Wigeon Marsh Harrier Canada goose Greylag goose Black tailed Godwit Coot Moorhen Fieldfare Shell duck Tree sparrow

29 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 29th October 2018

1 Short-eared Owl - marsh 0810hrs, then later flew up high circling the site 1 Dunlin - main lake 2 Peregrine - hospital perch 1 Kestrel - marsh 5 Snipe - marsh 5 Siskin - sheltered lagoon, 1 flew SW   October bird highlights: Short-eared Owl, Sheldu

29 October 2018

A few more White-fronts

A few more White-fronts

Rushy Hide Further increases in the duck numbers as we begin to feed the lake to settle the birds in for the winter. 38 Pintail, 11 Pochard (5 drakes), c45 Tufted Duck and 45 Shelduck on the lake. A flock of 16 Ruff were roosting on the lower ponds island

28 October 2018

Bearded Tits!

Bearded Tits!

Top news today with at least 8 Bearded Tit seen ~150m to the left of the Harrier Hide on the inner Reed Bed Walk. Over the last 20 years we have had a few single observer sightings of birds that have never hung around so we are quite excited by this news!

28 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swans Greylag Canada goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail (x6) Wigeon Teal Pochard (x5) Cormorant Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Curlew (x5) Black-tailed godwit (60+) Ruff (x3) Redshank Snipe Lapwing Golden plover Black-headed gull Starling Kin

28 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 28th October 2018

1 Merlin - sheltered lagoon (09:55) 1 Curlew - grazing marsh 7 Snipe - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Shelduck - main lake 86 Lapwing - main lake, wader scrape 1 Grey Wagtail - otter enclosure 2 Skylark - flew over heading West 1 Peregrine - perched on hospi

28 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swans Whooper swans Greylag Barnacle goose Canada goose Shoveler Mallard Pintail Wigeon Teal Pochard (x3) Cormorant Coot Moorhen Crane (x3) Grey heron Great egret Bittern (Lyle hide) Curlew Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank (x3) Snipe Lapwing Golden

27 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 27th October 2018

1 Short-eared Owl - grazing marsh 1 Shelduck - main lake 1 Pintail - grazing marsh 70 Wigeon - main lake, reservoir lagoon, wader scrape 14 Fieldfare - flew over heading South East 32 Redwing - flew over heading West 6 Meadow Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Kestr

27 October 2018

Saturday 27th Octobers Sightings

Saturday 27th Octobers Sightings

Rushy Pintail 25 Teal 70 Snipe 1 Redshank 1 Grey Wagtail 1 Holden and Walkway Whitefronted Goose 1 ad 2 juvs Wigeon 70 Teal 250 Curlew 46 Snipe 1 Peregrine 2 Chiffchaff 1 (withy bed) Fieldfare 12 passing over South Lake Pochard 14 Tufted Duck 63 Shoveler

27 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th October

Latest Sightings - Saturday 27th October

Even colder this morning, but it seems some of the Whooper Swans have found food elsewhere as there were just 40 on the Whooper Pond at 8:30 as opposed to the 120 we had yesterday. Keep an eye on the fields in the area as they could be feeding out there.

27 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Canada goose Barnacle goose Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Pintail Wigeon Teal Pochard Cormorant Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Bittern (main observatory) Black-tailed godwit Snipe Lapwing Golden plover Starling Pied wagtail

26 October 2018

Recent sightings 24th - 26th October

Recent sightings 24th - 26th October

Pintail Cr. Rob Werran British Steel Hide Plenty of waders still to see on the saline lagoons with 475 Black-tailed Godwit, 133 Knot, around 50 Curlew, 4 Dunlin, as well as Redshank and Greenshank. Large numbers of Pi

26 October 2018

Lapwing numbers building

Lapwing numbers building

Rushy Pintail 27, Lapwing 23, Teal 109, Redshank 1 Martin Smith Crane 2, Snipe 1, Water Rail 1, No sing of Jack Snipe yet Holden Tower Peregrine 2, Buzzard 1 South Lake Black Tailed Godwit 21, Redshank 9 Ruff 1, Grey Heron 1, Lapwing 80, Snipe 2, Teal 367

26 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 26th October - Influx of Whooper Swans

Latest Sightings - Friday 26th October - Influx of Whooper Swans

The cold snap overnight with clear skies has resulted in an influx of Whooper Swans, including some named swans. The sun is shining and the birds look fantastic feeding in the ponds and fields. Named Whooper Swan arrivals: YHS - Solway Siren Lost Darvi

26 October 2018