
Snipe and Golden Plover return

Snipe and Golden Plover return

Zeiss Hide Top New Piece- The first returning Golden Plover was a fresh juvenile among the 125 Lapwing. The Dunlin increased to 97, all of which are in breeding plumage. 34 Avocet, 2 Oystercatcher, 79 Redshank (4 juveniles+ 2 chicks), 106 Black-tailed God

10 July 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Compiled from past two days. Warm on Sunday chiller and over cast on Monday after early rain. A Greenshank was present this afternoon. The Ruff numbers crept up to 5 birds and a count of 14 Little Ringed Plover on Sunday was good for this reserve. Other w

10 July 2017

Hot tea and global warming

Hot tea and global warming

At WWT we believe the cup of tea is mightier than the sword. So we were delighted to join in some tea-based activities as part of the Climate Coalition’s week of action on climate change. Across the country, people invited their local MP for a cup of te

10 July 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Crane x 2 at Friends hide Greenshank- Lyle hide Grey heron Little egret Black-tailed godwit Ruff Lapwing and chicks Avocet Oystercatcher Coot Moorhen and chicks Little ringed plover Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Mallard Teal Wigeon Shelduck Shoveler Gr

10 July 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 10/07/17

Wildlife Sightings - 10/07/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Common tern 149 + and 44 young Grey heron 3 Avocet 11 + 14 young Common sandpiper 1 Lapwing 61 Shelduck 12 (1 adult/brood of 4/5 juveniles) Redshank 9 Teal (pair) 2 Lesser black-bakced gull 1 Saline Lagoon Canada goose 2 B

10 July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 10th July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 10th July 2017

7 Shoveler - main lake 6 Teal - main lake 10 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 1 Common Tern - main lake 2 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 1 Lapwing chick - wader scrape 2 Little Grebe juveniles - wader scrape Gadwall broods of 10 and 1 (3 weeks + old

10 July 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Rushy Pen Up to three Green Sandpiper and a new Avocet family of three chicks. A Marsh Harrier was circling at 10.20am and was seen on both Landrover safaris. Holden Tower Peregrine Falcon on the posts, 90+ Curlew, juvenile Redshank, 23 Black-tailed Godwi

9 July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 9th July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 9th July 2017

1 Kingfisher - world wetlands 6 Shoveler - main lake 5 Teal - main lake 10 Mandarin - reservoir lagoon 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 1 Lapwing chick - wader scrape 2 Little Grebe juveniles - wader scrape   June

9 July 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wader Lake     Time/AM     Tide/High Avocet - 12 adults & 13 juveniles Grey Heron - 13 Gadwall - 2 Ringed Plover - 1 Little Ringed Plover - 1 Teal - 1 male (eclipse plumage) Redshank - 2 adults & 7 ducklings Common Tern - 170   Saline

9 July 2017

Sightings Sunday July 9th

Sightings Sunday July 9th

Cranes in flight by Tony Orwell    Warm but slightly overcast day here at Welney, all hides and Summer walk are open. Sightings today: Bewick's swan Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Mallard Teal Moorhen Crane (

9 July 2017

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

A lovely summers day but of course slightly hazy visibility as a result! Honestly it's not a complaint and the Comma, Meadow Brown and Red Admiral butterflies out on the wing seemed happy enough. Four Dunlin were new arrivals. At this time of year all the

8 July 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Cuckoo on summer walk by Karen Harpin    4 Cranes flying south from Nelson-Lyle Hide and over the summer walk Cuckoo - summer walk Little ringed plover and 3 chicks - Main Observatory Black-tailed godwit Oystercatc

8 July 2017

Baby ducks and passage waders.

Baby ducks and passage waders.

Zeiss Hide Very busy here with lots of waders at high tide (08.30), teal numbers building 41 today and a pair of Cranes were on an Island. Greenshank 2 Redshank 64 inc 2 juvs Avocet 49 Oystercatcher 1 Lapwing 91 Green Sandpiper 2 Dunlin 34 Knot 1 South F

8 July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 8th July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 8th July 2017

1 Redshank - calling from the grazing marsh 4 Teal - main lake 9 Mandarin - wildside 2 Common Tern - main lake, sheltered lagoon 30 Swift - main lake 2 Peregrine - perched on hospital ledge 1 Hobby - grazing marsh June bird highlights: Oystercatcher, Gar

8 July 2017

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Details of road closure in Bankend next week

Latest Sightings - 8th July - Details of road closure in Bankend next week

If you are planning to visit in the next month, please be aware of an up-coming road closure in Bankend village. These are the details we have at the moment: In the first week, the road will be open on Monday (10/07) and Tuesday (11/07) but will be closed

8 July 2017