
Highlights for today

Highlights for today

Top New Piece A Wood Sandpiper, Greenshank, 62 Redshank, 74 Avocet, 80 Lapwing, 3 Little-ringed Plover, Dunlin, 22 Teal, 16 Shoveler and uncounted no's of Gadwall, Mallard and Shelduck. Rushy Pen An adult Wood Sandpiper with 9+ Green Sandpiper, the pair o

2 July 2017

Greenshank and other birds.

Greenshank and other birds.

A brisk wind but nice in the sun today. More wader passage with a Greenshank new in on the Mere early afternoon. Two Ruff on Vinsons Marsh from the Ron Barker Hide. Greenshank (left) with Black-tailed Godwit At least

2 July 2017

Sightings Sunday 2nd July

Sightings Sunday 2nd July

Summer is back with lots of dragonflies on the wing, all hides and Summer walk are open. Sightings so far today: Greylag goose Whooper swan Mute swan Mallard Teal Wigeon Shelduck Pochard Moorhen Little egret Grey heron Common tern Avocet Black-tailed godw

2 July 2017

The map is back...

The map is back...

After a sizable absence we are re-introducing the sightings map. This may not be the final version and it does make more sense zoomed in but given those caveats we think it is a helpful, especially to those visiting for the first time. Cuckoo still prese

1 July 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Greylag goose Wigeon Teal Mallard and ducklings Shoveler Shelduck Green sandpiper-2 at Main  Obs Avocet Redshank Moorhen and chicks of two broods Little ringed plover and chicks Grey heron Little egret Common tern Buzzard Marsh harrier Hobby Kestrel Tree

1 July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 1st July 2017

Wildlife sightings for 1st July 2017

1 Black-tailed Godwit - main lake 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Gadwall Brood of 9 - wader scrape 3 Snipe - reservoir lagoon, wader scrape 20 Swift - main lake 4 House Martin - main lake 1 Peregrine - perched on charing cross hospital 1 Red Kite - over

1 July 2017

Alive with young birds

Alive with young birds

South Lake Just bursting with young birds here. The Black Headed Gulls are most noticeable with lots of brown youngsters all over the place. There were 25 Avocets 15 at least of which were well grown or fledged youngsters. The Crane was seen with its yo

1 July 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Great visibility on Friday in overcast condtions. Some light misty rain early on had the potential of bringing some birds in. A round up of news from the past few days. Two Spoonbill flew east on Wednesday. These birds seem to be hanging around in the 'gr

30 June 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Caspian Tern Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands Little Grebe 5 Cormorant 8 Cattle Egret 1 (28/06) Grey Heron 1 Mute Swan 4 ad, 17 juv Greylag 2 ad, 2 juv Shelduck 13 Gadwall 29 Mallard 26 Shoveler 4 Pochard 5 ad, 7 j

30 June 2017

A day for Wader's

A day for Wader's

With a sunny start to the day there's lots of waders to be seen across the site, with a count of 9 different species of wader seen from the Zeiss Hide. Rushy Pen On the middle causeway there was 63 black-tailed godwit roosting, with a 2 oystercatchers lur

30 June 2017

Sightings - 30/06/2017

Sightings - 30/06/2017

  A pair of Spotted Flycatchers are still down the avenue, spending most of their time about half way down to the tower. They are however, being extremely illusive and only being seen a couple of times a week. In other news we are starting to see som

30 June 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Mallard Teal Shelduck Tufted duck Grey heron Black-tailed godwit Avocet Oystercatcher Redshank Little ringed plover Moorhen Coot Cormorant Black-headed gull Lesser black backed gull Sparrowhawk Hobby Swallow House martin Wren Reed w

30 June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 30th June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 30th June 2017

1 Redshank - resr lagoon 2 Little Ringed Plover - scrape, main lake 1 Lapwing juv - scrape 3 Snipe - resr lagoon, marsh 2 Gadwall broods - scrape (10), main lake (6) 7 Tufted Duck broods - scrape, world wetlands June bird highlights: Oystercatcher, G

30 June 2017

Thousands of toadlets emerge

Thousands of toadlets emerge

Heavy rain prompted a mass emergence of toadlets at Arundel Wetland Centre It rained heavily in Arundel last Thursday morning. The dense rain signalled ‘go’ to the toadlets living in the reedbed at the entrance to

29 June 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Peregrine Oystercatcher Tree sparrow Goldfinch Avocet Buzzard Green sandpiper - 2 Little ringed plover and 3 chicks Lapwing Cuckoo Common tern Redshank Pochard Teal Shoveler Mallard Shelduck and chicks Whitethroat Sedge warbler Linnet Whooper swan Little

29 June 2017