
Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Swift House martin Swallows and fledglings Goldfinch Chaffinch Tree sparrow Wren Linnet Skylark Reed warbler Sedge warbler Stock dove Avocet Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Redshank Moorhen and 2nd brood chicks Little egret Mallard and 10 ducklings Shoveler a

5 June 2017

Wet summer day

Wet summer day

A very wet and overcast day was brightened by the birds, we still have much to see and study as the breeding season is in full swing. Tack Piece (Robbie Garnett Hide) Good to see the first returning Green Sandpiper, we should see increasing numbers as th

5 June 2017



Virtually non-stop rain today dampening visitors but not bird activity. Great to see some larger broods of Shelduck emerging with one group of 8 just hatched from the Ron Barker Hide this morning. There will be plenty more to come in the next few weeks. Q

5 June 2017

Wildlife sightings - 05/06/17

Wildlife sightings - 05/06/17

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Black-tailed godwit 2 (possible pair) Little ringed plover 2 Ringed plover 2 Avocet 26 + 15 chicks Oystercatcher 2 + 2 chicks Shelduck 12 + 11 ducklings Shoveler 1 (eclipse form) Common tern 105+ Saline Lagoon Avocet 2 Oyst

5 June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 5th June 2017

2 Oystercatcher - main lake 2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 1 Shelduck - wader scrape 1 Common Tern - main lake 2 Redshank - reservoir lagoon 30+ Swift - wader scrape, reservoir lagoon   May bird highlights: Wood Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Whin

5 June 2017

Recent sightings - 5th June

Recent sightings - 5th June

The following sightings were recorded today, near high tide. Estuary Lesser black-backed gull 9, Shelduck 2, Black-headed Gull 35. Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Coot 2 adults + 2 chicks, Mallard 20 (among them 2 families wi

5 June 2017

Yellow Wag, Cuckoo and Spoonbills...

Yellow Wag, Cuckoo and Spoonbills...

Much fresher today with a brisk westerly making it chilly in the hides, assuming you were dressed for summer... A pair of Yellow Wagtail were seen briefly in the overflow car park this morning before flying over the road (east).

4 June 2017

Wading birds hatch out summer chicks

Wading birds hatch out summer chicks

Little ringed plover and chicks by Peter Ward     . Despite the news that the black-winged stilt pair did not manage to successfully raise their chicks, there are other wading birds who are faring better on the re

4 June 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Avocet pair and chicks by Peter Ward    . Avocet (8 chicks on main lagoon, chicks on Lyle hide pool & Friends hide pool too) Little ringed plover (adults on main lagoon, pair with 4 chicks on Friends hide pool)

4 June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th June 2017

1 Hobby - hunting over the marsh and scrape a.m. 2 Buzzard - flew over E 3 Lapwing juvs - reservoir lagoon and scrape 3 Little Ringed Plover - scrape 1 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 2 Common Tern - main lake 6 Swallow - feeding over the marsh 3 Whiteth

4 June 2017

Breeding Barn Owls and other birds

Breeding Barn Owls and other birds

Barn Owl nest (pic by Kane Brides WWT) Three pairs of Barn Owl nesting at Martin Mere this year. Two broods of 4 chicks currently and this nest with 6 eggs. Plenty of other birds to keep the WWT conservation team in d

3 June 2017

Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Mallard Shoveler Shelduck Gadwall Teal Pochard Moorhen Coot Avocet Redshank Little egret Grey heron Little-ringed plover Dunlin Lapwing Black-tailed godwit Cormorant Black-headed gull Common tern Reed warbler Sedge warbler C

3 June 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd June

Reserve Update Saturday 3rd June

Another lovely start to the day with fledgling birds down the Avenue and more of our wildflowers coming out in the Meadow and Avenues.  There has also been a bumper number of Brown Hares visible first thing this morning with three in the fields down at t

3 June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 3rd June 2017

Wildlife sightings for 3rd June 2017

2 Little Ringed Plover - wader scrape 3 Shelduck - main lake, reservoir lagoon 4 Shoveler - reservoir lagoon, grazing marsh, main lake 2 Common Tern - main lake 1 Redshank - reservoir lagoon 30 Swift - mostly over the river 1 Whitethroat - still singing a

3 June 2017

Todays Sighting

Todays Sighting

Cattle Egret Two  with cattle south of approach road. Rushy Gadwall 16 Avocet 9 ad 3 big and 1 small juv. Oystercatcher 2 + 2 juvs Redshank 4 South Lake Avocet 37 and at least 12 juvs Oystercatcher 4 Great Crested Grebe 1 Hogarth Hide Whitethroat on the

3 June 2017