
New reedbed walk

New reedbed walk

A new reedbed walk has opened at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre aimed to get our visitors face to face with some of our more secretive species whilst also enjoying a walk through nature. Reserve Manager, Tom Clare, said: “We are opening up the Pat Wisni

29 April 2017

Recent sightings - 29th April

Recent sightings - 29th April

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, near low tide. Estuary Brent geese 29, Lesser Black-backed gull 3, Black-headed gull 50. Main lake - visible from Sensory garden and Visitor centre Greylag 4, Tufted duck 10, Blac

29 April 2017

3 eggs for our Ospreys and the Summer Walk is open!

3 eggs for our Ospreys and the Summer Walk is open!

Our pair of Osprey have now laid 3 eggs which they are now incubating on the nest! You can watch live between 10am and 5pm here: The eggs will likely hatch around mid May.   The

29 April 2017

Reserve update 29th April - 3 egg Ospreys and Summer Walk open!

Reserve update 29th April - 3 egg Ospreys and Summer Walk open!

Our pair of Osprey have now laid 3 eggs which they are now incubating on the nest! You can watch live between 10am and 5pm here: The eggs will likely hatch around mid May. The Summer

29 April 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 29/04/17

Wildlife Sightings - 29/04/17

am Mid tide Wader Lake Avocet - 14 Black-Tailed Godwit - 10 Lapwing (3 Broods) - 26 + 6 Chicks Common Snipe - 5 Oystercatcher - 4 Redshank - 4 Common Tern - 3 Grey Heron - 36 Teal - 6 Shoveler - 4 Gadwall - 4 Saline lagoon Common Sandpiper - 1 Avocet - 6

29 April 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

A productive morning for visitors on our Bird Watch Morning event with 50 species seen on a leisurely walk around the reserve.  Find out dates of upcoming Bird Watch Mornings and our Advanced Birder events on our website here. Summer Walkway Access from

29 April 2017

Sightings Saturday 29th April

Sightings Saturday 29th April

Wonderful bright start to the day with Cranes heard calling on Lady fen. Black-winged stilt on Lady fen this morning (Photo Clive Baker) All hides apart from Allport hide are open Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Canada goose Greylag goose Gadwall

29 April 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th April 2017

4 Common Tern - wildside 2 Shelduck - wader scrape 2 Little Ringed Plover - grazing marsh 4 Redshank - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 2 Swift - main lake 1 Lesser Whitethroat - sheltered lagoon 1 Willow Warbler - entrance lake 5 Sedge Warbl

29 April 2017

Bird News

Bird News

Improved weather lead to a lot more birds being seen today, although today's round up starts with yesterday's news, when the first Swift of the year was seen over the reserve. A Whinchat has also been present, viewed from the United Utilities hide where u

28 April 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Whitethroat Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands Little Grebe 4 Cormorant 3 Grey Heron 1 Mute Swan 3 Greylag 2 Shelduck 5 Gadwall 14 Pochard 2 Tufted Duck 17 Buzzard 1 Peregrine 1 Water Rail 1 Coot 3 (and 6 chicks) Lap

28 April 2017

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spring migrants - spoonbill

Spoonbill by Ray Mathias Spring migrants are passing through and dropping in at quite a pace now.  This spoonbill was on site for two days this week resting and feeding up on our wetlands.  Its distinctive flattened

28 April 2017

Wildlife sightings 28/04/17

Wildlife sightings 28/04/17

am low tide Wader Lake Avocet 16 Lapwing 32 Redshank 6 Oystercatcher 6 Ringed plover 2 Black tailed godwit 10 Common snipe 2 Grey heron 33 adult, 21 chicks on nest, 3 chicks fledged Shoveler 5 Gadwall 4 teal 6 Saline lagoon Avocet 4 Redshank 2 Oystercatch

28 April 2017

Sightings 28/04/2017

Sightings 28/04/2017

The strong northerly winds have finally died down and they are set to swing around to the south over the weekend, so we should see an arrival of some more spring migrants. There has been a noticeable influx of Sedge Warblers over the last few days, with

28 April 2017

Today's Sightings

Today's Sightings

Wheatear Great white egret Shelduck Avocet Lapwing & chicks Redshank Black-tailed godwit Ruff Dunlin Egyptian goose Buzzard Swift Tufted duck Kestrel Shoveler Reed bunting Tree sparrow Moorhen & chicks Coot & chicks Whitethroat Marsh harrier C

28 April 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Rushy Hide & Peng Observatory The redhead Smew was back on the Rushy this morning after its brief excursion out to other parts of the reserve.  There was no sign of any Common Sandpipers but a single Redshank, 10 Avocet and a pair of Oystercatcher we

28 April 2017