
Wildlife sightings for 30th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 30th March 2017

3 Sandwich Tern - main lake island (having come across from river), then headed W 1210hrs 1 Wheatear (male) - marsh fence post 7 Blackcap - wildside, sheltered lagoon, south route 6 Chiffchaff - wildside, south route, sheltered lagoon 1 Caspian Gull 2nd

30 March 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

The day started promising with a glimmer of sunshine, but the weather quickly clouded completely over and then light rain for the afternoon.  It didn't stop the Chiffchaffs singing though.  They can be heard across the reserve at present along with at l

29 March 2017

Missing Ducks at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

Missing Ducks at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre

  WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre has lost some rather special ducks. A number of our GIANT yellow ducks have gone missing and we need children to help us and Dusty Duck find them this Easter holidays as part of Dusty’s GIANT Duck Hunt. You’ll need

29 March 2017

Sightings Wednesday 29th March

Sightings Wednesday 29th March

Water levels remain low, all hides apart from Allport are open. Sightings today: Whooper swan Mute swan Gadwall Pintail Pochard Shelduck Shoveler Teal Tufted duck Wigeon Little grebe Kingfisher Great white egret Little egret Avocet Black-tailed godwit Cur

29 March 2017

Sightings 27th - 29th of March

Sightings 27th - 29th of March

The weather has been glorious over the last few days, it's a shame the same can't be said about today. However with it, the good weather brought a range of spring migrants and the reserve is always changing at this time of year. Our first Wheatear of the

29 March 2017

Sightings Tuesday 28th March

Sightings Tuesday 28th March

Shelduck Tufted duck Wigeon Kingfisher Great white egret (5) Little egret Avocet Lapwing Oystercatcher Snipe Reed bunting

29 March 2017

Newborn quadruplets bring hope for otter species

Newborn quadruplets bring hope for otter species

The first vital health check with keepers Rhys Mckie (left) and Kristian Purchase There’s otterly exciting news as four Asian short-clawed otter cubs are born at WWT Washington Wetland Centre, becoming the latest cu

29 March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 29th March 2017

1 Green Sandpiper - over centre buildings towards the main lake 1510hrs 1 Glaucous Gull - main lake/marsh 1 Caspian Gull 1st c yr - marsh 4 Shelduck - main lake, wader scrape 4 Redshank - grazing marsh 2 Snipe - main lake 1 Little Egret - grazing marsh

29 March 2017

Recent sightings

Recent sightings

Mute Swan Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands 6 x Song Thrush 14 x Goldfinch 17 x Chiffchaff 3 x Dunnock 1 x Willow Warbler 43 x Tufted Duck 8 x Pochard 6 x Shoveler 2 x Little Grebe 3 x Cormorant 2 x Little Eg

28 March 2017

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

We were fog bound for much of the morning so sightings are limited. Holden Tower An immature Peregrine took advantage of the foggy morning to sneak in and hit a male Teal, the unlucky duck was dropped. Despite repeated attempts to retrieve the corpse it f

28 March 2017

Wildlife Sightings -28/3/17

Wildlife Sightings -28/3/17

Wader Lake A.M Tide Level: Low   Avocet 19 Shelduck 34 Northern Shoveler 13 Common Snipe 10 Mute Swan (mating/courting) 1 pair Lapwing 22 Gadwall 9 Oystercatcher 4 Kestrel 1 (female) Redshank 4 Coot 4 Domestic Duck 1 Tufted Duck 3 Lesser Black-Backe

28 March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 28th March 2017

Wildlife sightings for 28th March 2017

1 Glaucous Gull (2cy) - main lake (14:00) 1 Mediterranean Gull - flew over main lake calling 2 Ruddy Duck - reservoir lagoon 5 Shelduck - main lake, wader scrape 4 Redshank - grazing marsh, main lake 2 Snipe - grazing marsh 7 Sand Martin - sheltered lagoo

28 March 2017

Wildlife sightings - 27/03/17

Wildlife sightings - 27/03/17

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Avocet 16 Common snipe 11 Shoveler 6 Kestrel 2 (pair) Lapwing 44 Gadwall 6 Coot 4 Oystercatcher 2 Lesser black-backed gull 2 Heron 32 Teal 9 Saline Lagoon Avocet 2 Gadwall 1 Hawthorn Wood Brambling 1 Bullfinch 9 Goldfinch 5

27 March 2017

A busy morning of migration

A busy morning of migration

Visible migration and other sightings from Holden Tower A steady trickle of Sand Martins through the site with a flock of up to 40 feeding around the centre and Sloane tower late morning with more over the Tack Piece, a couple of Swallows were also amo

27 March 2017

Recent sightings - 27th March

Recent sightings - 27th March

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, at low tide. Estuary Oystercatcher 20, Shelduck 20, Brent geese 20, Black-headed gull 220, Black-tailed godwit +100, Lesser black-backed gull 1. Main lake - visible from Sensory

27 March 2017