
Wildlife sightings - 21/02/17

Wildlife sightings - 21/02/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Avocet 1 (adult female - earliest arrival on site record!) Grey heron 44 Oystercatcher 4 Northern Lapwing 45 Tufted duck 8 Shelduck 28 Coot 3 Redshank 25 Common snipe 8 Northern shoveler 12 Saline Lagoon Eurasian teal 4 Ha

21 February 2017

Sightings Tuesday 21st February

Sightings Tuesday 21st February

Water levels starting to drop, islands of land starting to become more visable, small puddle of water on footpath to reedbed hide. All hides apart from Allport hide are open. Sightings so far today: Bewick's swan Mute swan Whooper swan Canada goose Egypti

21 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 21st February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 21st February 2017

1 Mediterranean Gull - main lake 1 Caspian Gull (2nd cy) - wader scrape 1 Bittern - main lake N shore 5 Pintail - main lake, sheltered lagoon 1 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 1 Kestrel - flew over entrance lake 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Grey Wagtail

21 February 2017

Swans begin their spring migration

Swans begin their spring migration

Hundreds of Bewick's swans were visible on our final two swan's awake mornings last week and seemed reluctant to fly out very early. This seems to be because they were resting up ready to migrate - as seen with one of our GPS tagged birds, Daisy Clarke, s

20 February 2017

Misty morning, limited news, sorry.

Misty morning, limited news, sorry.

No hide round due to the dense mist rolling in from the Severn estuary. It cleared by 1100hrs, there were plenty of birdwatchers on site so we may get some additional news via our Twitter account later. Just about visible on the South Lake at 0900hrs were

20 February 2017

Sightings Monday 20th February

Sightings Monday 20th February

Golden Plover Whooper Swans Green Woodpecker Peacock butterfly Snipe Redshank Dunlin Black-tailed Godwit Egyptian Goose Pintail Wigeon Teal Lapwing Stonechat Oystercatcher Kestrel White-fronted Geese Bewick's Swans Marsh Harrier Little Egret

20 February 2017

Avocets and Brambling

Avocets and Brambling

A few more Avocets arrived overnight/early morning bringing the total to 11 birds this morning on the Mere, also the Woodcock is still present between Gladstone Hide and Janet Kear Hide. Keeping with Waders, a Dunlin was with the flock of 60 Ruff and 2 Cu

20 February 2017

Recent sightings - 20th February

Recent sightings - 20th February

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, near high tide, and under a light drizzle. Estuary Good numbers of waders this morning, as the tide was pushing them towards the shore: Black-tailed godwit 330, Curlew 20, Dunlin 7

20 February 2017

Monday update, Feb 20th

Monday update, Feb 20th

Damp and breezy to begin with. Not a lot of change recently but plenty to see. Barnacle Goose nos. continue to hold up well, with around 7000 most days, including a leucistic bird yesterday as well as the hybrid Snow Goose x Barnacle. 107 Black-tailed God

20 February 2017

Wildlife sightings - 20/02/17

Wildlife sightings - 20/02/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Grey heron 37 Northern lapwing 52 Canada geese 31 (including 2 hybrids) Eurasian shelduck 25 Northern shoveler 11 Redshank 16 Coot 3 Gadwall 2 Oystercatcher 4 Wigeon 1 Saline Lagoon Eurasian curlew 36 Eurasian teal 7 Hawt

20 February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 20th February 2017

Wildlife sightings for 20th February 2017

1 Bittern - main lake South East corner 7 Pintail - main lake, sheltered lagoon 1 Redshank - main lake 2 Kingfisher - sheltered lagoon 3 Snipe - grazing marsh January/February bird highlights: Bittern, Firecrest, Brent Goose, Shelduck, Jack Snipe, Blac

20 February 2017

Late winter wader bonanza on South Lake

Late winter wader bonanza on South Lake

South Lake Unfortunately no Curlew were seen or reported at this site but we still managed to see twelve species of wader here today (numbered in brackets) The Avocet (1) flock increased to 20 and some initial mating behaviour was noted. At least 120

19 February 2017



Another excellent day with a few new birds in, best of which was a group of 15 Greenland White-fronted Geese which were seen from Ron Barker Hide, unfortunately they didn't stay around for too long. Also new in today were the first Avocets, a group of 5 b

19 February 2017

Wildlife update, Sunday Feb 19th

Wildlife update, Sunday Feb 19th

A better day weather-wise so far, but probably little change bird-wise, though I did see large nos. of Pinkfeet high up heading north on my way into work early this morning. Lots of small Barnacle Goose flocks around the hides, one of which held the hybri

19 February 2017

Sightings Sunday 19th February

Sightings Sunday 19th February

Water levels remain low, but some water on path towards reedbed hide, wellies advised. All hides remain open apart from Allport hide. Sightings so far today: Bewick's swan (5 at Friends hide) Whooper swan Mute swan Black swan (Main Observatory) Greylag Eg

19 February 2017