
Aerial filming of WWT Welney

Aerial filming of WWT Welney

Very few people get to see a bird’s eye view of our wetlands for real. But thanks to our local aerial filming specialists Sky Vertical we’ve captured some fantastic clips of the landscape for you to enjoy. This clip shows you the visitor centre, Lady

28 January 2017

Sightings, Saturday 28th Jan

Sightings, Saturday 28th Jan

Rushy Bewick's Swan 152 Pintail 77 Pochard 45 Redshank 1 Dunlin 5 Little Stint 1 Hybrid Wigeon Holden Tower and Hides Whitefronted Goose 120 (flew in at 09.45) Barnacle Goose 120 Wigeon 850 Lapwing 140 Dunlin 20 Knot 12 over the estuary. Crane 3 Great Cre

28 January 2017

Wildlife Sightings - 28/01/17

Wildlife Sightings - 28/01/17

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake Shoveler - 6 Northern Lapwing - 40 Stock Dove - 1 Coot - 1 Gadwall - 2 Eurasian Teal - 3 Shelduck - 16 Saline Lagoon Eurasian Teal - 18 Eurasian Curlew - 21 Goosander - 1 Hawthorn Wood Siskin - 2 Reed Bunting - 1 Great Spot

28 January 2017

Wildlife sightings for 28th January 2017

Wildlife sightings for 28th January 2017

2 Bittern - main lake South shore, reservoir lagoon 7 Pintail - main lake 1 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh 12 Redwing - Q.E.W 18 Fieldfare - flew across site to West route January bird highlights: Bittern, Waxwing, Jack Snipe, Y

28 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 28th January - Mist and drizzle

Latest Sightings - 28th January - Mist and drizzle

What a difference a day makes. From freezing temperatures and sunshine yesterday to mild, misty and drizzly this morning. One drake Green-winged Teal is on the Folly Pond, we are not sure if the other one from yesterday is still here or not as we can't se

28 January 2017

Sightings for Friday 27th January

Sightings for Friday 27th January

Misty start but cleared during the day, water levels remain at about 65% flooding, all hides remain open apart from Allport hide. Sightings today: Whooper swan Bewick's swan Mute swan White-fronted goose Goldeneye Mallard Pochard Teal Tufted duck Wigeon M

27 January 2017

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Sparrowhawk - Les Mccallum Millennium Wetlands 70 x Cormorant 2 x Little Grebe 1 x Grey Heron 2 x Mute Swan 41 x Gadwall 5 x Shelduck 23 x Mallard 3 x Teal 25 x Pintail 38 x Shoveler 5 x Pochard 14 x Tufted duck 1 x

27 January 2017

Water rail winter viewings

Water rail winter viewings

Water rail by Ray Mathias Easier to spot in cold weather, the secretive water rail has been out on show this week.  These brilliant views were from the North Wing Hide (luckily this is right next to our heated hide).

27 January 2017

Latest Sightings - 27th January - Sun and Ice

Latest Sightings - 27th January - Sun and Ice

A sunny but cold morning on the reserve and the swans are having to play at ice breakers this morning as most of the ponds are frozen solid. A drake Green-winged Teal is on the Flood Ground at the moment, no sign of one on the Folly Pond so it is probabl

27 January 2017

Recent sightings - 27th January

Recent sightings - 27th January

The following sightings were recorded today by Toni Castello, warden, near high tide. Estuary Oystercatcher 270, Shelduck +300, Redshank 40, Brent geese 15, Curlew 20,  Common Teal 2, Lesser black-backed gull 2, Black-tailed godwit 20, Little egret

27 January 2017

Wildlife sightings - 27/01/17

Wildlife sightings - 27/01/17

a.m. Tide Level: Low Wader Lake (30% frozen) Shelduck 6 Canada goose 1 Shoveler 1 Saline Lagoon (100% frozen) Hawthorn Wood Chaffinch 30 Bullfinch 20 Coal tit 6 Blue tit 13 Robin 3 Dunnock 5 Siskin 1 Goldfinch 3 Great tit 12 Other birds Black-headed gull

27 January 2017

Wildlife sightings for 27th January 2017

Wildlife sightings for 27th January 2017

3 Bittern - main lake, reservoir lagoon 5 Pintail - main lake 1 Kingfisher - South route 22 Fieldfare - flew over heading East, South West January bird highlights: Bittern, Waxwing, Jack Snipe, Yellow-legged Gull, Caspian Gull, Bearded Tit, Buzzard, Per

27 January 2017

And colder again

And colder again

Having thawed out a little yesterday, some of the open water has refrozen and moved birds around a little.  Its a gloriously sunny day though with plenty to see. Holden Tower Nine Cranes were on the Tack Piece by early morning, arriving in small groups s

27 January 2017

Glaucous gull - winter visitor

Glaucous gull - winter visitor

Glaucous gull by Ray Mathias When the marsh harrier is away, the gull.....gets its lunch?  This glaucous gull is a winter visitor to the UK.  Even this youngster is huge in size, it is worth checking through the gul

26 January 2017

Sightings Thursday 26th January

Sightings Thursday 26th January

No fog this morning but a very cold wind so wrap up warm if visiting today, all hides remain open apart from Allport, lots of Whooper swans and Wigeon can be seen from the Wigeon cafe.   Sightings today: Bewick's swan Whooper swan Egyptian goose Whit

26 January 2017