
Kingfisher in Wildside

Kingfisher in Wildside

Kingfisher by Alec Pelling   1 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 3 Pintail - main lake 5 Snipe - wader scrape 2 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 2 Water Pipit - grazing marsh 1 Kingfisher - Wildside 1 Kestrel - shel

6 January 2019

Wild Winter Saturday

Wild Winter Saturday

The drake Goldeneye is still present but no sign yet of the female.  The drake has occasionally disappeared from the South Lake, but we've refound him on the Big Pen next to the Visitor Centre, so keep an eye open as your cross the boardwalk. Martin Smi

5 January 2019

Bewick's Swan

Bewick's Swan

After no sightings on the reserve during the winter period 2017-18, 2 Bewick's Swan flew onto the reserve late afternoon. The decline of wintering Bewick's Swan has been dramatic given the record count at Martin Mere is 1046 during the winter of 1990-91.

5 January 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Ring-necked duck (main observatory) Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose White-fronted goose x 7 Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Ringed teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Littl

5 January 2019

Latest Sightings - Saturday 5th January

Latest Sightings - Saturday 5th January

Still no sign of the Green-winged Teal since it was seen on the 2nd January. The two Greater Scaup are still on the Whooper Pond, one of them appears to have some Tufted Duck in it's ancestry as it shows a Tufted Duck bill (completely dark tip, as opposed

5 January 2019

Pintail showing well today

Pintail showing well today

Northern Pintail at Slimbridge by James Lees 2 Bittern - main lake (North shore) 7 Pintail - main lake 1 Shelduck - main lake 71 Lapwing - main lake 4 Snipe - wader scrape 17 Redwing - flew over heading SW 1 Water Pip

5 January 2019

Whooper swan spectacular this winter

Whooper swan spectacular this winter

Happy New Year! What better way to celebrate the start of the New Year than with a visit to WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre. Come and discover why we’re the only place in the North West that welcomes thousands of whooper swans over winter. Every year, ar

4 January 2019

Have a wild winter at Martin Mere Wetland Centre

Have a wild winter at Martin Mere Wetland Centre

At Martin Mere Wetland Centre we’re here for you and for wildlife 364 days a year, so don’t let a little thing like the weather put you off spending a day in the great outdoors. This Christmas holiday, throw on a coat, grab your wellies and head out f

4 January 2019

A chilly Friday

A chilly Friday

A pair of Goldeneye arrived on the deep lake of the South Lake mid-morning and were a nice treat.  The species is less than annual on the reserve, with adult males even scarcer.  Otherwise it was a rather cold start with many of the shallower waterbodie

4 January 2019

Great White Egret again

Great White Egret again

The Great White Egret was reported again distantly from Harrier Hide, also a Peregrine on view from here. A Water Rail has been showing from Ron Barker Hide in the ditch in front of the hide and a Chiffchaff was seen by Kingfisher hide yesterday. Up to 70

4 January 2019

Wildlife sightings 04/01/19

Wildlife sightings 04/01/19

a.m. low tide Wader Lake lapwing 110 snipe 2 shelduck 11 teal 7 redshank water rail Saline lagoon Curlew 83 Teal 5 Jay Hawthorn Wood Brambling 9 Chaffinch 22 Goldfinch 2 Greenfinch 4 Lesser redpoll 6 Willow tit 2 Long tailed tit 6 nuthatch 2 Great spotted

4 January 2019

Calling Water Rail

Calling Water Rail

1 Goldeneye - sheltered lagoon 4 Pintail - main lake 7 Mandarin - main lake, wildside 3 Water Rail - reservoir lagoon, reedbed, sheltered lagoon (all calling) 1 Siskin - South route 1 Coal Tit - South route feeders 1 Little Owl - World wetlands 1 Peregri

4 January 2019

Today's sightings - Ring-necked duck

Today's sightings - Ring-necked duck

Ring-necked duck alongside a pochard Ring-necked duck - 1 male in amongst the pochard right in front of the main hide. Today's sightings: Bewick's swan Mute swan Whooper swan Barnacle goose Greylag goose White-fronted

4 January 2019

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Ring-necked duck - 1 male in amongst the pochard right in front of the main hide Bewick's swan Whooper swan Mute swan Greylag Canada goose Shelduck Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Ringed teal Pochard Tufted duck Cormorant Coot Grey heron Moor

3 January 2019

Goshawk again

Goshawk again

Holden Tower The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was among Canada Geese on south end of the Dumbles (near Royal Drift) until flushed by a walker with dogs. The two Peregrines were also initially present. Tack Piece The Wigeon and Teal flock are keeping faithful

3 January 2019