
Wildlife Sightings 20/08/2023
Weather: Sunny/ Mod. WindsRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWade Lake SpeciesAvocet - 23Oystercatcher - 2Redshank - 32Common Sandpiper - 1Black-tailed godwit - 2Lapwing - 295Ruff - 2Common Snipe - 1Curlew - 1Common Te
20 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings 19/08/2023
Weather: Bright, BreezyRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake SpeciesLapwing - 408Teal - 40Curlew - 6Shoveler (in eclipse) - 4 m, 4 fGrey heron - 8Black tailed godwit - 8Avocet - 21Shelduck - 3 juv.Greylag goose -
19 August 2023

Reservoir - Drawn to Water top tips
The reservoir - a holding place for water, a haven for wildlife! As you emerge from Hollowood onto the opening of the reservoir, you'll be hit with the views, the tree life and the sounds of nature. Our Drawn to Water guide is a great way to highlight
18 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 18/08/2023
Weather: cloudy / overcastRiver wear tide level: midA.MWader Lake:Avocet - 23Teal - 25Greylag Goose - 4 + 2 GoslingsBlack-headed Gull - 29Grey Heron - 2Lapwing - 238Black-tailed Godwit - 2Curlew - 1Ruff - 3Redshank - 2Shoveler - 2Coot - 1Hawthorn wood:Nut
18 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings 17/08/2023
Weather: CloudyRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake SpeciesGreylag Goose - 3Shoveler - 12Avocet - 26Black-tailed godwit - 2Gadwall - 3Teal - 2Black-headed Gull - 18Grey heron - 5Lapwing - 235Common Sandpiper
17 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 16/08/2023
Weather: cloudy / overcastRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Common Tern - 3Avocet - 21Shelduck - 3Black-headed Gull - 5 ( 2 juvenile)Black-tailed Godwit - 1Grey Heron - 8Teal - 8Ruff - 2Lapwing - 301Curlew -2Coot - 1Kingfisher - 1Hawthorn wood: Grea
16 August 2023

Wildlife sightings - 15/08/2023
a.m. Tide levelsWader LakeLittle egret 1Avocet 19Ruff 2Lapwing 287Black-tailed godwit 2Redshank 4Curlew 2Common tern 4Gadwall 4Shelduck 5Greylag 4Canada goose 2Grey heron 11Hawthorn WoodGreat-spotted woodpecker 1Chaffinch 15Bullfinch 3Goldfinch 3Coal tit
15 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 14/08/2023
Weather: RainRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Avocet - 18Grey Heron - 11Black-tailed Godwit - 1Shoveler - 5Gadwall - 6Common Tern - 4Teal - 8Ruff - 3Black-headed Gull - 2Shelduck - 1 juvenileLapwing - 114Canada Goose - 2Hawthorn wood:Chaffinch - 7G
14 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 13/08/2023
Weather: cloudyRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Teal - 2Shelduck - 1 juvenileAvocet - 18Shoveler - 4Gadwall - 2Black-tailed Godwit - 1Black-headed Gull - 1Lapwing - 221Common Tern - 2 + 1 juvenileGrey Heron - 1Little Egret - 1Curlew - 1Hawthorn woo
13 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 12/08/2023
Weather: overcastRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Teal - 18Shoveler - 3 + 2Gadwall - 3Avocet - 20 ( 4 were juvenile)Shelduck - 1 juvenileBlack-tailed Godwit - 2Common Tern - 3Grey Heron - 10Black-headed Gull - 2Ruff - 3Lapwing - 87Kestrel - 1 Juven
12 August 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 11/08/2023
AMWeather - Clear, SunnyAvocet - 15Curlew - 21Ruff - 3Grey Heron - 12Lapwing - 264Teal - 13Coal Tit - 1Greenfinch - 2Blue Tit - 4Woodpigeon - 1Greylag Goose - Wader Lake - 2 (+ 1
11 August 2023

Reedbeds - Drawn to Water top tips
Our Drawn to Water guide is a great way to highlight key areas of our collection and wild reserve that are often overlooked. With many spots to stop, look and listen; you'll find there's so much more to most places than first meets the eye (and ear!). It'
10 August 2023

Wildlife sightings - 10/08/2023
a.m. Tide Level: HighWader LakeAvocet 13Teal 23Shelduck 7 juvenileGrey heron 12Black-tailed godwit 2Curlew 9Lapwing 341Redshank 19Black-headed gull 12 (6 juvenile)Common tern 1Ruff 4Greylag 1Hawthorn WoodMoorhen 3 ad + 2 chicksMallard 1 + 4 ducklingsBullf
10 August 2023

Red-listed willow tit breed on our reserve
Seven red-listed willow tit – the UK’s fastest declining resident bird species – have successfully hatched and fledged at WWT Washington Wetland Centre. The young birds, which left the nest in May, are the offspring of an adult willow tit pair, whi
9 August 2023

Wildlife sightings - 09/08/2023
a.m. Tide level: Wader LakeAvocet 17Little egret 1Common tern 3Black-tailed godwit 2Redshank 48Ruff 3Dunlin 1Lapwing 267Swallow 1Curlew 8Gadwall 8Teal 5Shelduck 6 Black-headed gull 102Hawthorn WoodGreat tit 6Blue tit 9Chaffinch 6Long-tailed tit 2Robin 2Bu
9 August 2023