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First bar-headed goslings for 10 years hatch at WWT Washington

First bar-headed goslings for 10 years hatch at WWT Washington

Three beautiful bar-headed goslings have hatched at Washington Wetland Centre - the first for more than a decade! Arriving earlier this week, the youngsters are being looked after by our living collection team at our specialist duckery, where they're no

20 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 19/04/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 19/04/2023

Weather: Overcast / drizzleA.MShelduck - 18+6 ChicksAvocet - 19Lapwing - 7Shoveler - 1Oystercatcher - 1Canada Goose - 19Hawthorn Wood:Robin - 2Dunnock - 1Blue Tit - 1Goldfinch - 2Other birds noted around site:Shelduck - 9 (River wear)Oystercatcher - 2 (Ri

19 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 18/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 18/05/2023

Weather: CloudyRiver Wear Tide Level: LowWader Lake SpeciesShelduck - 28Tufted Duck - 19Mute Swan - 1Canada Goose - 28Avocet - 21Black-headed Gull - 78Common Tern - 106Lapwing - 16Greylag Goose - 5Shoveler - 3Grey Heron - 25Redshank - 2Canalag - 1Teal - 1

18 May 2023

Wildlife Sighting - 16/05/2023

Wildlife Sighting - 16/05/2023

Weather: sunny / cloudyRiver wear tide level: lowA.MWader lake:Shelduck - 29Tufted Duck - 8Canada Goose - 23Avocet - 30Common Tern - 59Black- Headed Gull - 89Shoveler - 2Oystercatcher - 2Lapwing - 12Grey Heron - 24Pied Wagtail - 1Redshank - 2Gadwall - 2Te

16 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 15/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 15/05/2023

Weather: SunnyRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake SpeciesOystercatcher - 2Lapwing - 9Redshank - 3Avocet - 38Shoveler - 2Gadwall - 4Teal - 4Tufted Duck - 10Shelduck - 35Common Tern - 82Black-headed Gull - 69Greylag - 6Canada Goose - 19Hawthorn Wood Bird F

15 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 14/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 14/05/2023

AMRiver Wear Tide Level: MIDAvocet - 40Redshank - 7Gadwall - 4Shelduck - 35Common Tern - 96Lesser black-backed Gull - 2Greylag Goose - 3Goldfinch - 3Robin - 1Great Tit - 1Grey Heron - Heron Hedge - 30Chiffchaff - Spring Gill Wo

14 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 13/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 13/05/2023

AMWeather: OvercastRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWater Level: MIDWader Lake SpeciesAvocet: 44Lapwing: 8Oystercatcher: 3Redshank: 3Common Tern: 127Black-headed Gull: 90Shelduck: 16Shoveler: 4Teal: 2Gadwall: 6Grey H

13 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings 12/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings 12/05/2023

Weather: Cloudy, DrizzleRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesGrey Heron - 27Barn Swallow - 7Tufted Duck - 24Teal - 21Gadwall - 4Shelduck - 49Avocet - 34Mute Swan - 1Oystercatcher - 2Common Tern - 7

12 May 2023

Celebrating spring migration this World Migratory Bird Day

Celebrating spring migration this World Migratory Bird Day

Spring migration is a fantastic time of year to explore nature and soak up the species that visit us during the warmer months Many bird species reliably visit the same spots every year and make for fantastic subjects for photography, as well as offering

12 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings 11/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings 11/05/2023

Weather: SunnyRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesGreylag goose (11 adults + 5 goslings) - 16Canada goose (27 adults + 3 goslings) - 30Shelduck - 57Tufted duck - 16Avocet - 37Shoveler - 1Common Tern - 89Black-he

11 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings - 09/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings - 09/05/2023

Weather: Overcast, wetRiver Wear Tide Level: HighWader Lake SpeciesAvocet - 28Redshank - 2Oystercatcher - 2Lapwing - 12Black-tailed Godwit - 1Common Sandpiper - 1Common Tern - 46Tufted Duck - 17Shelduck - 30Gadwall - 3Shoveler - 2Black-headed Gull - 64Haw

9 May 2023

Bee flies causing a buzz this spring

Bee flies causing a buzz this spring

Bee fly sightings are on the increase around site and we can’t get enough of these quirky looking insects. With their fuzzy bodies, patterned wings and unusually long proboscis (or tongue), they can be found basking in sunny spots or feeding on flowers

9 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings 8/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings 8/05/2023

Weather: RainingRiver Wear Tide Level: MidWader Lake SpeciesShelduck - 39Tufted Duck - 23Avocet - 31Canada Goose - 22Black-headed Gull - 26Common Tern - 7Oystercatcher - 2Grey Heron - 18Swallow - aprox 10Gadwal

8 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings 06/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings 06/05/2023

Weather: SunnyRiver Wear Tide Level: LowWader Lake SpeciesRedshank - 2Lapwing (+1 chick) - 9Shelduck - 22Grey Heron (+10 young chicks) - 24Mute Swan - 1Black Headed Gull (5 nests) - 24Common Tern - 97Gadwall - 2 MalesOystercatcher - 2Avocet (14 n

6 May 2023

Wildlife Sightings 5/05/2023

Wildlife Sightings 5/05/2023

Weather: Overcast, DrizzlyRiver Wear Tide Level: LowWader Lake SpeciesGadwall - 5Common Tern - 104Avocet - 22Tufted Duck - 12Shelduck - 12Oystercatcher - 2Grey heron - 27Common Snipe - 2Redshank - 2Lapwing

5 May 2023