
Sightings Thursday 18th January

Sightings Thursday 18th January

Wind has now subsided water levels continue to drop from early on this morning, Reedbed hide remains closed. All hides up to Friends hide possible if Wellies worn. Sightings so far today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Pink-footed goose Tundra bean

18 January 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 18th January - Ice!

Reserve Update Thursday 18th January - Ice!

Rain, sleet, snow, ice and high winds....winter definitely has made it's presence felt this week!  There have been a few interesting sightings the past few days though.  Two Greenland white-fronted geese turned up yesterday, feeding in the meadow along

18 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 18th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 18th January 2018

15 Siskin - south route/sheltered lagoon (8), plus birds (7) flew W/NW 8 Lesser Redpoll - world wetlands Birch trees 1 Shelduck - marsh 6 Pintail - main lake, wader scrape, grazing marsh 8 Snipe - main lake (showing close in from Headley Hide), grazi

18 January 2018

Quite Windy

Quite Windy

The wind got up today making viewing more of a challenge and the Martin Mere weather station recorded a gust of over 80 miles per hour yesterday evening. Less wintry showers but still cold. Strong winds and high tides over night tonight may push more wild

17 January 2018

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper swans Great white egret Bewicks swan Tree sparrow Pintail Wigeon Tufted duck Goldeneye Black-tailed godwit Kestrel Mute swan Mallard Greylag House sparrow Stonechat Long-tailed tit Shoveler Gadwall Cormorant Teal Dunlin Great black backed gull Pie

17 January 2018

Wildlife sightings - 17/01/2018

Wildlife sightings - 17/01/2018

Wader Lake (AM, low tide, partially frozen): Shelduck 15 Shoveler (one female, two males) 3 Lapwing 155 Eurasian teal (three pairs and two females) 8 Common snipe 2 Black-headed gull 58 Herring gulls - 8 adults, 2 first winter juveniles, 1 second winter j

17 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 17th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 17th January 2018

1 Bittern - main lake 1 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 1 Goldeneye - main lake 2 Shelduck - main lake 6 Pintail - main lake, wader scrape, grazing marsh 7 Snipe - main lake (showing close in from Headley Hide), grazing marsh 1 Peregrine - perched on the hos

17 January 2018

4430+ Lapwing

4430+ Lapwing

Rushy Hide and Peng Observatory At least one Little Stint present plus a flock 500 mobile Lapwing and 140 Dunlin on the top pond islands early morning. 100+ Bewick's Swans roosted. Very busy with wild birds at both ends of the day, quieter around midda

16 January 2018

Recent Sightings (13th-16th Jan)

Recent Sightings (13th-16th Jan)

British Steel Hide The 2 Spoonbill have still been using the saline lagoons, as well as counts of 207 Wigeon, 3 Pochard, 35 Tufted Duck. Wader numbers include 78 Dunlin, 3 Greenshank, 8 Redshank and Spotted Redshank, as well as 78 Lapwing, a Reed Bunting

16 January 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Whooper swan Mute swan Pink-footed geese (x10) Greylag Shelduck Mallard Shoveler Gadwall Pintail Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Goldeneye Great crested grebe Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Black-tailed godwit Redshank Snipe Golden plover Lapwing Bla

16 January 2018

Build it and they will come!

Build it and they will come!

Grey Heron With grey heron numbers starting to increase along the river and here on site, our reserve team is busy working on Wader Lake this week in the last available window before these magnificent birds begin to s

16 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 16th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 16th January 2018

1 Goldeneye - main lake 1 Shelduck - wader scrape 5 Pintail - main lake, wader scrape, reservoir lagoon 4 Snipe - wader scrape, main lake 7 Redwing - entrance lake 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh 9 Redpoll - wildside Late December/January bird highlights: J

16 January 2018

Share your memories and experiences of WWT Caerlaverock

Share your memories and experiences of WWT Caerlaverock

Angela Alexander-Lloyd, our Artist in Residence, is exploring changes in the wildlife and environment of Dumfries and Galloway and is appealing for people to share their memories and experiences. Angela is creating art installations focusing on the tran

15 January 2018

Meet the Salt Hill Stream superheroes helping to blitz Slough's litter problem

Meet the Salt Hill Stream superheroes helping to blitz Slough's litter problem

Around 20 volunteers made up of adults and kids turned out to clear the local area of rubbish, organised by Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. Councillors Mohammed Nazir and Fiza A Matloob also helped with the litter pick. In just two hours, the garbage-busti

15 January 2018

Great egret, whistling wigeon & a sparrowhawk close encounter

Great egret, whistling wigeon & a sparrowhawk close encounter

Fabulous firecrest causing excitment around the reserve. Pic from Romney Turner Wildlife Sightings blog by Paul Stevens, Reserve Manager at Arundl Wetland Centre Last Sunday’s bright sunshine had robins, tits and mi

15 January 2018