
Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Wigeon Pintail Pochard Tufted duck Shoveler Gadwall Whooper swan Greylag Lapwing Black-tailed godwit Sparrowhawk Marsh harrier Tree sparrow Reed bunting Goldfinch Stonechat

15 January 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

After a wet early start it was reasonably mild with good visibility, turning colder throughout the day. Plenty of raptor entertainment with at least 6 Marsh Harrier over wintering and probably roosting within the reserve boundary. Merlin and Peregrine see

15 January 2018

Recent Sightings 15 January 2018

Recent Sightings 15 January 2018

The following sightings were recorded today from the reserve at Castle Espie. Estuary – visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory Curlew 13, Oystercatcher 412, Redshank 43, Black-headed gull 3, Black-tailed godwit 8, Teal 4, Shelduck 85,

15 January 2018

Wildlife sightings - 15/01/18

Wildlife sightings - 15/01/18

a.m. Tide level: Low Wader Lake Eurasian teal 23 Mallard 33 Shelduck 25 Grey heron 3 (in hedge) Redshank 2 Black-headed gull 97 Shoveler 5 Common buzzard 1 (flew over) Wigeon 3 Common snipe 3 Herring gull 7 Saline Lagoon Eurasian curlew 48 Herring gull 1

15 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 15th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 15th January 2018

2 Bittern - main lake N shore, reedbed 6 Pintail - main lake, resr lagoon, grazing marsh 1 Goldeneye - main lake 7 Redpoll - world wetlands (Birches on the edge of Tundra pen) 32 Redwing - entrance lake area 3 Shelduck - main lake, scrape 1 Jack Snipe

15 January 2018

Otter family and a pair of Whooper Swans

Otter family and a pair of Whooper Swans

Kingfisher Hide Three Otters were the undoubted highlight, they were seen mid morning and appear to be the same family that have recently been captured on the reserve's trail cameras. 200 Teal were on the distant flood. Rushy Hide and Peng Observatory 11

14 January 2018

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Whooper swans Bewick's swans Mute swans Greylag Brent goose Pochard Wigeon Teal Shelduck Shoveler Tufted duck Goldeneye Great crested grebe Black-tailed godwit Lapwing Redshank Ruff Snipe Red-legged partridge Fieldfare Redwing Tree sparrow Goldfinch Reed

14 January 2018

What's Wild this weekend Jan 13-14

What's Wild this weekend Jan 13-14

This goldcrest was captured while preening by Romney Turner Woodland Loop great spotted woodpecker goldfinch blue tits coal tits great tits chaffinch hawfinch Lost Reedbed marsh harrier (roost) Reedbeds Water rai

14 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 14th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 14th January 2018

2 Bittern - main lake N shore 7 Pintail - main lake, wader scrape, grazing marsh 1 Goldeneye - main lake 15 Redpoll - South route (birches in sustainable gardens) 1 Shelduck - reservoir lagoon 7 Snipe - showing well in front of Headley Hide 14 Redwing

14 January 2018

Good floods on Tack Piece

Good floods on Tack Piece

Tack Piece Bewick's Swan 32 Whitefronted Goose 104 Wigeon 600 Teal 700 Lapwing 1700 Golden Plover 800 Dunlin 340 Little Stint 1 Ruff 41 Redshank 46 Curlew 238 Crane 1 Peregrine 1 in tall trees to north. Holden Tower Barnacle Goose 189 Red Breasted Goose

13 January 2018

Latest Sightings

Latest Sightings

Over cast with South-easterlies which as mentioned before is a comfortable wind direction for a lot of the hides. It did feel chilly elsewhere. Similar numbers of wildfowl as of late, see previous sightings for a fuller picture of numbers and species pres

13 January 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swans Whooper swans Greylag Pink-footed geese White-fronted geese Shelduck Mallard Shoveler Pintail Wigeon Teal Pochard Tufted duck Moorhen Cranes (4, in flight) Great egret Little egret Black-tailed godwits Redshank Dunlin Golden plover Lapwing Star

13 January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th January 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th January 2018

3 Bittern - main lake South East corner, North shore 6 Pintail - main lake, wader scrape 2 Shelduck - main lake 1 Jack Snipe - wader scrape 3 Snipe - wader scrape 4 Redwing - entrance lake 2 Stonechat - grazing marsh 97 Wigeon - wader scrape, grazing mars

13 January 2018

Latest Sightings - 13th January

Latest Sightings - 13th January

A brighter morning on the reserve and the Flood Ground is busy with ducks and waders. A mother Otter with two cubs were on the Flood Ground yesterday, but there was no sign of them this morning. The female Greater Scaup is back on the Whooper Pond again.

13 January 2018

Sightings Friday 12th January

Sightings Friday 12th January

A misty start but sun is now breaking through and looks to be a promising afternoon. All hides still closed but water levels have dropped again overnight, main observatory is open with lots of birds including godwits now using land that has appeared when

12 January 2018