
Todays sightings

Todays sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Mallard Shoveler Gadwall Teal Wigeon Crane (x31) Grey heron Little egret Avocet Black-tailed godwit Ruff Snipe Moorhen Green sandpiper Lapwing Black-headed gull Kingfisher Tree sparrow House sparrow Goldfinch Linnet Blue tit Great t

4 October 2017

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Reserve Update Wednesday 4th October

Whooper Swan numbers are starting to creep up a little, with four birds joining us for the 2pm feed yesterday.  This morning there are fifteen Whoopers around the reserve with best views from the Avenue Tower first thing.  Hopefully they may join us for

4 October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 4th October 2017

2 Siskin - flew over heading SW 1 Redpoll - flew over south route 13 Meadow Pipit - flew over heading S 7 Snipe - grazing marsh, wader scrape, main lake 1 Kestrel - South route 8 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon 5 Blackcap - South route, shelt

4 October 2017

Child 'architects' check on new wetlands

Child 'architects' check on new wetlands

School pupils turned construction managers last week when they dropped in on a new wetland project that they helped design. More than 500 pupils from Prince of Wales Primary School visited the site of the new Prince of Wales community wetlands, which are

4 October 2017

Recent Sightings (30th Sep- 3rd Oct)

Recent Sightings (30th Sep- 3rd Oct)

British Steel Hide Wader numbers have been relatively low because of low tides, the most noticeable drop being Black-tailed Godwits. A few weeks ago numbers were in the thousands, but the highest count recently was around the 50 mark on the 30th Sep. In

3 October 2017

First Whooper Swan groups and Pink-footed Geese

First Whooper Swan groups and Pink-footed Geese

True to form the weather for Iceland and the North Atlantic provided good condition for an exodus of Pink-footed Geese and the seasons first groups of Whooper Swan. At the time of writing 23 Whooper and c.6000 Pink-footed Geese had arrived although some o

3 October 2017

Sightings Tuesday 3rd October

Sightings Tuesday 3rd October

Sunny and clear start to the day, all hides and Summer walk are open. Sightings today: Cranes (33 Lyle hide) Bewick's swan Whooper swan Gadwall Shoveler Teal Wigeon Kingfisher Grey heron Coot Moorhen Lapwing Stock dove Black-tailed godwit Common sandpiper

3 October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 3rd October 2017

Wildlife sightings for 3rd October 2017

2 Wheatear - marsh (near wildside hide pool) 5 Sand Martin - flew over heading S 13 Meadow Pipit - flew over heading W, SW, N 1 Water Pipit - flew over heading SW 4 Snipe - wader scrape 1 Kestrel - sheltered lagoon August/September bird highlights: Com

3 October 2017

Sightings and reserve work news

Sightings and reserve work news

Eclipse plumage male Pintail (MJM). Rushy Hide Three juvenile Ruff, one Redshank, one Spotted Redshank, 2 Snipe and 70 Teal but these are likely to move to other scrapes whilst the work is carried out. See following note. *Please note that we are like

3 October 2017

Your WWT 2016-17

Your WWT 2016-17

Your WWT is working hard to create special wetland landscapes that benefit people and wildlife. Here are just some of the achievements your support made possible in the financial year 2016-17. Wildlife at wetland centres Our 10 wetland centres and reserve

2 October 2017

Snipe & water rail numbers increase

Snipe & water rail numbers increase

Harvest mice are having a good year. Photo by Colin Knight Wildlife sightings blog by Paul Stevens, Reserve Manager at WWT Arundel Wetland Centre With autumn upon us the number of snipe we are seeing on the reserve is

2 October 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes-31 at Lyle hide Marsh harrier-2 Linnet-60 on Lady fen Shoveler Wigeon Teal Gadwall Mallard Ruff Greenshank-Friends hide Snipe Cormorant Grey heron Green woodpecker Meadow pipit Stock dove Tree sparrow Goldfinch Pied wagtail House martin

2 October 2017

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Reserve update, Monday October 2nd

Little real change from last update - Teal nos on the up, as are Wigeon to a smaller extent. We still await more Barnacles, the few that have arrived came over a fortnight ago, but conditions at the breeding grounds have remained mild with largely light s

2 October 2017

Late Spotted Flycatcher and other news

Late Spotted Flycatcher and other news

Rushy Hide Two juvenile Spoonbill, juvenile Ruff and two Redshank all present today with 70 Teal. *Please note that we are likely to be working in this area over the next week or two to prepare the Rushy Pen for our winter bird visitors (mainly Bewick's S

2 October 2017

Recent Sightings 2nd October 2017

Recent Sightings 2nd October 2017

The following sightings were recorded today at high tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. Very high winds today which may account for low numbers on the reserve. Estuary – visible from the Brent Hide and the Limekiln Observatory Brent Geese ~2500, Li

2 October 2017