
Osprey Checks In at WWT Llanelli

Osprey Checks In at WWT Llanelli

A nesting platform recently installed at WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre in the hopes of attracting ospreys to the Burry Inlet following their absence for hundreds of years has been graced by one of the stunning birds already. On Monday 25 September an osprey

26 September 2017

A dance of cranes

A dance of cranes

Crane flock by Tony Orwell This week we have been treated to a group of around 30 cranes using the reserve and surrounding farmland.  This post-breeding flock of birds includes four families alongside adult birds. 

26 September 2017

Sightings Tuesday 26th September

Sightings Tuesday 26th September

All hides are open including the Summer walk. Sightings today: Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag goose Canada goose Shoveler Teal Wigeon Crane - 33 from Lyle hide Grey heron Little egret Water rail Coot Moorhen Pheasant Red-legged partridge Green woodpecker

26 September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 26th September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 26th September 2017

1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh 4 Snipe - wader scrape 1 Peregrine - perched on the hospital 1 Kestrel - grazing marsh 2 Grey Wagtail - wader scrape   Please note: there will be disturbance today to the grazing marsh and re

26 September 2017

Photo Competition Launch

Photo Competition Launch

WWT Martin Mere Photo Competition 2017 Enter the WWT Martin Mere Photo Competition 2017 and grab your chance to win prizes. Many of you take photos of the wildlife you see at WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre and, this autumn, we want to see them. The basics

26 September 2017



The weather today looked superb for bringing in something unusual, very low cloud and rain/drizzle. Good numbers of Snipe with at least 250 possibly more were an indication of new birds in. Then at midday a pale adult/sub adult Arctic Skua flew over the I

25 September 2017

Murky day, new arrivals

Murky day, new arrivals

Bottom New Piece/Kingfisher Hide Two adult Dark-bellied Brent Geese were early for the season, no doubt disorientated by the poor weather. The adult Red-breasted Goose was also present among the Barnacle Goose flock. Top New Piece/Zeiss Hide Highlights to

25 September 2017

Today's Highlights

Today's Highlights

Cranes x 30 at Lyle hide Grey heron Common snipe Lapwing Golden plover Greenshank Ruff x 24-Main Obs Little stint-Friends hide Green sandpiper Wigeon Teal Shoveler Gadwall Mallard Greylag Whooper swans x 10 arrived at Main Observatory Meadow pipit Tree s

25 September 2017

Recent Sightings 25th September 2017

Recent Sightings 25th September 2017

The following sightings were recorded today at low tide from the reserve at Castle Espie. A clear day once the mist lifted, revealed a large number of Brent geese on the Lough.  Autumn is definitely coming but there are still some signs summer is hold

25 September 2017

Wildlife sightings - 25/09/17

Wildlife sightings - 25/09/17

a.m. Tide Level: High Wader Lake Shoveler 3 Eurasian teal 54 Black-tailed godwit 12 Common snipe 6 Redshank 63 Lapwing 101 Curlew 1 Black-headed gull 90 Shelduck 2 Dunlin 1 Saline Lagoon Grey heron 1 Wigeon 4 Eurasian teal 11 Hawthorn Wood Nuthatch 2 Coal

25 September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 25th September 2017

1 Redshank - wader scrape 1 Wheatear - wader scrape 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh 16 Snipe - grazing marsh, main lake 38 Wigeon - main lake 65 Pochard - reservoir lagoon, main lake 2 Black Swan - main lake, reservoir lagoon   August bird highlights:

25 September 2017



Middle Point Over the high tide a Common Dolphin was seen, this marine mammal was ranging from the breakwater and out into mid channel but spent much of the time just North of the viewpoint. At low tide small numbers of Dunlin and Ringed Plover fed on

24 September 2017

Sightings Sunday 24th September

Sightings Sunday 24th September

Bright and Sunny start to the day and warming up so will be good for dragonflies: Sightings today: Whooper swan Gadwall Teal Tufted duck Shoveler Wigeon Grey heron Little egret Moorhen Black-tailed godwit Greenshank Lapwing Ruff Snipe Goldfinch Meadow pip

24 September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th September 2017

Wildlife sightings for 24th September 2017

1 Wheatear - wader scrape 1 Kestrel - South route 1 Peregrine - hunting over the main lake 17 Wigeon - main lake 1 Yellow Wagtail - flew S 2 Black Swan - main lake   August bird highlights: Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Dunlin, Black-tailed God

24 September 2017

Weekend Sightings

Weekend Sightings

Fairly benign weather conditions made for some pleasant birding over the weekend. The deep low in the North East Atlantic is blocking any major influxes of Pink-footed Geese at the moment although a recent count put numbers near 20,000. A very pale leucis

24 September 2017