
Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 14th October 2018

3 Jack Snipe - main lake, marsh 1 Black-Tailed Godwit - scrape 1 Redshank - main lake 1 Green Sandpiper - main lake 8 Snipe - main lake, marsh, scrape 90 Shoveler 104 Gadwall 2 Siskin - south route 5 Chiffchaff - south route, sheltered lagoon 31 Redwing -

14 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Canada goose Shoveler Mallard Pintail Gadwall Wigeon Teal Cormorant Coot Moorhen Grey heron Great egret Black-tailed godwit Ruff Redshank Snipe Dunlin Lapwing Lesser black-backed gull Herring gull Starling Swallow Kingfisher

13 October 2018

Jack Snipe showing well

Jack Snipe showing well

Martin Smith Hide Jack Snipe showing well to left of pools. Also 2 Snipe and a Water Rail. Robbie Garnett Teal, Shoveler and Pintail very close taking shelter from the wind. A few lapwing and 2 Redshank. Holden Tower Big flocks of Greylag and Barnacle Gee

13 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 13th October 2018

1 Black-Tailed Godwit - wader scrape 1 Jack Snipe - main lake (island 21) 4 Snipe - main lake, grazing marsh 1 Stonechat - grazing marsh fence line 7 Siskin - Q.E.W 8 Chiffchaff - South route, sheltered lagoon, wildside 1 Peregrine - perched on hospital S

13 October 2018

Wildlife sightings - 13/10/18

Wildlife sightings - 13/10/18

Wader Lake (AM, high tide): Lapwing 114 Greenshank 1 Redshank 55 Common snipe 5 Curlew 4 Starling 5 Grey heron 3 Common gull 1 Black-headed gull 90 Teal 117   Saline lagoon (AM, high tide): Female marsh harrier over the reedbed and lagoon Greenshank

13 October 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 13th October - Wild Goose Weekend

Latest Sightings - Saturday 13th October - Wild Goose Weekend

The heavy rain yesterday and today means that wellies are highly recommended when visiting at the moment. Today is the start of our Wild Goose Weekend. Although it is raining, there is still plenty to do today and more events on Sunday. See below for even

13 October 2018



A very blustery day with few reports, but plenty of action, especially with at least 2 Peregrines which have been on view for most of the day, at times mobbing some of the 3 Marsh Harriers present. Also the usual Common Buzzards, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk s

12 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Shoveler Mallard Gadwall Teal Wigeon Moorhen Black-tailed godwit Redshank Snipe Red legged partridge House sparrow Tree sparrow Goldfinch Wood pigeon Jackdaw Kestrel Buzzard Sparrowhawk Marsh harrier

12 October 2018

Recent sightings 10th-12th October

Recent sightings 10th-12th October

Curlew taken by James Lees British Steel hide Good numbers of waders over the saline lagoons again, with 159 curlew and plenty of knot and black-tailed godwit. Also seen over the lagoons have been wigeon, shoveler, l

12 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 12th October 2018

1 Black-Tailed Godwit - wader scrape 1 Shelduck - main lake 32 Wigeon - main lake, wader scrape, reservoir lagoon 6 Mandarin - main lake 14 Redwing - flew over heading SW 2 Coal Tit - South route feeders 1 Grey Wagtail - main lake 2 Siskin - wildside Sept

12 October 2018

Friday's sightings

Friday's sightings

A bit and very windy this morning, all combining with a reasonably high tide of 9.6m so our Guides in the Hide will be out checking for the high tide wader roost from the Zeiss Hide and Holden Tower, and anything more unusual that gets blown up the river.

12 October 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Mute swan Whooper swan Greylag Shoveler Mallard Pochard Tufted duck Gadwall Teal Wigeon Coot Moorhen Crane x4 (Reedbed hide) Great egret Little egret Grey heron Black-tailed godwit Dunlin Snipe Lapwing Starling House martin Pied wagtail Meadow pipit Tree

11 October 2018

Thursday's sightings

Thursday's sightings

A Jack Snipe was asleep on the island from the Martin Smith Hide this morning, occasionally waking to feed and bounce.  Another big high tide pushed a nice selection of waders on to the Top New Piece. Jack Snipe (c) S Pet

11 October 2018

Wildlife sightings - 11/10/18

Wildlife sightings - 11/10/18

a.m. Tide Level: Mid Wader Lake Bar-tailed godwit 1 Black-tailed godwit 6 Curlew 4 Lapwing 114 Common snipe 2 Black-headed gull 90 Teal 36 Saline Lagoon Curlew 1 Teal 22 Grey heron 1 Hawthorn Wood Great-spotted woodpecker 2 Willow tit 2 Coal tit 5 Blue ti

11 October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2018

Wildlife sightings for 11th October 2018

1 Jack Snipe - grazing marsh 65 Redwing - over SW+S 11 Chiffchaff - wildside, sheltered lagoon, south route, reedbed 13 Meadow Pipit - marsh 2 Stonechat - scrape 1 Black-Tailed Godwit - main lake p.m. September/October bird highlights: Shelduck, Green San

11 October 2018