
Estuary getting busier

Estuary getting busier

There was a nice selection of waders on the estuary this morning as the tide was coming in.

19 August 2020

First juvenile Curlew Sandpiper of the year

First juvenile Curlew Sandpiper of the year

Middle Point and Estuary TowerAs the tide came in a party of five juvenile Red Knot had our first juvenile Curlew Sandpiper of the year. Also of note was a very out of place Mandarin with a Mallard, an adult and juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was among the c

18 August 2020

No Citrine Wagtail reports or sightings

No Citrine Wagtail reports or sightings

Citrine Wagtail newsDespite good coverage from the hides during the day and all likely places checked (including the Bottom New Piece) sadly there was no sign of the bird today.Middle PointOver high tide- 2 Turnstone, 67 Shelduck, 47 Ringed Plover, 73 Cur

17 August 2020

Citrine Wagtail seen briefly again today

Citrine Wagtail seen briefly again today

Citrine latestThe Citrine Wagtail was seen briefly in the Bottom New Piece, although overlooked by the Kingfisher Hide, the distance and current rush cover make it impossible to see the shore of the flood. It is an area with no access unless guided by sta

16 August 2020

Arctic Skua on estuary

Arctic Skua on estuary

A dark-morph Arctic Skua was on the estuary this morning

14 August 2020

Thunder and a downpour

Thunder and a downpour

A noticeably cooler day with a downpour this afternoon.

13 August 2020

Heatwave continues

Heatwave continues

The temperatures are high again today

12 August 2020

Juvenile Garganey

Juvenile Garganey

Today's highlights in the very warm weather included. Top New PieceJuvenile Garganey, 88+ Teal, Snipe, Avocet with 3 young, 42 Gadwall, 2 Little Egret, 2 Black tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, 18 Lapwing, 2 Redshank, 15 Canada Geese, 8 Pied Wagtail on the

9 August 2020

Here comes a heatwave

Here comes a heatwave

The temperatures are set to rise for the next few days after yesterday's drizzle.

7 August 2020



Top New PieceTwo Garganey present on the reducing flood (pump problem which we hope to fix tomorrow, it will take a week or more to fill again). 3 Green Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank, 4 Little-ringed Plover, 116 Canada Geese, 27 Greylag, 53 Lapwing, 9 Barnacle

4 August 2020

New in, juvenile Red Knot and Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit

New in, juvenile Red Knot and Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit

A few more migrant birds arrived today, our first islandica Black-tailed Godwits and a juvenile Red Knot. A juvenile Marsh harrier has joined the long staying female, both were seen together again today. We've noticed many more juvenile Little Egrets and

3 August 2020

Sunday birding highlights

Sunday birding highlights

The good wader watching continues with variety and differing ages, races and plumage to get your teeth into. Highlights from around the reserve today included..South LakeThis morning at least we had 63+ Dunlin, 2 Red Knot, 202 Black-tailed Godwit, 34 Reds

2 August 2020

Garganey  again.

Garganey again.

Zeiss HideGarganey (eclipse) maleGreenshank 2Gadwall 31Tufted Duck 5 + 1 DucklingShoveler 7Little Ringed Plover 5Lapwing 130Green Sandpiper 3Little Egret 3Little Grebe 1Marsh Harrier female/juvSouth Lake Discovery HideTufted Duck 12Gt Crested Grebe 1 ad

31 July 2020

Crane winter flock gathering

Crane winter flock gathering

The winter flock of Cranes is now gathering with birds often seen together on the Dumbles, although today nine birds were in the roadside fields as you approach the site.

30 July 2020

Eclipse Garganey

Eclipse Garganey

South lake HideBlack Tailed Godwit - 194; Dunlin - 18; Ruff - 4; Redshank - 41; Spotted Redshank - 1; Avocet - 2; Oystercatcher - 2; Green Sandpiper - 1; Little Grebe - 1; Gadwall - 40; Lapwing - 20Rushy PenBlack Tailed Godwit - 122; Green Sandpiper - 5;

29 July 2020