
Shoveler show

Shoveler show

Northern Shoveler flocks are brilliant at the moment, good numbers have been gathering on the South Lake and Tack Piece with close views from the Discovery and Hogarth Hides and the Robbie Garnett hide in particular. During gales they may be sheltering fr

12 February 2020

Dumbles floods for our Catch the Tide Event and another Kittiwake flock

Dumbles floods for our Catch the Tide Event and another Kittiwake flock

The Catch the Tide Event was well attended and provided a good test for the new Estuary Tower. Once away it was a very windy day which no doubt helped to push the tide up a bit higher. It flooded across the Dumbles pushing the Curlew flock, Shelduck and S

11 February 2020

February WeBS Count whilst Storm Ciara blows through

February WeBS Count whilst Storm Ciara blows through

c75 Kittiwake were milling about the estuary after peak high tide today.The February Wetland Bird Survey was fairly challenging in gale force winds and horizontal rain yesterday (Sunday 9th February), many birds were sheltering behind hedges, banks and bu

10 February 2020

Whitefronts on show

Whitefronts on show

Estuary TowerNice to see the whole Whitefronted Goose flock close on the Dumbles after flushing from the South Finger. Ideal counting conditions found 128 birds including the 2 juvenile Greenland Whitefronts. There was a pair of Cranes (Ruby and her wild

8 February 2020

Another cold start

Another cold start

Not quite as cold as yesterday and thankfully no fog to hinder the morning's hide rounds.

7 February 2020

Fog and ice to start

Fog and ice to start

It has been a frozen and foggy start to the morning but the weather has cleared to reveal a glorious winter day bathed in sunshine and blue skies

6 February 2020

Goldeneye pair

Goldeneye pair

South LakeThe male Goldeneye returned to the deep lake and was even displaying to the female, the Cattle Egret was present early morning and again after midday, it spent some time on the Tack Piece. The Black-tailed Godwit flock was present at the south e

5 February 2020

Merlin on the Dumbles again

Merlin on the Dumbles again

Estuary TowerThe wintering Merlin was out on the Middle Point fence this morning with an immature Peregrine on fenceposts along the foreshore, Buzzard and Sparrowhawk in the Tack Piece and Marsh Harrier viewable on posts in the Bottom New Piece. A pair of

3 February 2020

Waders on high alert

Waders on high alert

The weekend of 1-2 February has been very good for wader watching, we haven't got the really high numbers of some recent winters but it has been impressive nonetheless. The Tack Piece, Estuary Tower and Kingfisher Hide have been the best spots to see larg

2 February 2020

1900 Golden Plover!

1900 Golden Plover!

A fabulous flock of 1900 Golden Plover were seen from the Estuary Tower this morning, flying over the North of the reserve. Another highlight for the day was the Cattle Egret returning to the causeway on South Lake.South LakeTowards the South was a nice f

31 January 2020

Cattle Egret and Green-winged Teal

Cattle Egret and Green-winged Teal

Some of the highlights from this lovely crisp and clear morning include the drake Green-winged teal spotted on the Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide.Tack PieceLooked very busy this morning with high numbers of 1500 grazing wigeon, 500 Golden Plover and 150 Bl

28 January 2020

Goshawk returns

Goshawk returns

Highlights for today includedThe male Goshawk returned to the Top New Piece and caught a duck. Drake Green-winged Teal still on the Top New Piece-viewed from the Zeiss HideCattle Egret once again on the South Lake islands8 Pink-footed Geese and the Russia

27 January 2020

Goshawk and Marsh Harrier Hunting

Goshawk and Marsh Harrier Hunting

A male Goshawk was seen hunting from the Zeiss Hide this afternoon, as well as a Marsh Harrier hunting across the Tack Piece and Dumbles. The lovely Green-Winged Teal was also seen again on the Top New Piece.Tack PieceLooking spectacular this morning with

24 January 2020

Green-winged Teal and great goose viewing

Green-winged Teal and great goose viewing

A drake Green-winged teal was found on the Top New Piece by a visiting birder this afternoon, it showed from the Zeiss Hide for a time but moved to the the distant flood in the Bottom New Piece. It could be seen (with a scope) from the Kingfisher Hide. Ki

23 January 2020

Post Wild Winter Event update

Post Wild Winter Event update

Thank you to all who attended the Wild Winter Event last weekend, we were very fortunate to have two splendid winter days and clear visibility. The ice and frost didn't linger all day which allowed the winter birds to feed once it had thawed a little. We

22 January 2020