
Busy Bitterns

Busy Bitterns

BitternsThe Top New Piece was place to be with two Bitterns showing well for prolonged periods, sightings were made between 1045am-1.30pm and again at 3pm when one bird walked the length of the fleet from Van de Bovenkamp Hide to the Zeiss Hide. Bottom Ne

19 November 2019

Further arrival of Bewick's Swans

Further arrival of Bewick's Swans

The Bewick's Swan flock increased from 11 over night to 17, the birds headed out to the Tack Piece initially and then on to the Dumbles and estuary. All of them, flew in after just after 4pm in perfect sunset conditions, four were rather nervous and went

18 November 2019

November WeBS Count

November WeBS Count

It was the monthly WeBS (Wetland Bird Survey) today, totals and highlights follow.Mute Swan- 109Bewick's Swan- 11 on the Rushy at dawn, moved the the Dumbles to feed for the day.Russian White-fronted Geese- 33 in the Bottom New PieceGreenland White-fronte

17 November 2019

It's a wet one

It's a wet one

It's been a busy and wet morning with events on the reserve, and plenty of birds to see.

14 November 2019

Curlew roost count

Curlew roost count

A reasonable roost of Curlew were on the Dumbles foreshore over high tide, 204 present which is likely to be birds that prefer feeding on the mudflats rather than inland fields. A small party of Dunlin, 35 Pintail and 200 Wigeon were also feeding here.Oth

12 November 2019

Redwing invasion

Redwing invasion

The reserve and grounds have been very busy with arriving or migration Redwings today, most encounters have invloved seeing flocks passing over but the hedges are very busy with them today. The Knott Hide has been the best spot to watch them as they can b

10 November 2019

86+ Knot

86+ Knot

A touch of frost followed quickly by cold rain, a raw morning.RushyThe 2 Bewicks were joined briefly by a 3rd this morning. Duck numbers looking good 42 Pintail and 82 Pochard counted. The male FeriginousX Pochard and female Ring Neck Duck hybrids were am

9 November 2019

A chill in the air

A chill in the air

It was a cold start this morning but with a slight east in the wind over the weekend we may see a few more arrivals.

8 November 2019

Look out for raptors

Look out for raptors

Highlights today included a Goshawk hunting the Dumbles, earlier seen over the car park. A Peregrine was out on the river, a few Buzzards are also around and whilst not strictly a raptor, a Short-eared Owl was also out over the Dumbles this morning.

7 November 2019

Bewick's are back

Bewick's are back

Four Bewick's Swans returned to the reserve today, first seen early on the Top New Piece before heading to the Rushy for the morning feed. Three of these birds were here last week

6 November 2019

Lone Bewick's Swan

Lone Bewick's Swan

Around midday we picked up a Bewick's Swan arriving from the NE over the Rushy visitor centre, it circled a few times before dropping into the Rushy. It's a bird that is known to our researchers and is called Bubbly. The DumblesGood to see Golden Plover n

5 November 2019



Another day with a variety of geese about the reserve, at least 20 Russian White-fronted Geese together on the Bottom New Piece this morning. Two separate juvenile Greenland White-fronted Goose were accompanying them. Perhaps one of these was the individu

4 November 2019

Double Richard's Pipits

Double Richard's Pipits

Middle Point/Summer WalkwayThis was the final day of opening until Spring 2020, we need to allow the area to quieten down and allow wintering birds to return to the Tack Piece and that part of the Dumbles. We managed an extended season this year as we sti

3 November 2019

Sheltering Curlews

Sheltering Curlews

Zeiss HideStrong winds brought 117 Curlew into the Top New Piece to roost over high tide. Also 90 Dunlin among 220 Lapwing but still looking for yesterdays Little Stint, there were15 Redshank with the Spot Red among them. Ducks dominated by over 1000 Tea

2 November 2019

Winter Little Stint

Winter Little Stint

Rushy HidePochard 42Pintail 49Tufted Duck 90South LakeBlack Tailed Godwits 450+Ruff 17Dunlin 10Knot 89Lapwing 368Snipe 2Teal 389Shoveler 183Tufted Duck 16Grey Heron 1Pochard 1m 2fCormorant 8Greylag 27Zeiss HideLITTLE STINT 1Curlew 40White Fronts 4 adultsR

1 November 2019