
Sightings for the last day of January 2024

Sightings for the last day of January 2024

Tack Piece223 Russian White-fronted Geese roosted on the Tack Piece with single Barnacle and Snow Goose. Fifteen Bewick's Swans roosted. Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory99 Bewick's Swan roosted with a Whooper Swan at dawn. Another single Bewick's and Whooper S

31 January 2024

Discovery Hide update- work on hold until later this week

Discovery Hide update- work on hold until later this week

The contractors that are due in to replace the Discovery Hide windows have pushed back the start date until 'later' this week. Sightings for today as followsSouth Lake260 Lapwing, 6 Avocet, 5 Oystercatcher, 32 Pochard + Shoveler, Teal and Tufted Ducks amo

30 January 2024

Discovery Hide work plan and latest sightings

Discovery Hide work plan and latest sightings

Discovery Hide at South LakeWork begins from tomorrow Tuesday 30 January 2024 to remove and replace the large picture windows and frames due to extensive wood rot, this will cause some localised disturbance although some birds will remain and even return

29 January 2024

Sunday 28 January 2024

Sunday 28 January 2024

The wintering birds continue on site, highlights today as followsEstuary TowerThe leucistic Lapwing with the roving Lapwing flock, Little Stint among the Dunlin, two Great Egrets in the fields and ditches to the North of the Tack Piece plus the Russian Wh

28 January 2024

Returning birds following the thaw

Returning birds following the thaw

After a very cold spell with largely frozen waters the thaw has set in with a return to wet and windy conditions, the wading birds began to return to the fields and scrapes and wildfowl numbers, particularly the dabbling ducks, good to see them back on th

21 January 2024

14 January Wetland Bird Survey and sightings for 16 January

14 January Wetland Bird Survey and sightings for 16 January

The January 2024 WeBS count was affected by the cold and ice coverage, large numbers of birds have moved off the reserve (but not to the adjacent Severn) or dispersed across the fields inland. The following totals were counted.24 Cormorant, 3 Little Egret

16 January 2024

Cold spell continues

Cold spell continues

The cold weather this week continues with even colder night time temperatures yet to come, all shallow water areas have been frozen in the mornings but thawing by the afternoon, some numbers are down as they disperse over a wide area to feed or move to op

15 January 2024

Highest count of Bewick's Swan and Russian White-fronted Geese so far this winter

Highest count of Bewick's Swan and Russian White-fronted Geese so far this winter

Bewick's Swan newsHighest flock count of the winter so far with 114 Bewick's Swans and 2 Whoopers Swans feeding in the fields NE of the car park this afternoon, visible from the Sloane Severn View Observation Tower at the visitor centre. Van de Bovenkamp

11 January 2024

Sightings for 8 January- highest Bewick's Swan count for the winter

Sightings for 8 January- highest Bewick's Swan count for the winter

Sightings of the long staying (wintering) birds have continued although the weather is now changing, a few dryer days have seen those floods drop a little with cold weather now with us, the forecast is for a dry, cold spell which may move a few more birds

8 January 2024

Highlights of 2023

Highlights of 2023

2023 wildlife review for WWT Slimbridge Reserve firsts * January We reached our peak count of 114 Bewick’s Swans on 20th, 127 Russian White-fronted Geese, 667 Black-tailed Godwit on 15th was notable, up to five different Goldeneye noted with the Sout

3 January 2024

Sightings for 2 and 3 January 2023- Otters

Sightings for 2 and 3 January 2023- Otters

Otters againThe female with two young was feeding in the South Finger Filtration beds and the South Finger Extension ditch, the were sighted from the viewing screen and Kingfisher Hide. Top New Piece1183 Teal, 140 Shoveler, 9 Pintail, c120 Wigeon, Cetti's

3 January 2024

New Years Day 2023 list

New Years Day 2023 list

New Year Day List for WWT Slimbridge83 species recorded today Mute SwanBewick’s SwanWhooper SwanRussian White-fronted GooseGreylagCanada GooseBarnacle GooseDark-bellied Brent GooseShelduckMallardGadwallPintailShovelerWigeonTealPochardTufted DuckGoldene

1 January 2024

Sightings for 30 December 2023

Sightings for 30 December 2023

Highlights today included the followingOystercatcher on the Dumbles, the first returning 'Spring' migrant today, back to claim a territorySouth Lake350 Dunlin, 494 Black-tailed Godwits, 8Tufted Duck, 5 Gadwall, 44Pochard, 19 Avocet, 147 Shoveler, 1000 Lap

30 December 2023

Sightings for 29 December

Sightings for 29 December

Highlights for today with selected counts where possible.Estuary TowerWhooper Swan pair visted the Bottom New Piece but moved to the Stall House Ground viewed from Estuary Tower. 15 Little and 3 Cattle Egret roosted on the Long Ground. 389 Curlew on the t

29 December 2023

Unseasonal Garganey and a Goosander

Unseasonal Garganey and a Goosander

Estuary TowerTwo Dark-bellied Brent (adult and a juvenile) on the foreshore, Peregrine + 143 Pintail (Severn), 355 Curlew, 53 GBB Gull, 230 Wigeon on the scrape and 150 on the Severn over high tide.Rushy Hide/Peng ObservatoryAt least 81 Bewick's Swans at

28 December 2023