Sightings - Arundel

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air

Spring is definitely springing, with the sound of great and blue tits, robins, blackbirds, chaffinch, greenfinch and Cetti’s warbler all singing madly. Dunnocks too, whilst displaying in their semaphore-like way! This long-tailed tit with nesting materi

24 February 2021

Winter survey count includes 14 Bewick's swans

Winter survey count includes 14 Bewick's swans

The Wetland bird survey (WeBS) monitors the UK's internationally important non-breeding waterbirds. We count once per month, providing data for population and trends in abundance and distribution. Surveying inside our boundries we also survey the surround

16 February 2021

Wintery weather with some spring behaviours

Wintery weather with some spring behaviours

It’s been very wintery week with snow and very low temperatures on the reserve, especially last Monday. The cold has brought many birds to the feeders in the Wood Loop especially now that other sources of food are running low. Nonetheless subtle spring

11 February 2021

Common gulls on spring passage & toads on the move

Common gulls on spring passage & toads on the move

Big numbers of common gulls have been moving through the reserve with spring passage underway. Wardens counted 200 common gulls last Friday, 110 today with nine Mediterranean gulls mixed in. Individual male lapwings have been breaking off the main flock

4 February 2021

Flock of siskins in hedgerow

Flock of siskins in hedgerow

On Monday a flock of 27 siskins was spotted in the hedge opposite Pelican Cove exhibit. No doubt they were after the seeds from the tiny alder cones to eat. Siskin are more common at garden bird feeders these days too, especially in late winter. The mal

29 January 2021

Bewick's in the valley & big lapwing count

Bewick's in the valley & big lapwing count

Wardens counted 210 lapwing at Arundel during the Wetland Birds Survey (WeBS) on Sunday 17 Jan. We had word that there are 11 Bewick's swans in the Arun Valley. We are keeping an eye out in the late afternoons, hoping they may come in to roost here if it

21 January 2021

Green & greater spotted woodpeckers

Green & greater spotted woodpeckers

The weather has warmed up from a chilly -6 degrees last Sunday morning but we are still are seeing a larger numbers of birds than in previous years coming in for the evening roost, like the 84 lapwing counted on Tuesday at 4pm. On Tuesday we spotted a

14 January 2021

Icy days bring in over 200 roosting lapwing

Icy days bring in over 200 roosting lapwing

Frozen Friday had 40 wigeon visible from the Sand Martin hide. This week the cold weather has formed ice on shallow water throughout the Arun Valley so we are seeing greater numbers of shovelers (80 on Sat 2 Jan), wigeon, and shelducks. We had a record nu

9 January 2021

Icy mornings increase wildfowl numbers

Icy mornings increase wildfowl numbers

Cold weather has increased the numbers of wildfowl onsite. We counted over 100 lapwing on the back island from the Sand Martin hide on Tuesday 29 Dec and Wed 30 Dec. Tues 29 Dec Ramsar & Sand Martin hide: 40 greylag geese, 21 teal, 2 grey heron, 34 sho

30 December 2020

Lots of lapwing from Ramsar & Sand martin hides

Lots of lapwing from Ramsar & Sand martin hides

Lapwing have been coming into the deeper scrape between the Ramsar and Sand martin hides with the count peaking at 80 lapwing last Friday.Kingfishers have been showing on Arun Riverlife lagoon and at several hides. We recorded kingfisher activity in and

22 December 2020

Red wings on the long path this week

Red wings on the long path this week

The lagoon between the Ramsar hide and the Sand martin hide is THE spot for snipe now with 19 recorded there on Tuesday morning. Teal numbers remain strong and a handful of lapwing are showing up on site each day. Look out for stonechats, redwings and gol

12 December 2020

First firecrest & cold temps bring in the ducks

First firecrest & cold temps bring in the ducks

Cooler temperature this past week have driven duck numbers up. Lots of lapwing have been dropping in as well. Birds of prey are active - in after the smaller birds that are feeding more in the cold weather. We had our first firecrest sighting on Sunday

6 December 2020

Great egret, wigeon and pintails

Great egret, wigeon and pintails

I spotted a great egret last Sunday from the Scrape hide. This heron-sized egret is much larger than the little egret and has a yellow bill, like the smaller cattle egrets. Members of the Collection Team and our Reserve Team have spotted the great egret a

25 November 2020

Evening roost of harriers, egrets and wagtails

Evening roost of harriers, egrets and wagtails

Heavy rains and high winds were lashing last Sunday when Warden Suzi Lanaway attempted the monthly Harrier Survey. Hoping for better results I watched the reedbeds this Monday. While waiting for the marsh harriers to come in I saw 100+ pied wagtails gathe

18 November 2020

Jack snipe, sparrow hawk & cheeky shrews

Jack snipe, sparrow hawk & cheeky shrews

While working on cutting and clearing what the cattle didn’t eat this summer on the Wet Grassland between Lapwing hide and the Sand Martin hide I watched a pair of stonechats perching up then swooping down to pick up insects from our fresh cutting. We a

14 November 2020