Sightings - Arundel

Wildlife sightings weekly summary

Wildlife sightings weekly summary

Birds of prey showing well at the moment with a Buzzard carrying prey to a nest site and a juvenile Peregrine Falcon being very vocal, flying around its parents, begging for a feed over the hanger. Chiffchaff singing through the reedbed boardwalk and Sedg

3 July 2016

Wildlife day walks revealed grass snakes and warblers

Wildlife day walks revealed grass snakes and warblers

This is WWT Arundel Grounds Manager Paul Stevens' weekly column from the Observer series of weekly newspaper from June 22 edition. WE CELEBRATED Sussex Day last Thursday with a series of wildlife walks and talks at Arundel Wetland Centre. I took 14 visito

25 June 2016

June 13 wildife sightings

June 13 wildife sightings

Toadlets were hatching out of the front pond over the weekend. Around the reserve: Sedge, reed and Cetti’s warblers, reed bunting, great tits, chiff chaff, wren, goldfinch, swallow, bullfinch, green finch, pied wagt

13 June 2016

May 26 Wildlife sightings

May 26 Wildlife sightings

Black-headed gull chicks are hatching in the small colony opposite the Sand Martin hide. Photo by Rob Collins Around the grounds: kingfisher, chaffinches, sedge warbler, reed warbler, Cetti's warbler, shelduck, shove

27 May 2016

Hairy dragonflies, busy mason bees & lapwing chicks

Hairy dragonflies, busy mason bees & lapwing chicks

Grass snake checks to see if I am friend or foe. This is the May 26 edition of the Wildlife Sightings column by Paul Stevens for the Observer Series of newspapers. A HAIRY dragonfly appeared in our Meadow Maze on Sund

27 May 2016

Wildlife Sightings for May 20

Wildlife Sightings for May 20

A clutch of shelduck ducklings have hatched out near the Scrape hide. Photo by Russ Tofts Spotted this morning at: The Lapwing Hide: Lapwing, Canada geese, wood pigeon, gadwall, coot, black-headed gull. On Wetlands Di

20 May 2016

Shelducklings hatch, dunlin spotted & great crested grebe returns

Shelducklings hatch, dunlin spotted & great crested grebe returns

A long tailed tit fledgling calls for its lunch in the woodland loop. This is Paul Steven's Wildlife Sightings column for May 19, 2016. You can read Paul’s column every week in the Observer series of newspapers. New

20 May 2016

Wildlife sightings May 17

Wildlife sightings May 17

  Greylag geese pair with goslings in tow Sighted at the Lapwing hide: lapwing, greylag geese, reed warbler, moorhen, gadwall, reed bunting. Between the Ramsar and Sand Martin hides: tufted ducks, mute swan, Cana

17 May 2016

Lesser white throat warblings & cuckoo calls

Lesser white throat warblings & cuckoo calls

This is Paul Steven’s Wildlife Sightings column for May 12, 2016. You can read Paul's column every week in the Observer series of newspapers. I spotted a lesser white throat again on Sunday (May 8). We have a few singing on site each spring but this is

10 May 2016

Wildlife Sightings May 10

Wildlife Sightings May 10

Lots of greylag & Canada goslings about Spotted this morning From the Ramsar and Sand Martin hide:  A marsh harrier, black-headed gulls, tufted duck, Canada & greylag geese, shoveller (2), gadwall, lapwings,

10 May 2016

Breeding bird survey

Breeding bird survey

This morning was the first of three early morning breeding bird surveys and what a lovely morning it was to. Although cool to start with it soon became sunny and warm. Although warblers have been arriving over the last week it was evident that 4 Sedge War

13 April 2016

Great crested grebe pair drop in for the Easter holidays

Great crested grebe pair drop in for the Easter holidays

Great crested grebe on Arun Riverlife by Alec Pelling ON EASTER SUNDAY Warden Sam Halpin was checking our outflow sluices along the River Arun when she spotted a Great Crested Grebe on the river. Storm Katie on the Mo

8 April 2016

5th April 2016 - Wildlife sightings

5th April 2016 - Wildlife sightings

Some lovely sightings today, see below for details. LAPWING HIDE; Lapwing, Teal, Greylag geese, Wood pigeon, Black headed gull. SAND MARTIN & RAMSAR HIDES; Shelduck, Canada & Greylag geese, Black headed & Herring gulls, Mute swans, Coot, Moorh

5 April 2016

Great Crested Grebe 31/03/2016

Great Crested Grebe 31/03/2016

Great Crested Grebe at Arundel by Alec Pelling Hello! The Great crested grebe did re-appear yesterday afternoon and some lovely photos were taken from the RAMSAR hide, where it continues to fish today. A small group o

31 March 2016

Wednesday 30th March  - Arundel wildlife sightings

Wednesday 30th March - Arundel wildlife sightings

Good Morning All! What a fabulous day. Yesterday we had a Great Crested Grebe hanging around at the Scrape hide, I also saw this bird out on the river at the weekend. Although not spotted this morning, keep your eyes peeled. Today's sightings are as follo

30 March 2016