Sightings - Arundel

Sunday sightings

Sunday sightings

  The most notable and obvious birds of the day were all the gulls out from the Ramsar and Sandmartin hides. There were around 1600 Blackheaded gulls, 300 Common gulls and 4 Mediterranean gulls. One Little egret, Teal, Gadwall, Shelduck and 5 Lapwing

1 March 2015

Fridays sightings

Fridays sightings

What a beautiful day for wandering around Arundel WWT. Please see below for today's sightings. RESERVE Grey wagtail, Dunnock, Bullfinch, Goldfinch, Wren, Blue/ Great/ Long tailed & Coal tit, Reed bunting, Robin, Chaffinch, Kingfisher, Water rail, Wat

27 February 2015

Fire crest Tuesday

Fire crest Tuesday

Good Morning! It is absolutely beautiful out on the reserve today. Whilst we were having a morning walk around the sight, one of our students pointed out a Fire crest by the stag beetle feeders, just down from the Woodland lodge. These little gems have b

24 February 2015

Wet grassland surprise!

Wet grassland surprise!

At midday a surprise Jack snipe was flushed up from the wet grassland. Good numbers of pre breeding Lapwing from the hides today with 10 from the Lapwing hide displaying and jostling for the best positions. A single Lapwing on the new Arun riverlife area

23 February 2015

Sunday 22nd February 2015

Sunday 22nd February 2015

Hello! Whilst walking around the reserve this morning, I spotted the following birds; Water rail, Mute swans, Pochard, Tufted duck, Song thrush, Blackbird, Long tailed/ Great/ Coal & Blue tit, Grey wagtail, Nuthatch, Dunnock, Reed bunting, Chaffinch,

22 February 2015

Friday 20th February 2015

Friday 20th February 2015

RESERVE; Robin, Blue/ Great/ Long tailed & Coal tit, Gold crest, Great spotted woodpecker, Dunnock, Wren, Cetti's warbler, Reed bunting, Chiff chaff, Nuthatch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Green finch, Reed bunting, Pheasant, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, Water

20 February 2015

Sunny Sunday

Sunny Sunday

A beautiful day on site, with our first Oyster catcher being seen from the Sand Martin Hide this afternoon. A Red Kite this morning was spotted low over the reserve and Buzzards all day catching the thermals above the hanger. Also spotted around the reser

15 February 2015

Todays Wildlife sightings

Todays Wildlife sightings

Birds of the moment are definitely the Firecrest and Treecreeper. Both of these birds are being seen on a regular basis in variety of places. The treecreepers are as you would expect around the wooded eastern part of the reserve and into the reedbed wood

13 February 2015

Todays Wildlife sightings

Todays Wildlife sightings

Busy morning for Water voles especially along the reed bed path. The Lapwing hide was also busy this morning with Gadwall, Teal, Water Rail, Grey Heron, Lapwing and Little Grebe. Scrape hide there were several Snipe and Cettis Warblers singing in various

10 February 2015



Although still cool this morning there was a hint of spring today with several species singing such as Dunnock, Robin, Great tit and Song thrush. Several Lapwing were displaying and dive bombing Carrion Crows which is normally behaviour seen when there i

8 February 2015

Sunny Saturday sightings

Sunny Saturday sightings

Chilly but with some blue skies today! Here's what's wild around the reserve today, spotted by WWT staff and volunteers: Ramsar hide: Grey heron, tufted duck, gadwall, shelduck, shoveller, cormorant, Canada geese,little egret, lapwing Scrape hide: grey he

7 February 2015

Kingfisher exploits!

Kingfisher exploits!

Again Kingfishers seem to be zooming all around the reserve today. On one occasion two kingfishers met at high speed with lots of whistling, briefly clashed in mid flight and then went their separate ways. Territorial dispute over fishing rights or precur

3 February 2015

Swan surprise

Swan surprise

It is not very often that a wild Bewicks swan is seen on the reserve but today a juvenile put in an appearance. He was flying with his parents and got distracted by a flock of Canada geese which landed on the large scrape in front of the Ramsar and San

1 February 2015

Kingfisher, herons and black swans

Kingfisher, herons and black swans

This morning’s sightings from around the reserve. Ramsar & Sand Martin hide hides: 22 shelducks, teal, gadwall, 2 grey herons, 4 Lapwings, 2 black swans, grey wagtails Scrape hide: 20 teal, kingfisher, shelducks Lapwing hide: lapwings, teal, 1 cormorant

31 January 2015

Fire and water!

Fire and water!

Stunning views today of the Kingfisher/s. One of our early breakfast vistors had close views of one on wetlands discovery boat safari and then again with myself right in front of the scrape hide. I also caught up with one from the main gallery window on

27 January 2015