Sightings - Arundel

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

The normal suspects of Teal, Shelduck, Lapwing , Snipe, Shoveler, Gadwall, Grey heron and of course the very regular stars of the reserve 'the Kingfisher' around the reserve at the moment. There are a pair and at least one other male showing from most of

25 January 2015

Bittern putting in a regular appearance

Bittern putting in a regular appearance

A wintering Bittern has been seen for the last week almost on a daily basis from the scrape and reed bed hides. The Starling roost in the main reedbed has reached around 4000 birds. The spectacle is gradually getting later, but around 4-4.15pm is the best

7 January 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Well I am glad to say that water levels at Arundel have stayed at very low levels this Christmas, unlike the previous two winters!! This has meant that there is time to enjoy our winter visitors. Cold days provide the best chance of seeing the many Water

26 December 2014

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

Currently a good mix of bird species out on the reserve but nothing in any high numbers as yet. Several Snipe from the Lapwing and Scrape hides with more probably hidden away. Water rail continue to show well from the Scrape hide and through the reedbed.

30 November 2014

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

Continuing wet weather has created new feeding opportunities for increasing Snipe numbers. Around 40 were roosting and feeding in front of the Lapwing hide at the beginning of the week. Teal numbers are low with many dispersing throughout the valley and S

14 November 2014

Summer or Autumn?

Summer or Autumn?

Not only is the weather confusing the seasons but continued migration of summer visitors with some of our winter visitors mixed in has certainly got me confused! 150 House Martins and two flocks of Redwing totalling 120 were a case in point on Tuesday. A

17 October 2014

Wigeon now showing.

Wigeon now showing.

After seeing a pair of Wigoen on Friday, this morning there was an increase to 5. Whilst admiring there lovely chestnut plumage a male Kingfisher perched on some tall vegetation directly in front of the Ramsar hide, amazing. Two more were also seen on the

23 September 2014

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

Amazing numbers of Sand martins still swarming around the sand martin hide and the scrape areas. There has been around two hundred at any one time with a sprinkling of around 100 House martins as well.  Sightings of Sparrowhawk and Hobby attracted to fee

11 September 2014

Great white egret and swooping sand martins

Great white egret and swooping sand martins

A great white egret has been moving between the Scrape hide and Sand Martin/Ramsar hides since early Sunday afternoon. He has been getting really close to the Ramsar hide giving visitors displays of his fishing prowes. This morning he was joined by 2 grey

1 September 2014

More sand martins!

More sand martins!

During the week numbers of Sand martins at any one time reached around 100 with lots of these perching right in front of the hide. House martins and Swallows were also mixed in with the flock. Other migrants were Common sandpipers, Sedge warbler and White

24 August 2014

Sand martin pit stop

Sand martin pit stop

Today brought around 40 Sand Martins outside the sand martin hide. A dozen at a time were perching just outside the viewing windows giving incredibly close encounters of these birds before they leave our shores for Africa. A mixture of adults and youngste

15 August 2014

Weather changes

Weather changes

After all the warm weather it felt more like early Autumn this morning. This was enhanced by the presence of at least a dozen Sand martins busily feeding over the water in front of the Sand Martin Hide, occasionally flying close to the nest bank. Sighting

10 August 2014

Little egrets

Little egrets

A pair of Little egrets today to the right of the Ramsar hide were busy preening each other before dispersing to fish alongside a Grey heron. Three Shoveler, several Teal and many Greylag and Canada geese were also present from the hide. A single Sand Mar

3 August 2014

Signs of Migration!

Signs of Migration!

Swallow and martins have been increasing this week with over one hundred over the reedbed this morning. Several Sand martins have been spotted in amongst the flocks. Blackcap singing would also point to some of these warblers beginning their migration as

27 July 2014

Kingfisher regulars?

Kingfisher regulars?

We could well be seeing a return of regular sightings of Kingfishers with one known sighting yesterday and two today. All these were seen in different parts of the reserve so could be seen anywhere from the ditches to wetlands discovery boat safari. Littl

13 July 2014