Sightings - Arundel

Green sandpiper

Green sandpiper

A lovely Green sandpiper feeding on the wet grassland pools from the Lapwing hide. This is the first time this species has been recorded on this newly created area and gives real promise for more sightings of this and other wader species. Cormorants, Litt

19 July 2012

Green sandpiper

Green sandpiper

A lovely Green sandpiper feeding on the wet grassland pools from the Lapwing hide. This is the first time this species has been recorded on this newly created area and gives real promise for more sigh [...]

19 July 2012

Wader area

Wader area

After cutting a wet area opposite the Ramsar hide on Monday to attract some waders, today the oystercatcher family were joined by a Common Sandpiper. A pair of Redshank were in front of the Sand martin hide on Sunday. The pair of Swallows in the reedbed h

12 July 2012

Wader area

Wader area

After cutting a wet area opposite the Ramsar hide on Monday to attract some waders, today the oystercatcher family were joined by a Common Sandpiper. A pair of Redshank were in front of the Sand marti [...]

12 July 2012

Chichester Observer column appearing June 14

Chichester Observer column appearing June 14

Wildlife Sightings walk on 05/06/2012 by Paul Stevens The heavens opened at 1 o'clock today and a persistent, heavy rain began to fall. Some hardy visitors and families in colourful Macs [...]

14 June 2012

Lesser is more!

Lesser is more!

Top sighting of the week was a Lesser spotted woodpecker flying over to the willows on wetlands discovery. It is at least two years ago that this species was seen on the site. Little grebes have n [...]

27 May 2012

Tawny owlets

Tawny owlets

Three tawny owlets were spotted today high up in a willow tree at the southern edge of the reedbed. This is the second year running that owlets have been seen in this area. The second pair of oyst [...]

13 May 2012

Wildlife Sightings Column May 1 2012

Wildlife Sightings Column May 1 2012

Wildlife Sightings column from walk on May 1 2012 by Paul Stevens Appeared in Lifestyle section of the Chichester Observer newspaper, Thursday 10 May. Water Vole population has wintered well [...]

10 May 2012

Arundel Sand martins

Arundel Sand martins

Fantastic views of swallows, sand martins and house martins as they feed over the swan lake this morning. They have been flying within inches of the main gallery window, desperate to find any insects [...]

6 May 2012

Wildlife Sightings column from Chichester Observer newspaper

Wildlife Sightings column from Chichester Observer newspaper

Walk taken April 17 2012 by Paul Stevens A cold rain is falling and it is very windy - perfect weather for the swallows and martins to hawk for insects over Swan Lake. The low cloud and rain pushe [...]

26 April 2012

Lapwing chicks!

Lapwing chicks!

This morning there were four Lapwing chicks out from the Lapwing hide and the first of the eight pairs to hatch their young. Four Linnets feeding out from the Ramsar hide on the dry grassland was [...]

15 April 2012

LRP on wet grassland

LRP on wet grassland

Highlight of the day was a fantastic Little ringed Plover on the newly created wet grassland. It didn't stay for long but could this now be a regular sighting for the reserve? At least five Sa [...]

13 April 2012

Wet grassland magic

Wet grassland magic

The pair of Redshank we had a week ago have returned and much more vocal this time! Will they stay and breed? Surprise bird of the morning was a male Linnet feeding out from the Ramsar hide on the [...]

4 April 2012

A trickle of migrants

A trickle of migrants

Last weeks warm weather seems to have caused a trickle of early migrants. Sand Martin and Swallows have passed through and Chiffchaff have been singing in most areas of the reserve. Friday there w [...]

1 April 2012

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

A really good mix of birds on the reserve at the moment. Highlights were 9 Shoveler and 9 Snipe from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides. Little grebes and water voles are busy on wetlands discov [...]

7 March 2012