Sightings - Arundel

Wet grassland magic

Wet grassland magic

The pair of Redshank we had a week ago have returned and much more vocal this time! Will they stay and breed? Surprise bird of the morning was a male Linnet feeding out from the Ramsar hide on the [...]

4 April 2012

A trickle of migrants

A trickle of migrants

Last weeks warm weather seems to have caused a trickle of early migrants. Sand Martin and Swallows have passed through and Chiffchaff have been singing in most areas of the reserve. Friday there w [...]

1 April 2012

Wildlife sightings

Wildlife sightings

A really good mix of birds on the reserve at the moment. Highlights were 9 Shoveler and 9 Snipe from the Ramsar and Sand martin hides. Little grebes and water voles are busy on wetlands discov [...]

7 March 2012

Wet grassland birds

Wet grassland birds

The newly developed wet grassland is beginning to come alive with several pairs of Lapwing, around 10 teal, several Shelduck, Gadwall, Canada and Greylag geese, along with the usual Moorh [...]

4 March 2012

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air!

Fantastic views of displaying, fighting and nest scraping Lapwing from the lapwing and ramsar hides. A pair of Long tailed tits nest building along the tranquil trail. [...]

28 February 2012

Roosting swans and Lapwing

Roosting swans and Lapwing

Quieter this morning as it is now warming after the cold spell. No sign of last weeks Bittern, but the cold has brought in 32 Bewicks swans most nights and a peak of 225 Lapwing. It seems [...]

14 February 2012



The series of cold days and nights have certainly effected the resident and visiting wildlife. Singing territorial birds have gone silent, shy retiring birds such as Bullfinch and Water r [...]

3 February 2012

Bewicks almost!

Bewicks almost!

Very exciting last night as the calls of wild bewicks swans could be heard heading towards the reserve at 5.15pm. 26 swans circled the reserve several times getting lower and lower. Unfortunat [...]

18 January 2012

Teal up!

Teal up!

The cold weather seems to have increased the teal numbers with just under 90 counted this morning. [...]

16 January 2012

Starling roost dwindles

Starling roost dwindles

Just a note for those who are hoping to see the starling roost, that numbers have drastically reduced down to only a handful of individuals. The rest seem to have found a better alternative. M [...]

16 January 2012

Cool morning

Cool morning

The frosty morning seems to have brought in 6 shoveler and two wigeon, which have been absent for sometime now. [...]

13 January 2012

Tufted duck high

Tufted duck high

Fantastic count of 106 tufted duck on swan lake yesterday, but down to only 32 this morning. Stunning views of at least a dozen Bullfinches aound the reserve today. [...]

27 December 2011

Christmas eve sightings

Christmas eve sightings


24 December 2011

Predator and prey

Predator and prey

Wow! That is what I was saying last night! I was watching the starlings coming into roost in the reedbed. What a fantastic spectacle and no matter how many times you watch them, there are always surprises. It was around 3.45pm and about two thousand sta

20 December 2011

Starling murmuration video

Starling murmuration video

A great video of over 2,000 starlings coming to roost at the WWT Arundel Wetland Centre at 3:40pm Dec 10. The murmuration gets larger and larger as more birds join, then suddenly they all land in one quick movement - amazing. After two winters with no

16 December 2011