Sightings - Arundel

Lapwing surprise

Lapwing surprise

Great to see a flock of between 30-40 Lapwing out on the scrape islands from the sand martin hide yesterday. [...]

16 December 2011

Starling roost rise

Starling roost rise

The starlings roosting in the reedbed have now swollen to around two thousand birds. They can be seen very well from the reedbed boardwalk and the reedswamp exhibit, usually around 3.30pm. [...]

11 December 2011

Winter around the corner?

Winter around the corner?

At last a frost and followed by a fantastic bright morning. This illuminated the collection birds especially on the Lakes and forests exhibit. Should have had my camera with me as I passed a Kingfisher perched on bramble with a fish in its mouth. Would h

2 December 2011

December arrives

December arrives

It seems that wintering birds are beginning to react to the fact it is now December more than the lack of cold weather. Despite having a couple of frosty mornings, generally it continues [...]

2 December 2011

Snipe numbers on the up

Snipe numbers on the up

Good number of snipe (16) could be seen yesterday from the ramsar hide, looking to the right on the thin strip of island. They were feeding and roosting for most of the day. [...]

24 November 2011



Well thinks are very slow here at Arundel at the moment. The weather is so very mild that dragonflies, such as Common darter and migrant hawker are still on the wing. Red admirals and amazingly a Common Carder Bumblebee are also active. A Song thrush was

18 November 2011

Elusive wildfowl

Elusive wildfowl

With the mild weather continuing wildfowl numbers have stayed fairly low. Teal and snipe numbers have increased, but they have remained elusive.  [...]

18 November 2011

Wigeon arrival

Wigeon arrival

Three wigeon have flown in this morning and are feeding on the new wet grassland area. Fantastic result! [...]

9 November 2011

Pochard up!

Pochard up!

This morning there was 40 pochard out on swan lake. [...]

6 November 2011

Numbers starting to build up at Arundel WWT

Numbers starting to build up at Arundel WWT

Shoveler numbers have been fluctuating from 7 up to 11, mainly from the scrape hide. This a really good number for this time of year and encouraging for the winter ahead. Pochard have started to arrive on swan lake with a high of 6 individuals, mostly m

3 November 2011

Snipe sightings

Snipe sightings

Four snipe were seen at the back of the scrape areas from the ramsar hide. [...]

3 November 2011

Alders alive with siskin and redpoll

Alders alive with siskin and redpoll

A flock of siskins and redpolls have been seen feeding in the alders around woodland secrets today. [...]

2 November 2011

Siskins and kite

Siskins and kite

Looking to the sky this morning produced a Red Kite and several Siskin. [...]

1 November 2011

Rising Shoveler

Rising Shoveler

Great to see Shoveler numbers going up to 11 this morning! [...]

31 October 2011

Shoveler high!

Shoveler high!

Shoveler numbers have already reached their highest numbers for this time of year. [...]

27 October 2011