
Caerlaverock, Wed 8th May

Caerlaverock, Wed 8th May

Becoming a wet day. The usual song birds in the avenues supplemented by 2 Common Whitethroats near The Avenue Tower and a Lesser Redpoll on one of the seed feeders. No Barnacles to be seen now, as expected, likewise the 3 Whoopers have vacated The Floodgr

8 May 2013

Caerlaverock sightings 7.5.13

Caerlaverock sightings 7.5.13

A scan from The Farmhouse Tower today would indicate that the Barnacle Geese have finally left us. 40 could be found yesterday, 800 on Sunday past.  Two Whooper Swans do remain on The Floodground though. Golden Plovers are still coming through, resplende

7 May 2013

Caerlaverock observatory demolished after 42 years

Caerlaverock observatory demolished after 42 years

WWT Caerlaverock has seen quite a change this month with the demolition of the old observatory after 42 years of faithful service to make way for a brand new multi-level viewing hide. The new Sir Peter Scott hide, which will open later this year, has been

22 April 2013

Caerlaverock 6/4/2013 update

Caerlaverock 6/4/2013 update

A few minutes after last update we at last have a pair of Ospreys on the nest. One unringed and one ringed but as yet unidentified... YIPPEE!!

6 April 2013

Caerlaverock sightings 6/4/13

Caerlaverock sightings 6/4/13

Over 3500 Barnacle Geese visible from Farmhouse Tower today, and about a dozen Whoopers still around. NB Feeds at the Peter Scott Observatory have now ceased as the building will be fully closed from Monday 8th April, allowing the building work for its r

6 April 2013

Caerlaverock sightings Friday 5/4/13

Caerlaverock sightings Friday 5/4/13

Still awaiting any spring migrants, so the scene is very much a winter one still, with good nos. of Barnacles occupying many of the fields and merses, up to a dozen Whooper Swans and good-ish nos. still of Teal, Wigeon, Shoveler, Gadwall. Just one Little

5 April 2013

Caerlaverock sightings 31.3.13

Caerlaverock sightings 31.3.13

Another bright but still cold day, with plenty (1000s) of Barnacles on/around the site, and lower nos. of Pinkfeet seeming to move through. Whooper Swans at the regular feeds are now dwindling fast, as expected, with only 9 on site at 0830, but with about

31 March 2013

Caerlaverock wildlife sightings 30.3.13

Caerlaverock wildlife sightings 30.3.13

A bright, slightly warmer, dry day. Barnacle Geese in with a vengeance - morning tower count of almost 7000. (A leucistic bird was just off the reserve yesteday evening but no sign today as yet) A few Pink-footeds are dotted in with the Barnies. No sign

30 March 2013

3 waxwings eating hawthorn berries in Saltcot Loaning today

3 waxwings eating hawthorn berries in Saltcot Loaning today

Great news, three waxwings eating hawthorn berries in Saltcot Loaning today. Hopefully the first of many sightings of these beautiful Scandinavian migrants. They can turn up in any location that has berries, supermarket car parks are a favourite!

6 November 2012

October update - arrival of thousands of birds!

October update - arrival of thousands of birds!

Autumn is here at Caerlaverock and the geese are back. The first barnacle geese arrived on Sunday the 23rd of September and those first 91 birds were soon joined by thousands more with 9,600 counted from the farmhouse tower on the 3rd of October. These bi

9 October 2012

The barnacle geese are back!

The barnacle geese are back!

Yesterday, the 23rd of September, the first 91 barnacle geese were seen on the reserve at Caerlaverock. We had reports from Arctic Norway that there were birds flying south on Friday and the first birds arrived on Sunday. They were feeding in the Lochar

24 September 2012

WWT Caerlaverock news 15th August 2012

WWT Caerlaverock news 15th August 2012

In the last week waders have been arriving with two green sandpipers on the 11th and a ruff on the 13th and the flock of lapwings is now over 600 strong. A juvenile marsh harrier has been quartering the merses for the last week and up to 3 ospreys have be

15 August 2012

First for Caerlaverock!!

First for Caerlaverock!!

Breeding birds at Caerlaverock, three new breeding records. Garganey A pair of Garganey was first seen on 26th March in a small borrowpit in the Corner Field. These birds remained here for a few days and later relocated to the Teal Pond. The last time the

17 July 2011

New wetland created by WWT partner Glengoyne

New wetland created by WWT partner Glengoyne

Glengoyne Highland Single Malt have created a brand new wetlands area on their distillery land, as a natural and biodiversity-promoting way to process the waste from their spirit stills. This reduces pollution by around 25%.

14 July 2011

Still sitting...

Still sitting...

Our resident Ospreys are still sitting tight on their two precious eggs despite the wilder turn of the weather- in fact such cool and stormy conditions are when their diligence is most important to keep the eggs warm. For those of us viewing the live nes

10 May 2011