
Hello, Annie!

Hello, Annie!

Hello, Annie here, your new warden at Caerlaverock. I’ve travelled across the UK from WWT Welney in Norfolk in search of new adventures and new challenges. Already in these first two months I’ve encountered so much change. As the seasons turn, I’ve

1 November 2023

Appreciate the geese

Appreciate the geese

There is nothing quite like standing in the middle of the courtyard and being brought to a halt by a skein of geese flying overhead. A wildlife spectacle unlike many others in that it isn’t a rare occurrence here at WWT Caerlaverock, a flyover of a fl

29 October 2023

Mosquito hunting at Caerlaverock

Mosquito hunting at Caerlaverock

Wetland nature reserves like WWT Caerlaverock support a huge amount of biodiversity and attract many people (myself included) hoping to see some of the incredible creatures that make wetlands their home. While catching a glimpse of a mosquito is less like

26 October 2023

A welcomed change (and hello to Ed!)

A welcomed change (and hello to Ed!)

After a long day at work, I take off my shoes and settle on the couch. I’m back in the man-made world and cut off from nature – or at least that’s what I think...From the corner of my eye, I see something green jumping around: it’s startled and re

24 October 2023

How many geese?

How many geese?

It is 6 am in the morning, dark, cold, still, not quite a frost and I am standing on the edge of one of the largest areas of mud in the UK and I am wondering why I do these things. The alarm went off at 05:00 and even the normally enthusiastic dog looked

21 October 2023

A day in the life of a guide in the hide

A day in the life of a guide in the hide

I have been volunteering at Caerlaverock since 2017 where I am Friday’s Guide in the Hide. My role is to help guests connect with the wildlife around the reserve and hopefully make their visit more enjoyable. This is the first of an occasional series of

19 October 2023

Arrivals and depatures

Arrivals and depatures

It’s that time of year again: migration is upon us. The bird airport has opened. End of September, early October, sees that last few remaining swallows and house martins waiting at their gate, getting their last feeds in before making their journey so

17 October 2023

The devil bird?

The devil bird?

An early morning walk along the edge of the Lochar this week and a bird flicked up in front of me and flew away along the shore. A little brown job but with a difference: a bright white flash on its behind told me it was a wheatear. Wheatears are fantasti

16 October 2023

Wetlands are the way: Our new strategy to 2030

Wetlands are the way: Our new strategy to 2030

Today we have published our strategy to 2030 - "Wetlands are the way" which sets out how we will operate and our priorities for the next seven years, including a new mission to restore wetlands and unlock their power.

12 October 2023

Making water do more

Making water do more

For hundreds of years, farming the land around Caerlaverock meant trying to get the water off the land as fast as feasible. Being flat land, the water didn’t flow off quickly and filled up the water table but waterlogged land is no good for growing cr

12 October 2023

A big welcome to Meg!

A big welcome to Meg!

We are pleased to have welcomed some new team members recently so have some important introductions to make: starting with Meg, one of the new placement students! Hi, I'm Meg. I have recently started as a reserve management placement here at Caerlaverock.

9 October 2023

The Ivy Buffet

The Ivy Buffet

I’m walking down the avenue to check the trees because we’ve had some bad weather – high winds and the like – when I am stopped in my tracks. Hoverfly on ivy by Marianne Nicholson There is a massive amount of buzzing coming from an ivy-covered ha

5 October 2023

Project Godwit Action Plan sets the priorities for the next decade

Project Godwit Action Plan sets the priorities for the next decade

A new action plan has been published by the RSPB, WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) and Natural England in the final year of their collaboration on Project Godwit, detailing the path to recovery over the next decade for this endangered wading bird.

3 October 2023



Another day, another butterfly transect.I only just started the survey and I was feeling deflated: days like this often feel like a waste as it’s like I’m not really able to appreciate the saltmarsh for all its awesomeness. As soon as this thought had

29 September 2023

Maybe I should become a spider expert?

Maybe I should become a spider expert?

It feels like I am noticing spider webs everywhere. They seem to be all over the place this year: cast your eyes over any vegetation and you spot them. When I have walked along the summer trail to where the pump is, they are down in the rush. Glancing at

26 September 2023