
5th July

5th July

Two little ringed plovers showing well on the Folly pond this morning. This is the third consecutive day for this rare species for this area. Also on the Folly pond were 5 common sandpipers and a ring [...]

5 July 2012

4th July

4th July

Three little ringed plovers showing well on the Folly pond this morning along with a greenshank and 2 common sandpipers. Over 200 lapwings on the Lochar field. Whitethroat and blackcap singing aga [...]

4 July 2012

July 3rd 2012

July 3rd 2012

Still a good flock of C200 Lapwings from Avenue Tower and a bit of a build-up of Mute Swans, with a total of 17 distributed throughout the site. Most noteworthy though is a flock(!) of 4 Little Ringed [...]

3 July 2012



Despite the wet and blustery morning a large number of House Martins are out feeding around the Avenue Tower and over the flood ground.    A pair Mute Swans and their&nbsp [...]

2 July 2012

June 30th

June 30th

Things pretty much as yesterday, though the weather is improving by the minute. Several Great Spotted Woodpeckers in The Avenue this morning and a Common Sandpiper on the Folly Pond are the only notab [...]

30 June 2012

June 29th

June 29th

Yet another wet one overnight, strong blustery south-westerlies this morning. A few hardy warblers (Blackcap, Garden and Whitethroat) continue to sing despite the conditions. 200 Lapwings and twice as [...]

29 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Teal Pond Little Grebe Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 18 Starling 100 Folly Pond Mallards with ducklings Shovel [...]

28 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Teal Pond Little Grebe Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 18 Starling 100 Folly Pond Mallards with ducklings Shovel [...]

26 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Teal Pond Little Grebe Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 18 Starling 100 Folly Pond Shoveler 2 Oystercatcher 4 H [...]

25 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Mallards with duckling Teal Pond Little Grebe Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 18 Starling 100 Folly Pond Shovele [...]

24 June 2012

22nd June 2012

22nd June 2012

Very wet overnight (again!!). Lots of soggy fledgling passerines in the avenues and most of the common warblers still singing despite the relentless rain. The Little Grebes on the Teal Pond have hatch [...]

22 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Mallards with duckling Teal Pond Little Grebe with chicks Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 180 Starling 200 Folly Pon [...]

20 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Whooper Pond Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Mallards with duckling Teal Pond Little Grebe with chicks Gadwall 4 Flood Ground Gadwall Heron Lapwing 180 Starling 200 Foll [...]

19 June 2012

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Back Pond Kingfisher seen yesterday from back pond hide Whooper Pond OTTER Mute Swan 2 + 6 cygnets Mallards with duckling Teal Pond Little Grebe on nest Gadwall 4 Flood G [...]

18 June 2012

16th June 2012

16th June 2012

Very little change from yesterday (15th), other than for the addition of several thousand gallons of water... 34mm of rain overnight. The Garden Warbler was singing this am from the Peter Scott Trail, [...]

16 June 2012