
Scandinavian Chiffchaff

Scandinavian Chiffchaff

Avenue SCANDINAVIAN CHIFFCHAFF Willow Warbler - must be the latest ever for Dumfries & Galloway Common Chiffchaff Goldcrest 2 Treecreeper 1 Bullfinch 1 Blackcap 1 Whooper Pond [...]

1 November 2011

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Barnacle Goose from Newfield Hide, Photo by George Sharp Whooper Pond Tufted Duck 44 Teal 2 Folly Pond Whooper Swan 29 Canada Goose 100 Wigeon 400 Teal 370 Avenue Tower [...]

31 October 2011

Migration at Caerlaverock

Migration at Caerlaverock

It’s that time again folk that I come on here and have a good old ramble about what’s being coming in and out of the reserve over the last few days. Well where to start I guess with the big white guys first! I mean Whooper by the way. These guys are s

30 October 2011

Caerlaverock Update

Caerlaverock Update

Right guys, HELLO!! My first post from Caerlaverock so here goes....right migration... Well where to start! The Barnacle Geese numbers here have been growing over the last few weeks with numbers on the reserve reaching a high of 13,800. I know your all th

27 October 2011

Todays Sightings

Todays Sightings

Folly Pond Spotted Redshank 1 Redshank 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 [...]

27 October 2011

The story so far from Caerlaverock...

The story so far from Caerlaverock...

Barnacle geese numbers were up to 6,000 on 8 October, lower than last year due to the south westerly winds holding them back on the Norwegian coast but another 25-30,000 are due soon. The first whooper swans arrived earlier than before on 15 September

20 October 2011

Chicks still being fed at the nest

Chicks still being fed at the nest

This morning one of the chicks ZY was feeding on the nest from 10.30am in the pouring rain. The soggy conditions didn't seem to affect her enjoyment of todays flounder! Yesterday we saw both chicks on the nest at various times and on Tuesday both the ma

15 August 2011

First for Caerlaverock!!

First for Caerlaverock!!

Breeding birds at Caerlaverock, three new breeding records. Garganey A pair of Garganey was first seen on 26th March in a small borrowpit in the Corner Field. These birds remained here for a few days and later relocated to the Teal Pond. The last time the

17 July 2011

Still sitting...

Still sitting...

Our resident Ospreys are still sitting tight on their two precious eggs despite the wilder turn of the weather- in fact such cool and stormy conditions are when their diligence is most important to keep the eggs warm. For those of us viewing the live nes

10 May 2011

Busy incubating two eggs in the sunshine

Busy incubating two eggs in the sunshine

There has been no sign of a third egg laid this year and the female is sitting tight incubating the two eggs. AW as usual is taking his turn and she had to physically turf him off the eggs at one point yesterday, maybe she was ready for him to go and catc

4 May 2011

Incubations continues

Incubations continues

Our ospreys are happily incubating their two eggs on the nest today and no doubt enjoying the beautiful spring weather. The eggs were laid on the 19th and 22nd of April and it now looks unlikely they will be joined by a third egg this year, as it has been

2 May 2011

Still no third egg

Still no third egg

At the end of the CCTV recording yesterday I could still see only two eggs on the nest. This morning the female has been sitting tight on the nest most of the morning and has built up the grass and twigs at the front of the nest so that it is difficult to

26 April 2011

Can't see the third egg yet

Can't see the third egg yet

Like yesterday AW has been doing a lot of nest duty today sitting on the eggs. He spent nearly 2 hours this morning before his mate came in and took over. Due to the build up of nest material on the edge of the nest it is very difficult to see if a 3rd eg

25 April 2011

Osprey Easter egg number two laid this morning

Osprey Easter egg number two laid this morning

When the CCTV images came on this morning we could see AW stand up on the nest and between his legs there were 2 eggs. If we didn't know better it looked as if he had just laid them! A second lighter and more speckled egg was beside the very russet first

22 April 2011

First egg laid this morning

First egg laid this morning

As the CCTV system came on at the centre this morning the female was sitting tight on the nest. Was she on the first egg? Emma watched patiently and at 10.20am she saw the female stand up and sure enough there was the first egg of the season in the cup of

19 April 2011