
Reserve Update Tuesday 14th August - Hen Harrier again

Reserve Update Tuesday 14th August - Hen Harrier again

The male Hen Harrier was back around Avenue Tower this morning with views of it hunting and catching prey over the Merse.  It had also been seen on Sunday so seems to be a pretty regular feature at the mo.  The buzzard was once again on it's perch at th

14 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 11th August - Green Sandpipers & Hen Harrier

Latest Sightings - Saturday 11th August - Green Sandpipers & Hen Harrier

Two Green Sandpipers in the Flood Ground again this morning. Viewed from the Avenue Tower. Also a male Hen Harrier flying over. Still good birding in the Hawthorn below the Avenue Tower. Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Whinchat & Tree

11 August 2018

Reserve Update Thursday 9th August

Reserve Update Thursday 9th August

Decided Autumnal feeling to the weather first thing this morning.  The hawthorn below the Avenue Tower is once again proving to be a draw to passage migrants with Willow Warbler, Reed Bunting, Whitethroat, Tree Sparrow and Goldfinch again seen. Two Green

9 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Wednesday 8th August - passage migration & Green Sandpipers

Latest Sightings - Wednesday 8th August - passage migration & Green Sandpipers

A really interesting morning on the reserve, with passage migration in full swing! Two Green Sandpipers are on the Flood Ground in the small pools, visible from the Avenue Tower. The Hawthorn tree beneath the Avenue Tower is stuffed full of migrating song

8 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Tuesday 7th August

Latest Sightings - Tuesday 7th August

There were three Yellow Wagtails at the Folly Pond yesterday, on migration further south. No sign of them as yet this morning. A few more Teal have turned up on the Folly Pond as well, and water levels are beginning to pick up after some rain. Our Osprey

7 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Thursday 2nd August

Latest Sightings - Thursday 2nd August

More rain today which has really topped our ponds up nicely. More geese have been seen in the past few days, with Canada and Greylag Geese feeding out on the merse. Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins are feeding over the ponds and fields at the mome

2 August 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 28th July

Latest Sightings - Saturday 28th July

The rain has finally arrived, although it is needed it's still a shame. Hopefully this will top some of the ponds up and freshen up the vegetation a bit. A Snipe was feeding in the Paddock ponds again this morning, it's always worth a slow walk through th

28 July 2018

Latest Sightings - Friday 27th July

Latest Sightings - Friday 27th July

Another hot and sunny start to the day but there is a chance of rain later in the day. The Mute Swan family are spending most time on the Back Pond, still with their 6 cygnets which are growing fast! The Mute Swan family from the Flood Ground have disappe

27 July 2018

Latest Sightings 23/07/18- Wood Sandpiper

Latest Sightings 23/07/18- Wood Sandpiper

There is a Wood Sandpiper on the Folly Pond, with good views from the tower and Folly Pond Hide. There is also a Black-tailed Godwit, a couple of Snipe and a flock of Lapwing on the Folly Pond. Yesterday a Little Ringed Plover was on the Flood Ground, so

23 July 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 21st July

Latest Sightings - Saturday 21st July

After the rain yesterday, it is a dry start to the day but very humid. A number of Snipe are feeding around the site, look out for them on the Whooper Pond, Folly Pond and Teal Pond. Sand Martins, House Martins and Swallows are feeding around the ponds.

21 July 2018

Reserve Update Wednesday 18th July

Reserve Update Wednesday 18th July

Wood Sandpiper present on Flood Ground this morning.  Avenue Tower is a good place to visit with 67 Lapwing and 24+ Curlew present feeding in the surrounding fields.  Snipe are present all around the wetland areas but do take a bit of seeing at times! 

18 July 2018

Reserve Update - Saturday 14th July

Reserve Update - Saturday 14th July

The touch of rain that we had yesterday has started to draw the waders into Folly Pond.  A Little Ringed Plover dropped in for a brief visit late on last night and we currently have 16 Lapwing, 2 Black-tailed Godwit and a couple of Snipe.  There are als

14 July 2018

Chris Packham’s UK Bioblitz Campaign

Chris Packham’s UK Bioblitz Campaign

TV presenter and naturalist Chris Packham is coming to WWT Caerlaverock Wetland Centre, on Tuesday 17th July 2018 as part of the first independent audit of its kind in the UK. His goal is to investigate the extent to which the nation’s wildlife species

13 July 2018

Reserve Update  Tuesday 10th July

Reserve Update Tuesday 10th July

Good numbers of Curlew present on the Folly Pond first thing with over 41 counted.  Large mixed flock of Sand and House Martins feeding over our High Middle field and a dozen Sand Martin are also present feeding over the Whooper Pond.  Snipe present ar

10 July 2018

Latest Sightings - Saturday 7th July

Latest Sightings - Saturday 7th July

Don't forget to check out our Osprey nest camera, there are two large chicks on the nest: A Common Sandpiper was on the Flood Ground this morning, along with a Little Egret, Grey Hero

7 July 2018