
Latest sightings - 14th April

Latest sightings - 14th April

Some early drizzle has passed and things are brightening up now. Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers are singing all the way down the Avenues, and we are seeing more Swallows around the reserve. Blackthorn bushes are in full flower now, bright white against t

14 April 2017

Update, Thursday April13th

Update, Thursday April13th

Last year's pair of Ospreys are now established on their usual nest; we are privileged to have good quality live images beamed to to the screen in our visitor centre. One overflew the reserve yesterday, presumably having been fishing offshore. Marsh Harr

13 April 2017

... Missing title ...

... Missing title ...

We finally saw a Swallow yesterday afternoon, and will hopefully have more appearing over the next few days. The sun is shining and the birds are in full song today. It's a fantastic day to enjoy some Spring weather and see Our Osprey nest is live on CCT

8 April 2017

Latest Sightings - 7th April - summer migrants singing

Latest Sightings - 7th April - summer migrants singing

Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler are in good voice this morning along the Avenues. We expect to see a Swallow any day now, and it's always worth scanning the merse for a glimpse of Osprey perched on driftwood or fishing over the high tide. Our Osprey nest is

7 April 2017

Quick update, Monday April 3rd

Quick update, Monday April 3rd

Some Sand Martins hawking over The Folly Pond just now and our first singing Willow Warbler near The Peter Scott Observatory this morning. There are just a few Whooper Swans remaining (four first thing, eleven yesterday; the formal swan feeds are finishe

3 April 2017

Sightings 31/03/2017

Sightings 31/03/2017

After a few days of awful weather it finally brightened up this afternoon and the weekends forecast isn't looking too bad either! Some nice birds about today, the best of the action being at the avenue tower. A single flock of 2750 Golden Plover are usin

31 March 2017

Sightings 27th - 29th of March

Sightings 27th - 29th of March

The weather has been glorious over the last few days, it's a shame the same can't be said about today. However with it, the good weather brought a range of spring migrants and the reserve is always changing at this time of year. Our first Wheatear of the

29 March 2017

Sunday March 26th

Sunday March 26th

Another fine spring day. Perhaps this our sunshine ration for the year...! Whooper Swans are largely away now; 19 at the 11:00 feed today, with a further 60 or so preferring a grass diet in fields at Ruthwell. Still plenty of Barnacle Geese to find, mostl

26 March 2017

Reserve Update Friday 24th March - Garganey Returns

Reserve Update Friday 24th March - Garganey Returns

Lovely spring morning with the sun shining, birds singing and primroses blooming, what's not to like!  The drake Garganey has returned to the Folly Pond and is dozing in the sunshine.  Best viewed from the Folly Pond hide as unfortunately the Farmhouse

24 March 2017

Sightings 23/03/2017

Sightings 23/03/2017

It looks like yesterdays bad weather has passed through and the forecast is looking really good for this afternoon and the next few days. There has been a lot of Whooper Swan movement country wide over the last few days, we had a departure of birds overn

23 March 2017

Monday 20th March update

Monday 20th March update

Cold and wet first thing, now much brighter and more spring-like. Our single Garganey has apparently moved off... or is hiding. No new migrants to report so far though a Chiffchaff was singing briefly yesterday from The Teal Pond Hide. 6000 Barnacle and o

20 March 2017

Latest Sightings - 18th March - feeling spring-like

Latest Sightings - 18th March - feeling spring-like

It's dry so far and feeling quite spring-like at the moment. Birds are singing, Primroses are flowering, and so are the Blackthorn bushes! Black-headed Gulls are looking for nesting sites around the Flood Ground, some of them look like they could use our

18 March 2017

Reserve Update Thursday 16th March - Garganey returns

Reserve Update Thursday 16th March - Garganey returns

A solitary drake Garganey returned to the Folly Pond yesterday afternoon and has been sighted once again this morning, this time using the borrow pit in Corner Field.  It is best viewed from the top floor of the Peter Scott Observatory or the small green

16 March 2017

Update, Monday March 13th

Update, Monday March 13th

After the excitement of the early Garganey at the weekend, we're back to normal today. There is no sign today so far of the 7 which graced the reserve yesterday... A shame as 7 constitute a record at one site for Dumfries & Galloway, as well being un

13 March 2017

Reserve Update Saturday 11th March - Garganey!

Reserve Update Saturday 11th March - Garganey!

Exciting start to the morning with four Garganey (two pairs) observed on the Folly Pond.  Good numbers of Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler and Redshank also, so a good place to have a look if you are popping in today! Todays high tide is at 08:38, 7.8m Around the

11 March 2017