
Late update - Saturday 26th November

Late update - Saturday 26th November

Another bright and brisk start to the day with freezing overnight temperatures creating a winter wonderland scene on the reserve.  Not so good for the birds who have now been left with Whooper Pond as the only open water.   The cool temperatures have a

26 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Latest Sightings - 24th November - Sun and ice!

Sunny again this morning, but the roads are icy and we have reports of a few accidents already so take care if you are heading our way. The frost and ice looks fantastic in the sun but it's causing a few difficulties for the birds as they skate around th

24 November 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

Reserve Update Wednesday 23rd November

  A fantastic sunny and frosty morning on the reserve with the ducks  skating on the ice. Over 100 Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond first thing this morning. Two drake Green-winged Teal are currently on the Folly Pond, and were present on the res

23 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 22nd November - Road closed B725 from Annan to Bankend & 2 Green-winged Teal!

Latest Sightings - 22nd November - Road closed B725 from Annan to Bankend & 2 Green-winged Teal!

The B725 is closed between Clarencefield & Bankend due to a coach blocking the road at 9am. If coming from Annan you may need to come via Dumfries. A windy but dry start to the day. Over 100 Whooper Swans on the Whooper Pond first thing, battling to

22 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 19th November - sunshine and swans

Latest Sightings - 19th November - sunshine and swans

The Barnacle Geese are everywhere this morning, with big flocks in some of the fields. A cold night, with some frost this morning means the Whooper Swans have stayed on the Whooper Pond instead of going to feed elsewhere. The sun is shining and no wind ma

19 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 18th November - New Whoopers & up close Barnies

Latest Sightings - 18th November - New Whoopers & up close Barnies

The Barnacle Geese are ridiculously close to the Avenue Tower this morning. Please approach the hide quietly and enter immediately to avoid disturbing them. You get a fantastic view from inside the tower. New Whooper Swans have arrived overnight, orange Y

18 November 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 16th November

Reserve Update Wednesday 16th November

Large numbers of Black-tailed Godwit are still out on the Folly Pond this morning with a few Redshank mixed in.  Wigeon and Teal numbers have increased on the Folly Pond and Flood Ground, again possibly as a result of the recent high tides.  It is due t

16 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 15th November

Latest Sightings - 15th November

Still very mild here ,and the sun is out again. It doesn't really feel like winter yet, but we have had some rain and the avenues are a bit wet underfoot. The bright super-moon has meant that a lot of the Whooper Swans left the reserve during the night 

15 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 12th November - Sunshine again!

Latest Sightings - 12th November - Sunshine again!

Another sunny morning on the reserve, and with no wind it's a fantastic day to visit. Wellies would be recommended, as rain overnight has filled a lot of puddles. The Green-winged Teal is still on the Folly Pond beneath the Farmhouse Tower and the two He

12 November 2016

Latest Sightings - 11th November - Sunny and frosty + named Whooper update

Latest Sightings - 11th November - Sunny and frosty + named Whooper update

A fantastic sunny and frosty morning on the reserve. Good numbers of Whooper Swan are here with some possible new arrivals, and it seems we have had an influx of Wigeon over the past few days. Here is the full list of named Whooper Swans which have return

11 November 2016

Reserve Update Thursday 10th November

Reserve Update Thursday 10th November

Good numbers of Wigeon are currently using the various pools around the reserve.  Most are to be found feeding along the edge of the Folly Pond.  They are still joined here by the drake green-winged teal.  A male Stonechat has been observed on a number

10 November 2016

Tuesday November 8th

Tuesday November 8th

The Scaup and Green-winged Teal remain with us as yesterday. The two Hen Harriers both showed well yesterday, as did the Water Rail. A few Yellowhammers are starting to show on the Observatory path and there are Tree Sparrows around the Peter Scott Trail.

8 November 2016

Update, Monday Nov 7th

Update, Monday Nov 7th

The juvenile Scaup remains on The Whooper Pond amongst the 40-odd Tufteds, coming in close at feed times. Whooper Swans there are pretty constant at around 120. The Green-winged Teal is still on The Folly Pond. A Water Rail is often under the feeders in

7 November 2016

Reserve Update Friday 4th November - Fieldfare, Scaup & named Whooper Swans

Reserve Update Friday 4th November - Fieldfare, Scaup & named Whooper Swans

Large mixed flock of thrushes have been feeding down the Avenue today, comprising predominantly Fieldfare with some Song Thrush and Redwing.  This has drawn the predators in with a pair of Sparrowhawk spotted having a tussle over a kill. A juvenile Sca

4 November 2016

Reserve Update Wednesday 2nd November - Snow Goose & Great Egret

Reserve Update Wednesday 2nd November - Snow Goose & Great Egret

Above is a photo taken last night of the Great Egret roosting next to the Teal Pond, observed as we were locking up the Peter Scott Obs. In other news, a Snow Goose has turned up mixed in with the Barnacle Geese and has once again been seen this morning

2 November 2016