
Latest Sightings - 29th April

Latest Sightings - 29th April

The Summer Walk has been mowed and will open on Sunday 1st May. Today's high tide is at 17:44  7.7m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: 4000 Whooper Pond Mallard 6 Tufted Duck 3 Grey Heron 1 Cormorant 1 Oystercatcher 2 - nesting Folly Pond Ma

29 April 2016

Wednesday update, April 27th

Wednesday update, April 27th

The Flood Ground is looking good today, with Black-tailed Godwits intermingled with Reshanks and the busy Black-headed Gulls. Plenty of song in the avenues despite the cold weather, and good nos. of Barnacles still Today's high tide is at 16:09, 8.3m Ar

27 April 2016

Tuesday April 26th

Tuesday April 26th

Again very little change from yesterday. Plenty of Barnacle Geese still, the majority of which are one the merses, best viewed from Saltcot Merse Observatory. Several Blackcaps in full voice despite the bitter north wind Today's high tide is at 15:34, 8.

26 April 2016

Late update, Monday April 25th

Late update, Monday April 25th

Very little apparent change from yesterday. Good goose nos on the merses - c7000 Barnacles and a few Pinkfeet Today's high tide is at 15:02, 8.7m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: C7000 Whooper Pond Mallard 11 Wigeon 2 Tufted Duck 6 Grey Hero

25 April 2016

Sunday 24th April update

Sunday 24th April update

No Avocets again so far (09:30). Black-tailed Godwits and Redshanks on the Folly Pond, along with a few Shelduck, Shoveler, Black-headed Gulls etc. A similar picture down at the Flood Ground. Geese largely restricted to the merses. Last few days for them

24 April 2016

Latest Sightings - 23rd April - No sign of the Avocets

Latest Sightings - 23rd April - No sign of the Avocets

Sadly there is currently no sign of the Avocets on the reserve as of 10am... The North Solway Ringing Group are here today to do a ringing demonstration. They will be catching and ringing small birds between 11am - 4pm in the picnic area. Today's high tid

23 April 2016

Latest Sightings - 22nd April - Avocets still here

Latest Sightings - 22nd April - Avocets still here

The pair of Avocets are still on the Folly Pond today. The Common Crane reappeared briefly yesterday over the eastern merse before flying high to the south east over Brow Well. No sign of it today. Today's high tide is at 13:29  9m Around the reserve t

22 April 2016

Latest Sightings - 21st April - Common Crane & Avocets

Latest Sightings - 21st April - Common Crane & Avocets

It's all go in the sunshine now, with the rare sight of a Common Crane in the Flood Ground at 6pm last night. Sadly it was disturbed and flew high in a westerly direction... This morning there is a pair of Avocet on the Folly Pond, best viewed from the Fa

21 April 2016

Tuesday update, April 20th

Tuesday update, April 20th

Pretty much as yesterday on the reserve, with the addition of a Common Sandpiper on the Whooper Pond and a Sedge Warbler singing mightily at the start of Saltcot Loaning Today's high tide is at 12:23  8.7m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: C30

20 April 2016

Tuesday April 19th

Tuesday April 19th

A dry sunny day thus far, with plenty of Willow Warblers singing and joined by a Blackcap. Little Grebes still active at the Teal Pond, no sign today yet of the Ring-necked Duck Today's high tide is at 11:45  8.5m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Ge

19 April 2016

Monday April 18th update

Monday April 18th update

Still 4000 or so Barnacles and most winter duck species still represented in very low nos. Mallard duckling brood seen today, Ring-necked Duck still obliging on the Whooper Pond. Some lovely summer plumaged Golden Plovers from the Avenue Tower, with a co

18 April 2016

Latest Sightings - 16th April - Hares a plenty

Latest Sightings - 16th April - Hares a plenty

A lovely sunny morning here, but a cool breeze so wrap up warm. Yesterday saw a fall of migrants, with over 50 Sand Martins and 20 Swallows feeding over the Folly Pond. A lone Whooper Swan also dropped in, as did 7 White Wagtails (the Continental European

16 April 2016

Update, Wed April 13th

Update, Wed April 13th

Ring-necked Duck back today, currently on the Whooper Pond. 57 Black-tailed Godwits, mostly on the Flood Ground and Short=eared Owl quartering the main ditch. In the order of 15,000 Barnacles today, virtually all on the merses Today's high tide is at 17:

13 April 2016

Wet Tuesday update, April12th

Wet Tuesday update, April12th

Still 30 Tufted Duck on site but no sign yet of Ring-necked Duck . Much quieter now of course but big nos. of geese, Barnacle in particular. Today's high tide is at 16:50,  9.0m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Geese: C7000 Whooper Swans: 0 Whoope

12 April 2016

Reserve update, Monday April 11th

Reserve update, Monday April 11th

The male Ring-necked Duck is again on the Teal Pond. Barnacle nos. still good with C7000 around and smaller nos. of Pink-footeds in with them. Whoopers now seem to have all gone Today's high tide is at 16:00,  9.5m Around the reserve today: Barnacle Ge

11 April 2016