Sightings - Llanelli

Recent Sightings 9th - 11th October

Recent Sightings 9th - 11th October

Highlights - Spotted Redshank, Garganey, Spoonbill, Pochard, Cetti's Warbler

11 October 2019

Recent Sightings 5th - 8th October

Recent Sightings 5th - 8th October

Highlights - Cattle Egret, Spoonbill, Barn Owl, Grey Plover

8 October 2019

Recent Sightings 2nd - 4th October

Recent Sightings 2nd - 4th October

Little Stint, Ruff, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshank, Peregrine

4 October 2019

Recent Sightings  25th - 27th September

Recent Sightings 25th - 27th September

British Steel HideOut on the Saline Lagoons various waders have shown including: Knot, Greenshank, Redshank, Back tailed Godwit, Curlew Sandpiper, Curlew, Grey Plover, Golden Plover, Lapwing and Dunlin. The Cattle Egret, Little Egrets and Spoonbill are st

27 September 2019

Recent Sightings 21st - 24th September

Recent Sightings 21st - 24th September

Hobby, Black Tern, Curlew Sandpiper, Garganey, Red Kite

24 September 2019

Recent Sightings 17th - 20th September

Recent Sightings 17th - 20th September

Curlew Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Garganey and Cattle Egret

20 September 2019

Recent Sightings 14th - 17th September

Recent Sightings 14th - 17th September

Highlights - Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpipers, Great White Egret and Marsh Harrier

17 September 2019

Recent Sightings 10th - 13th September

Recent Sightings 10th - 13th September

Highlights include: Otter, Cattle Egret, Curlew Sandpiper and Garganey.

13 September 2019

Recent Sightings 7th - 10th September

Recent Sightings 7th - 10th September

Highlights - Curlew Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Garganey, Great White Egret

10 September 2019

Recent Sightings 26th August -  3rd September

Recent Sightings 26th August - 3rd September

Highlights include, Osprey, Garganey, Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Spotted Flycatcher, Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover, Cattle Egret, Spoonbill and Whimbrel.

3 September 2019

Recent sightings 17th - 20th August

Recent sightings 17th - 20th August

Highlights include Spotted Redshank, Cattle Egret, and Grey Plover

20 August 2019

Recent sightings 14th - 16th August

Recent sightings 14th - 16th August

Highlights include, Cattle egret, Holly blue and Southern Hawker

16 August 2019

Recent sightings 10th-13th August

Recent sightings 10th-13th August

Highlights include Cattle Egret, Ruff and Painted Lady butterfly

13 August 2019

Recent sightings 7th - 9th August

Recent sightings 7th - 9th August

Highlights include, Ruff, Wood sandpiper and Spotted redshank

9 August 2019

Recent sightings 3rd - 6th August

Recent sightings 3rd - 6th August

Highlights include Garganey, Cattle Egret, and Kingfisher

6 August 2019