Sightings - Llanelli

Recent sightings 29th September - 2nd October

Recent sightings 29th September - 2nd October

Photo by Rob Werran British Steel Hide A mixture of gulls have been seen on the saline lagoons recently, such as Black Headed gull, Lesser Black-backed gull, Great Black-backed gull and Herring gull. Curlew, Redshank,

2 October 2018

Recent sightings 26th-28th September

Recent sightings 26th-28th September

Photo by Mark Johnson British Steel Hide There has been plenty to see again from the British Steel Hide, including 286 Knot, 311 Dunlin, 210 Redshank, 104 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Spotted Redshank. 400 Greylag geese hav

28 September 2018

Recent sightings 22nd-25th September

Recent sightings 22nd-25th September

Goshawk from the Kingfisher Kitchen. Photo: Nigel Williams British Steel Hide The highest number of Greenshank at the site has recently been recorded at 79, there have also been 579 Knot, 965 Black-tailed Godwit, 504

25 September 2018

Recent sightings 19th-21st September

Recent sightings 19th-21st September

Photo credit Russ Myners British Steel Hide After a stormy week we still have a wide variety of waders out on the lagoons, though in smaller numbers, making it easier to identify. Redshank, Greenshank, Black-tailed

21 September 2018

Recent sightings 15th-18th  September

Recent sightings 15th-18th September

Dunnock in the Millennium Wetlands cr. Russ Myners British Steel Hide Large numbers of waders can be seen from the British Steel Hide with Black-Tailed Godwit, Knot and Redshank numbering in the hundreds. Some Spotted

18 September 2018

Recent sightings 12 - 14th September

Recent sightings 12 - 14th September

Millennium Wetlands Kingfisher again continue to be spotted on deep water lake daily, keep an eye out for them hunting in front of the Peter Scott Hide or on top of the water depth gauge in the lake. Also seen on deep water lake have been 5 Little Egret

14 September 2018

Recent sightings 8th - 11th September

Recent sightings 8th - 11th September

British Steel Hide Our regular wading birds are here in high numbers with Black-tailed godwit, Greenshank and Redshank. Ruff and Knot are also spotted frequently as well as a few Spotted Redshank. 10 Shoveler, 20 Wigeon and 15 Pintail have also been spott

11 September 2018

Recent sightings 31st August - 4th September

Recent sightings 31st August - 4th September

Otter - Russ Myners British Steel Hide Spotted from the British Steel Hide on the 31st have been 280 Redshank, 46 Greenshank, 10 Dunlin, 22 Little Egrets, 189 Curlew, and 771 Black Tailed Godwits. A Gannet was also

4 September 2018

Wildlife Sightings 27-30th August

Wildlife Sightings 27-30th August

Spoonbill. Edward O'Connor British Steel Hide Green and Common Sandpipers have been regular visitors to our newly dug Dafen Scrapes, which are starting to fill up following the rainy weekend. The Goshawk is keeping o

30 August 2018

Recent sightings (11-14th August)

Recent sightings (11-14th August)

Male Blackcap c. Russ Myners British Steel Hide The spectacular big spring tides over the last few days have pushed well over a thousand birds off the estuary and onto the banks around the saline lagoons, to roost away from sources of human disturbance.

14 August 2018

Recent Sightings (8th-10th August)

Recent Sightings (8th-10th August)

British Steel Hide The autumn build up of waders is upon us and counts of Redshank and Greenshank are steadily creeping up. The high tides over the weekend and into next week should see good numbers of birds using the saline lagoons. Counts from the hide

10 August 2018

Recent Sightings (4th-7th Aug)

Recent Sightings (4th-7th Aug)

  British Steel Hide A drop in of 17 Common Gull and 6 Mediterranean Gull, as well as a Little Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper was seen over the weekend on the Dafen Scrapes. Wader counts include a Whimbrel, 2 Dunlin, 2 Spotted Redshank and a Comm

7 August 2018

Recent Sightings (1st-3rd August)

Recent Sightings (1st-3rd August)

British Steel Hide (and Grounds) Autumn passage seems to be beginning now, with quite a nice mixed flock of waders beginning to build up on the saline lagoons. On the 3rd there were 2 Spotted Redshanks, 35 Greenshank, 78 Black-tailed Godwits, 76 Redshank

3 August 2018

Recent Sightings (28th-31st July)

Recent Sightings (28th-31st July)

  Millennium Wetlands The group of Garden Warblers have made several appearances recently, with 2 on 31st seen near the Heron Wing Hide bridge. Other birds out on the reserves include 4 Jay, 3 Long-Tailed Tit, 18 Goldfinch, 4 Blackcap and 5 Chiffcha

31 July 2018

Recent Sightings (26th-27th July)

Recent Sightings (26th-27th July)

British Steel Hide Counts from the British Steel Hide have included 46 Greenshank, 2 Spoonbills (27th), 85 Redshank, 13 Lapwing, 1 Spotted Redshank (winter plumage, 27th), a 1st-summer Yellow-legged Gull (26th), 1 Mediterranean Gull, 2 Common Gull, 27 Cor

27 July 2018