Sightings - Llanelli

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Male Sparrowhawk Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands Shoveler 12 Gadwall 49 Wigeon 13 Teal 13 Tufted Duck 36 Pintail 53 Scaup (Juv) 1 (Last seen 22/11/2016) Snipe 9 Heron 2 Little Grebe 4 Cormorant 4 Water Rail 2 Cett

25 November 2016

Recent Sightings - Scaup and Red Breasted Merganser!

Recent Sightings - Scaup and Red Breasted Merganser!

Juvenile Scaup Cr. WWT Millennium Wetlands Scaup (Juvenile) 1 Green Woodpecker 1 Pochard 1 Water Rail 2 Snipe 7 British Steel Hide Black-Tailed Godwit c750 Bar-Tailed Godwit 1 Knot c550 Golden Plover c250 Dunlin 31 Cu

21 November 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Goldeneye   British Steel Hide Wigeon 276 Teal 54 Shelduck 73 Pintail 3 Shoveler 17 Tufted Duck 20 Great Crested Grebe 1 Comorant 4 Little Egret 4 Black-Tailed Godwit c550 Knot c400 Lapwing 83 Dunlin c20 Snipe 28

18 November 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Snipe Cr. Russ Myners British Steel Hide and Grounds Black-Headed Gull 55 Little Egret 4 Lapwing 97 Wigeon 177 Tufted Duck 20 Pintail 2 Shelduck 40 Pochard 1 Mallard 57 Kingfisher 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Buzzard 1 Mistle Thrush 7 Song Thrush 3 Redwing 1 Bullfinc

15 November 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Sunset cr B Briggs British Steel Hide Cormorant 59 Little Egret 15 Grey Heron 1 Shelduck 9 Wigeon 102 Teal 12 Sparrowhawk 1 Buzzard 1 Grey Plover 2 Lapwing 68 Knot 2 Dunlin c200 Black-tailed Godwit 240 Curlew 5 Redshank 8 Greenshank 11 Black Headed Gull

11 November 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Pintail cr. WWT British Steel Hide and Millennium Wetlands (combined count) Black-tailed Godwit 850 Greenshank 11 Snipe 3 Dunlin 15 Redshank 7 Curlew Sandpiper 2 Grey Plover 1 Knot 1 Lapwing 10 Canada Goose 9 Little Egret 14 Cormorant 15 Grey Heron 1 Gre

7 November 2016

Recent Sightings - Millennium Wetlands and British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings - Millennium Wetlands and British Steel Hide

Wigeon Cr. Robbie Wilson Millennium Wetlands Mallard 76 Gadwall 73 Shoveler 40 Tufted Duck 8 Wigeon 10 Teal 12 Coot 9 Moorhen 1 Comorant 2 Little Grebe 3 Snipe 2 Water Rail 2 Mute Swan 4 Heron 1 British Steel Hide Bla

4 November 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Teal Cr. Russ Myners Millennium Wetlands Shoveler 36 Gadwall 76 Teal 21 Pintail 2 Buzzard 1 Cormorant 7 Cetti's Warbler 3 Grey Heron 1 Snipe 2 Wigeon 10 Little Grebe 1 Song thrush 3 Water Rail 1 Great Tit Long Tailed Tit 5 Goldcrest 1 Goldfinch 7 Britis

2 November 2016

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide

Hen Harrier cr. Andreas Trepte/WWT   British Steel Hide Hen Harrier 1 Barnacle Goose 1 Black Tailed Godwit 18 Redshank 14 Lapwing 36 Little Egret 3 Dunlin 1 Pintail 1 Wigeon 72 Canada Goose 8 Teal 1 Pochard 2 Tuf

28 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Long-tailed Tit cr. Russ Myners   British Steel Hide (thank you Martin Lewis) Merlin 1 Barnacle Goose 1  Meadow Pipit 3 Snipe 3 Kingfisher 1 Sparrowhawk. f 1 Peregrine. juv 1 Greenshank 2 Little Egret 4 Knot on lagoon 15, c150 on estuary   Mil

26 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Autumn leaves cr. Russ Myners   British Steel Hide Black-tailed Godwit 556 Knot c360 Dunlin c160 Greenshank 20 Redshank 88 Lapwing 32 Curlew 359 Spotted Redshank 4 Buzzard 2 Greylag 153 Canada 12 Shelduck 64 Wigeon 339 Tufted Duck 20 Teal 14 Shovele

20 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Pintail cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Lapwing 26 Shelduck 144 Wigeon 210 Pintail 12 Tufted Duck 27 Shoveler 1 Teal 6 Pochard 1 Greylag 127 Curlew 53 Black-tailed Godwit 66 Common Sandpiper 1 Curlew Sandpiper 1 Greenshank c40 Water Rail 1 Oyste

17 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Yellow-browed Warbler cr. Ray Davies   British Steel Hide Yellow-browed Warbler 1 - seen in the grounds until Wednesday 12th Curlew Sandpiper 2 Black-tailed Godwit 2 Greenshank 30 Spotted Redshank 1 Lapwing 9 Common Sandpiper 1 Curlew c300 Dunlin c2

14 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

  Kingfisher, Cr.Rob Werran   Grounds Yellow-browed Warbler   British Steel Hide Greenshank 26 Redshank 6 Spotted Redshank 2 Black-tailed Godwit 6 Curlew Sandpiper 2 Snipe 1 Little Egret 5 Grey Heron 3

11 October 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Turtle Dove sadly no longer around but here's a cracking photo from last week by Ray Davies   British Steel Hide Hen Harrier Marsh Harrier Peregrine Greenshank 15 Spotted Redshank 4 Redshank 52 Curlew 47 Curlew S

3 October 2016