Sightings - Llanelli

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

  Common Buzzard (T. Disley)   Turtle Dove seen in the car park daily until yesterday (Wednesday)   British Steel Hide Greenshank 34 Ruff (Reeve) 1 Snipe 6 Common Sandpiper 1 Spotted Redshank 1 Redshank

29 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

  Turtle Dove cr. James Lees Car Park Turtle Dove 1   British Steel Hide Greenshank 34 Redshank 97 Spotted Redshank 1 Black-tailed Godwit 67 Lapwing 38 Curlew Sandpiper 2 Knot 61 Ruff 1 Pochard 2 Cormorant

26 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Common Sandpiper, cr Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Greenshank 43 Redshank 95 Curlew Sandpiper 5 Dunlin 13 Spotted Redshank 1 Knot 185 Common Sandpiper 3 Curlew 475 Bar-Tailed Godwit 6 Black-tailed Godwit 473 Lapwing 31 Snipe 5 Little Egret 13 Corm

23 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

High tide cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide and Grounds Curlew Sandpiper 12 Ruff 2 Spotted Redshank 3 Turnstone 1 Dunlin 90 Greenshank 59 Redshank 39 Black-tailed Godwit c560 Lapwing 34 Wigeon 241 Pintail 12 Teal 130 Greylag 137 Little Egret 13 Gr

19 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Great White Egret cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Great White Egret 2 Curlew Sandpiper 11 Black-tailed Godwit 406 Bar-tailed Godwit 3 Lapwing 40 Redshank 11 Spotted Redshank 2 Ruff 2 Dunlin 7 Wigeon 51 Marsh Harrier 1 Peregrine 1   Millenni

16 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Wood Sandpiper, cr James Lees   British Steel Hide Wood sandpiper 1 Curlew Sandpiper 6 Greenshank 46 Dunlin 27 Redshank 210 Marsh Harrier 1 Peregrine 2 Sparrowhawk 1 Black-tailed Godwit c500   Millennium Wetlands Small Red-eyed Damselfly Common

12 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Redshank, Spotted Redshank and Greenshank - Cr. Laurie Allnatt British Steel Hide Greenshank 87 - NEW CENTRE RECORD Redshank 315 Spotted Redshank 1 Curlew Sandpiper 5 Ruff 1 Knot 733 Black-tailed Godwit 914 Bar-tailed

10 September 2016

Recent Sightings- British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings- British Steel Hide

Kingfisher, Cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Black-tailed Godwit 1048 (centre record) Bar-tailed Godwit 2 Curlew 409 Whimbrel 3 Greenshank 79 (centre record) Redshank 158 Knot 366 Ruff 1 Dunlin 14 Wigeon 23 P

5 September 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Marsh Harrier (c) T. Disley   British Steel Hide Curlew Sandpiper 1 Ruff 2 Golden Plover 1 Greenshank 40 Lapwing 45 Dunlin 24 Knot 178 Spotted Redshank 1 Egret 21 Wigeon 27 Black-tailed Godwit 229 Peregrine Falco

2 September 2016

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide

Recent Sightings - British Steel Hide

British Steel Hide Dunlin 13 Greenshank 39 Redshank 255 Spotted Redshank 1 Ruff 1 Knot 107 Lapwing 24 Black Tailed Godwit 876 Wigeon 13 Shoveler 18 Gadwall 29 Kingfisher 2 Snipe 3

31 August 2016

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide and Millennium Wetlands

Recent Sightings, British Steel Hide and Millennium Wetlands

Evening Estuary - cr. Rob Werran British Steel Hide Cormorant 12 Little Egret 17 Grey Heron 1 Greylag Goose 152 Canada Goose 23 Shelduck 10 Wigeon 10 Teal 24 Gadwall 55 Shoveler 4 Sparrowhawk 1 Peregrine 1 Oystercatcher 650 Lapwing 32 Knot 9 Dunlin 26 Ru

22 August 2016

Sightings this week

Sightings this week

Cattle on the saltmarsh - cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide Glossy Ibis 1 Black-Tailed Godwit 637 Greenshank 51 Redshank 258 Spotted Redshank 1 Lapwing 44 Knot 6 Dunlin 2 Ruff 1 Curlew 200 Little Egret 8 Greylag 152 Shoveler 4 Teal 24 Wigeon 4 Sh

19 August 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Black-Tailed Godwit, cr. Rob Werran   British Steel Hide this weekend Glossy Ibis 1 seen regularly Green Sandpiper 1 Black-Tailed Godwit 650 Redshank 187 Greenshank 47 Spotted Redshank 1 Marsh Harrier 2 Lapwing 46 Greylag 47 Knot 9 Curlew 1180 out o

15 August 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

Low Tide Count Black-Headed Gull 3,005 Oystercatcher 2,366 Curlew 340 Lesser Black-Backed Gull 33 Little Egret 37 Herring Gull 16 Black-Tailed Godwit 3 Cormorant 8 Whimbrel 1 Shelduck 17 Great Black-Backed Gull 6 Great Crested Grebe 9 Ringed Plover 5 &n

12 August 2016

Recent Sightings

Recent Sightings

British Steel Hide Glossy Ibis 1 - British Steel Hide mobile around the scrapes Spoonbill - present over the weekend from the British Steel Hide Spotted Redshank 1 Redshank 98 Knot 9 Black-Tailed Godwit 584 Greenshank 17 Lapwing 34 Little Egret 46 Teal

8 August 2016